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Knee of Justice


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a summary of the trip:

-woke up at 4:30 to go to airport
-flight leaves at 6:30
-due to slight weather conditions, we are rerouted to Lafayette, Louisiana, instead of going to Houston, Texas
-wait around in Lafayette for 2 hours until they deem is acceptable to fly to Houston
-fly to Houston
-we missed our flight to Cancun from Houston, because it left while we were in Lafayette
-stood in line for a half hour so they could re-book our flight
-get scheduled for 4:00 (2 hours from the current time)
-to get to our new flight, we have to go to the C terminal
-guess what? the cable car that takes you from terminal to terminal broke...
-got fixed five minutes later, luckily.
-this part I can't complain about, we got to eat at a great seafood restaurant.
-we make our 4:00 flight
-we have to sit in the runway 30 minutes because of weather complications
-plane finally leaves
-we get there, cant find out bags
-turns out Freddy, the world's only 6'7" mexican already got our bags. once again, can't complain, we were just worried they got lost.
-condo is great, happy I'm here

A few days later, I went to Xplor, an all day event, with my step sister, and three friends.

it rained hard, so the area to check-in was flooded with 1 and a half feet of water, not kidding, it was up to my shins. we followed some mexican with a flashlight down a cave filled with higher water (about 2 feet) to our lockers, and headed off through more flooded caves to get to the rafting event.

the rafting event was flooded with water, and the water was too close to the ceiling so we had to just swim it instead. was actually quite nice. calming. water wasn't too cold, either.

we went to go ziplining next, and a poor stray cat followed me all the way there it broke my heart abandoning it to go ziplining. the cat was jumping around cause it didnt like the flooding water . I carried it to a dry spot before leaving, but it kept following me. I was sad.

ziplining was fun, wasn't effected by the flooding hardly at all. after the ziplining, I fed a wild deer with a leaf.


we went to the buffet and drank mango juice which tasted like ass, seeing as it was made literally out of poorly crushed mangoes and honey. Yes, mangoes and honey. although the other stuff was ALGDLSHGLJSHDGKJSHDkjgh good.

uploading pics soon as I get them. theyre supposed to email them to me.

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    Alundil's Avatar
    Yall shoulda stayed in Lafayette. My hometown is great. Great food and great people.

    But, enjoy the vacation.