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I can tell by your smile your coming undone....

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The things you told me about how you didn't like the life you were living. The situations you are in. The aftermath of many destructive forces. The things you wanted differently. The things you wanted. The way you had to deal with them. It all made me realize that we both have similar issues, but in our different ways. All the major things that happened to you through out your life, made mine look miniscule. But you made it through them all, but not it the right way. Keeping them in side you to show that you are not weak. To show that you are fine, when in fact you are crumbling. Nobody to support you, nobody to give help, nobody to give guidance. Only people that made you crumble more. The people that were suppose to help, never did. They show no interest. No compassion.

Since the beginning of this ordeal you have stayed with me. You have not ignored me. You have not hurt me. You have respected me. I have respected you. I care for you. And in return you care for me. You have shared with me the things in your life that have made you do the things you do. But you have yet to show them all. I have found a friend that that can truly trust and share with you the things that bother me. We both have found somebody to talk to in the time of uncertainty. In the time of need.

What you have gone through in the past months, should never have happened. I don't see anything in you that says "I deserve this, lay it out on me". I see it differently. I see somebody that is cornered. Somebody that is in need. Somebody that needs help.

I have been in the same position years ago, and even today. I had no help, i had to figure my own way out of it. And i like to share them with you. When you give the looks that you are bothered, i ask and listen. When you are uncertain, i give you my advice. When i give you my advice, i cant help but enjoy the smile that you put on your face. Showing that you know that there is hope, and i can help you. Knowing that you are coming undone from the grips of your issues. I then know that you are confident in yourself on dealing with the issues, and knowing when to ask me for help.

Even without you in need of my help, i still cant help but enjoy your smile. It's intoxicating, it makes me sane. Before you were never like this, you were never truly happy with all things, only a few. Seeing you smile more tells me that you are starting to like the things in life more. But its not all over.

Many more things stand in your way. And i know you will find a way to get past them. I have given you the tools to do so, and the guidance to do it right. And i only ask this of you when you get passed them all. Don't put them aside to deal with them later, don't hurt yourself to make the pain go away. Turn away from those that don't help and are only adding to it, and look to those that you trust.

Whatever is bothering you now, i am sorry. I know it not my fault and has nothing to do with me, but i can only say that I'm sorry that you have to go through this. You don't deserve it, you don't need something holding you back. Whatever comes of this in the end, i can only hope for the very best.

Thank you for being the closest friend i have. A friend that can understand what I'm going through. A friend that i can help. A friend that i care about.

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Updated 09-30-11 at 09:39 PM by DonVitoJr

Life , Real Life

