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The Batman

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So, I just finished Batman: Arkham Asylum.
Possibly the best single player game I have played in a year. I was thinking, the Batman is probably one of the most heroic of any comic book character. He has no super-powers and many of his enemies do. He relies on his wit, intellect, agility, intimidation, and trickery to win against overwhelming odds.
But thats enough geek for one post.

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    Toker's Avatar
    Red Dead Redemption. Go!
    moving-target's Avatar
    good game but a little to much hiding in the shadows but a 10 as far as games go
    Adretheon's Avatar
    But thats who Batman is, he lurks in the shadows. Loved the crap outta the game, and can't wait for the 2nd(hopefully next year). It was good to play a game that isn't the same crap that's gettin released over and over.
    moving-target's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Adretheon
    But thats who Batman is, he lurks in the shadows. Loved the crap outta the game, and can't wait for the 2nd(hopefully next year). It was good to play a game that isn't the same crap that's gettin released over and over.
    i guess it is fun gliding down onto an enemy or stringing them up
    woulda just liked a bit more up front action
    Alundil's Avatar
    I'm about half way through i think - and agree it's a great SP game.
    Alundil's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Toker
    Red Dead Redemption. Go!
    I've got a co-worker who is cracking out on this right now.
    moving-target's Avatar
    yeah i know a german guy who aint slept in a couple days over this game heh
    Cojiro's Avatar
    great game, really showed the characters real strong points and didnt deviate from the batman canon.