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Insufficent space

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So I was installing a game last night and I let it go over night figuring by the morning it would be ready to play. But no, it wasn't. I had to clear some additional space for it.

Since when was a 250GB HDD not enough for a few games and some music?

Video games are getting super size on their hard drive consumption. It is tough for me to keep a few good games on the same drive without having to uninstall four games before installing the newest one.

Steam has made it far easier for me considering I no longer have to keep track of the game discs and such, however, I still have a lot of games and when I see friends on steam playing a game I've got I want to be able to join them so I try and keep the most popular games installed even if I do not play them frequently. (See TF2, CS:S and L4D)

Games need to be smaller! I know the larger ones typically are higher quality but still! Ugh!


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Updated 06-01-10 at 03:23 AM by JBMCW2010

Life , Virtual Life


    WileECyte's Avatar
    250 gigs, in the big scheme is really pretty small. Seagate announced 3 terabyte drives for later this year. The way I avoid issues like this is to keep all my data (especially music) on another drive.
    As for your problem, thankfully Steam makes it fairly easy to relocate your games to another drive...
    JBMCW2010's Avatar
    forgot to mention, I've been using a laptop as my primary machine for about a year now, so only the one hdd. When I go with a new desktop I'll be for sure getting a large hdd.
    psychonitrous's Avatar
    My configuration for Hard disks:
    2x seagate 320GB in raid 0 partitioned 100GB OS and the rest as 'Game Space'
    2x Western Digital 80GB drives in Raid 1 for music and important stuff
    1x Seagate 750GB storage
    1x 250GB storage overflow drive

    I am planning on getting 2x 1.5TB drives and raid 1 them as a replacement for my 80GBs
    Imisnew2's Avatar
    Get an external HD JBMCW. I've got an external 500GB HD that I've used about 150GB on, with an internal 350GB HD (laptop) that I've used about 275GB on. If I didn't have the external, I'd be SOL.
    Bunni's Avatar
    You know if you got rid of eve, youd have a more free space
    WileECyte's Avatar
    Ah... laptop would be a different story. I'd still store my music/data on an external drive.
    JBMCW2010's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Bunni
    You know if you got rid of eve, youd have a more free space
    It has been contemplated bunni. I have no active accounts currently. Been 3 weeks since I let them drop. Sadly my funding situation is not where I'd like it to be.
    DJ Ms. White's Avatar
    It is kind of nice not having to worry about eve. If I ever get back in, I'm saving up to get a high SP character. Those are the types of characters that get into the fun alliances and don't have to deal with the crappy ones.
    Alundil's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by JBMCW2010
    It has been contemplated bunni. I have no active accounts currently. Been 3 weeks since I let them drop. Sadly my funding situation is not where I'd like it to be.
    Sigh - kinda thought that there was a reason people had been very quiet lately.....(as in not on)
    Red_Lizard2's Avatar
    have the same problem, I think I had to go from almost 20 games installed, down to i think about 10 at most now, all the super big massive games taking up my harddrive space :/. I'm guessing you've done defrags/disk cleanups correct? That usually helps me find some extra room (running a defrag with defragger a couple days ago opened up almost 20gb worth of room :O)
    DancingCorpse's Avatar
    I'm surprised I am the first to say: It's because of all the damn porn!
    Imisnew2's Avatar
    It's because we aren't douche bags corpse :P