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The one...

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The one that i love is just within reach, but too far away to grasp. Beauty is one thing, personality is another, in the end all that matters is that i care about her and respect her not for what she looks like, but who she is. Fueled by my ever growing love for her keeps the dream alive, but powering the motives to keep it alive are difficult. Second guessing, predicting the worst but not prepared enough for the best, its a challenge that i took upon my self not to hurt her or my self in the name of love.

I've seen many different women in my life, all were beautiful but only one has never made me feel like this before. There is something different about her that is intoxicating. Many say its her looks and that i cant stop looking at her, but i say its her character, personality and beauty that is wining me over from the rest.

She has let me into a world very different from that I've seen it as. Things become more harder than predicted, simple things become tasks that can take hours. The motives to try them are threatened by my mind predicting the worst, telling me that i cant do it. But the friends that i have help me through it. I know that as long as i respect her decision, i know that i will have another chance. A non-direct no just means that its not the right time, and we should see what happens later on, and then we will see. A direct i don't know, means that she has thought about it before, and wants more time.

Patience will win over with anybody. It is a skill that must be learned, otherwise you will fail. Acquiring the skill is something you must teach your self. Don't let your mind over run your passion, but rather teach your self that as long as you wait to build a stronger foundation in your relationships the framing for a more meaningful relationship will become more stable and easy to fix.

I have learned the skill of patience a long time ago, i have now learned the ways of trying for a more meaningful relationship which i could not do with out the help of close friends. I now know that i have another chance at this, and that will be the second time in my life. Some say the first time you ask somebody out for a date that its the most difficult, i can not deny that after just going through that my self. Yet the same challenges await me, and will be just as difficult as the first. But i have learned something new; respect, patience, and caring will win over the one that i love.

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Updated 01-16-12 at 10:49 AM by DonVitoJr

Life , Real Life

