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Tomorrow is going to suck

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Not only just because I actually have to get up and do crap, but as I found out today, I managed to mangle my class schedule already in the first week xD. I missed my first class of CIS120 (some boring shit computer class), and then lost my internet connection the day before the 2nd day of class. Thus I didn't have it written down that it meets in 2 different rooms. Why is this an issue? WELL there is another class of the same class (different instructor) that meets on the same days at the same time but in different rooms. So basically I went to that class thursday xD. So now Tuesday I have to go to my original class and explaining this should be fun (especially considering I'm technically a Junior, though went to a community college for 2 years).

Oi, How I do so hate life sometimes, and people would thought scheduling the same class at the same time in different (but similar) rooms is a smart idea.

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    Toad's Avatar
    Haha, oops! On the bright side, at least at my old university, drop/add period was 2 weeks into the class, so there were always some students coming in a little late having missed a class or two and the professor just had to deal with it. And hopefully he started out with an easy intro instead of right into the super difficult stuff, so you will have no problem. If worse comes to worse just ask Bunni to help you with your homework.