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Easy update to core system

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I recently replaced my mobo, cpu, and memory as follows:

Win7 64 bit; Coolermaster COSMOS 1000 with Side Panel Window; i5 2500k @ 4.6 ghz with Coolermaster Hyper 212 heatsink; ASUS Z68 mobo; XFX 5870; Corsair 620HX PS; 8 GB DDR3 1600; Intel X25 SS (game) Drive; Kingston Hyper-X 120gb SSD (OS Drive); 1.5 Terabyte Backup;|Creative X-Fi Platinum Audio

I also got the Kingston SSD so my OS has more room to grow, I moved all my games to the old intel SSD and used 'steam mover' to move my most frequently played steam games to my Kingston SSD (with OS).

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