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So I finally decided to upgrade my aging gaming rig. It is amazing how much computing power $500-$600 buys these days. Quad-Core, 4GB of RAM, and all the latest whiz-bangs like USB 3.0 and SATA 6G/s. Now if only someone would figure out a way to teleport my parts to Germany so I don't have to wait on shipping.

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    king_of_hearts's Avatar
    specs? brands? anything?

    Gumby, you are extremely vague. haha.

    Tell us of your whiz-bangs!
    Gumby's Avatar
    oh, I got a 3.2 Ghz Black Edition Phenom X4, 4 GB of G.Skill RipJaw DDR3, and an MSI 870A-G54, and a 640 GB WD Caviar Black. I am keeping my GeForce 8800 GTS (512) for now. I do plan to upgrade that too. I found a Radeon 5850 here local today for €250 and between the great exchange rate and my VAT exemption, that will be like $240-ish. I also got a really nice HSF for €5 from a friend that bought it thinking it would work on an i7, but it only fits AM2 and AM3. Now I just have to wait on Newegg to ship it to me.
    king_of_hearts's Avatar
    great price for that 5850... here in the states the 5830's cost about that.