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Not all press is good press

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Late last night I was cruising around the internet looking for images that I could use or be inspired by for a new Tf2 spray. I decided to google my name and see if any kind of art that went with it came up. Since my spray wasn't going to be some dude sprinting circles around a tombstone, I wondered if any artists had taken any other meaning from the two words together. Maybe that sounds odd but the name originally came from a sort of demon possesed army in a book a friend of mine wrote,the black guard. Their scout/snipers were called graverunners. Hoping for something else along these lines i typed it into google and instead of cool pictures of demon soldiers or ghoulish figures of death I got this:

Sorry Arreo, my bad.
Going by the map and the lack of a clan tag I believe this was one of my first online matches in the game.

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    Anti-Squeaker's Avatar
    LOL. Those we're the good ole days. I still have terrors about that stupid MP40 Extended Mag/Juggernaut combo.