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My thoughts on the travesty of the election and our political process

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Quote Originally Posted by Alundil - pre results
Can it be Post inauguration already (regardless of outcome)? The fawning over our oligarchy, as if there's a functional difference for 90% of the populace either way, is disturbing and distracting.

"which is the way they wants it" --points for those who get the reference

American politics is such a shameless circus of false dilemmas between Boolean illusions. Left/Right Lib/Con Rep/Dem Yes/No On/Off Up/Down. When the insanity ends and the dust and ashes settle will anyone's life have truly changed one way other another? Or will people just rest more easily with the silly notion that their "Team" won one for the gipper?

Sigh....I'm in the wrong business. I should be selling political pennants with big Ds and Rs on them. I could retire a wealthy individual either way.
Quote Originally Posted by Alundil - post results
Thank goodness the world series of stupidity is finally over. The defending champion of ridiculousness has triumphed over the upstart challenger hailing from clueless-istan.

All hail...ah who am I kidding...can't be arsed one way or another.

I just know that I have lots of work tomorrow, not enough hours in the day and yet more government boondoogles and insanity-riddled ideas to help fund.

Vive la republique....or whatever misnomer the public chooses to apply now.
Quote Originally Posted by Alundil morning after
Oh and another bit of random this election cycle (pres, house, senate) we saw approximately 3-4 billion dollars spent. What changed? Same pres, house is the same, senate is the who got screwed?

I think you all can figure out the answer to that one.

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