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I'm a Time Traveller

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So this blog post is from past, and if everything actually worked this blog should appear at 10:00 AM on the 22nd. Mainly just to test the "publish on" feature. But here is a song I very much enjoy, just so it's not a complete waste of time.

"Stuff is Messed up" Probably one of my favorite songs by Offspring. Excellent band, I love the sarcasm and irony in every single line they place in their lyrics.
Anyway here:

And the Lyrics for the hilarious fast parts.

Now, I don't know and it's hard to explain
But it seems like things are just kind of insane
Because the world is crying but nobody's listening,
So please leave a message on my cell phone!

I see bullets getting better, biblical weather
And that guy on TV is like a total asshole
Who are you wearing tonight? Celebrity fundraiser, tight!
Black ties making wrongs right, how's your social Band-Aid?

I don't know much,
I don't know too much...
But I know this -
Shit is fucked up!

I guess it's all about the dream,
The ends justify the means
I'm tellin' you, shit is fucked up!
You know, it's all about the dream,
The ends justify the means

Now thank god for the media for saving the day,
Putting it all into perspective in a responsible way
With more celebrity news, typical bullshit views,
I think we're losing this fight sponsored by Bud Light

And now we're rockin' the casbah and taking the flak,
The genie's out of the bottle and we can't put it back
All this stuff, it's overwhelming my brain
Can you see the storm comin'? It's coming this way...

I don't know much,
I don't know too much...
But I know this -
Shit is fucked up!

I guess it's all about the dream,
The ends justify the means
I'm tellin' you, shit is fucked up!
You know, it's all about the dream,
The ends justify the means,
Justify the means!

Shopping sprees, RPG's, ecstasy, atrophym,
Genocide, pimp my ride, politize, euphemize,
Injustice everywhere, apathy, I don't care,
Hurricanes, climate change, huh!

Therapy, I won't tell, rehab and LOL
Worldwide calamity, TV reality
Euthanize, supersize, death squads and boob jobs
VIP infamy, gratify instantly

I don't know much,
I don't know too much...
I don't know much,
I don't know too much!

I guess it's all about the dream,
The ends justify the means
I'm tellin' you, shit is fucked up!
You know, it's all about the dream,
The ends justify the means
The means, the means!

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Music , Goofing Around


    Mr.Expendable's Avatar
    Like the band
    space.cowboy's Avatar
    It posted at 12:00 (anywhere that it matters), so you fail (for being Californian).
    LuckyDucky's Avatar
    You're just jealous of our awesome wine and better timezone.