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Gaming Strategies

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Over the last few years, I have been getting a lot of requests for a "Partyball Strategy Guide." I figured now is a good time to start one. This will be broken down into sections. These will be a work in progress. They will take some time to think about and type up. I will also take request for topics. I need more ideas. The topics that I will be thinking about first are computer set-up, general strategies, and what to look for while in-game.

OK, first up is computer set-up. In this section I will describe keyboard layout, mouse position and layout, settings.

Keyboard Layout

For keyboard layout, I do not use the standard W=Forward, A=Left Strafe, S=Backwards, D=Right Strafe (WASD) keys. I feel that that kinks my wrist too much. I like to use a much more natural feeling position. I typically use A=Forward, CAPS=Left Strafe, LSHIFT=Right Strafe, Z=Backwards. To me, this is much more natural position and less fatigue for the wrist. I am not saying you should change, I am just saying get comfortable. If you aren't comfortable, you are going to like playing.

Learn your keys like the back of you hand. Know them subconsciously. If you have to think about what key to hit, you are toast. Your reaction time is a lot faster if you just do instead of think about it. Have all of the important keys in close reach. If you have to lift your hand to hit a button, that isn't very convenient or efficient. This will get you killed.

Mouse Position and Layout

The mouse is obviously very important. I can't tell you how many times, someone has asked me what was wrong with there mouse and it end up being from the bargain bin at Wal-Mart. Get yourself a good gaming mouse. It will change the way you game. Getting one that you can change the DPI on-the-fly is very useful. Just think about the tanks in BC2. Hop in one and crank up the DPI. Instantly, you have a turret that will make you nostalgic of BF2.

In windows, I use the highest mouse speed it has. It helps you train for in-game. Working with it like that in Windows, helps with getting on target faster in-game. I just move my hand. There is little to no wrist movement for my wrist.

I place the mouse between the thumb and ring finger. My pinky is off to the side as kind of a controllable drag or break. Use very light pressure. Think of it as holding an egg. Let it glide on the surface. Don't use downward pressure.


This has the ability to take you from a 1:1 player, to a 2:1 player. Get yourself a good computer. Max that sucker out. If you can not do this, you are really limiting yourself. If you can't see them, you can't hit them. For those that don't have a high end machine, get the highest settings you can go with it running smoothly. I went from a Core2Duo to a 17-2600K. My k/d went from 1.8 to 2.8 pretty much instantly.

Always scan the entire screen. I like a FOV of about 75. Don't just look at the crosshairs, use the entire screen. I hear people all of the time say " I didn't even see (some number of people that I killed) people!" You could, just look around. There is always someone trying to kill you.

I thought these topics were important before even talking about strategies. If you are not comfortable and relaxed, things don't go so well. You need to have things easily accessible and memorized subconsciously. One last pro-tip: sex before gaming is the best and easiest way to achieve these. We all know, Moving-Target will have to find "other" means.

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    Toker's Avatar
    Look forward to more... thanks... ^_^
    Toker's Avatar
    One last pro-tip: sex before gaming is the best and easiest way to achieve these.

    Loved this tip. It's true! It serves as double purpose too, because not only should you be relaxed, but the significant other should give you the green light for some epic gaming... *Thumbs Up*
    Allane's Avatar
    Interesting article. I look forward to your future issues.

    I would comment more on the things you say, but I would have to end up writing a counter-blog/article.

    But, here's a synopsis of my thoughts:
    I do something similar with my mouse movements, but I leave my mouse on the highest DPS, but then turn down the sensitivity using Windows. This lets me keep very accurate movements over small distances (since it doesn't have my mouse flinging everywhere)
    For the keyboard, I just move my mouse further to the right, so I don't have to do anything funky with my hands. I also game on a $20 Comfort Curve keyboard from Microsoft. It seems to serve me pretty well.
    For graphics, I find that a balance between draw distance and frames is critical. Frames are typically the deciding factor in whether I can react to something fast enough.
    In observing your surroundings: unless you're shooting someone or looking at a very far distance for something in particular, focus on the edges of your screen.
    Madmax (Grape)'s Avatar
    Always fun to read others' tips for improving.

    But I don't understand your keyboard setup. You put the keyboard sideways or...? Which finger is on which key? Seems like you wouldn't be able to counter-strafe effectively/quickly.

    A few things about sensitivity:
    Turn off all mouse acceleration. Even better, use raw input if the game supports it (BF3 beta and the Source games do). This allows you to use muscle memory and have much more reliable reactions.
    It has always been recommended that windows sensitivity be set to the middle (6th) position because the windows scale is not linear and the multiplier works off of setting 6/11 as 1:1. Anything else will decrease your precision. Using your mouse's DPI (CPI) adjuster is the way that provides the most precision.
    Updated 10-21-11 at 12:41 AM by Madmax (Grape)
    Partyball's Avatar
    Keyboard is normal. I put my middle finger on A, index on Z, and ring on Caps. I feels natural to me. I have used this set-up for 15 years. It is what I know, and I don't think about movement. I just do it.
    Interests's Avatar
    Good post; your movement key setup is very interesting, I will have to look into it. Do you really play with 75, though? What makes it better than an 85-90 degree FOV?

    A general rule of thumb is that a lower sensitivity will actually improve accuracy significantly in the long run. In professional/league games (TF2, for example), you will be hard pressed to find someone whose 180 degree turn doesn't require a lot more movement than usual, but it pays off in the precision and accuracy of the shots you take.

    High sensitivity can hinder precision more often than not- if you have to do a quick turn to get scoped on the guy behind you, a high sens. could have you miss him and hit in the arm rather than the chest, or even not hit at all. Lower sens. is the way to go.
    Partyball's Avatar
    With higher FOV you sometimes get a "fish eye" effect.
    Awesom-O's Avatar
    When I marked up against you in BF3 Party, I knew my rig was much much slower at processing so I was like, geesus, what kind of rig you got you said, top of the line.
    That was enough for me, so I'm doing what I can for an upgrade.

    Can you share the buttons/functions you use to switch guns ie. rifle to pistol?

    Partyball's Avatar
    I use the number keys. Which, is what I used in BC2. I think they are opposite from each other though. BC2 I think 1 is pistol where it is Main Weapon in BF3. In BC2, switching to my pistol was almost automatic. I am sure I have gotten a few of you very quickly, with the pistol, after I used the rifle shot. Just takes practice on doing things without thinking about them. BF3 is a little different in that rifles are not one shot kills. I have had to adjust my play style somewhat. I don't know how many times, I have come up on a squad only to kill one or two of them having to reload both my pistol and my main gun. I usually die at this point in reloading. I don't really like that, but, I got to do what I got to do.
    Partyball's Avatar
    Had to split it. Over 1000 Chars.

    I am still having trouble getting to my other weapons like the rocket, repair tool, and defibs. I have to lift my hand to hit 3, where as before I would hit W twice. Kind of annoying. I used to use W to switch weapons in BF2. But, BF3 and BC2 doesn't have a switch weapon button other than the number keys and the mouse wheel.

    What are you planning on upgrading? What are you current specs? I will post mine below.

    Proc: i7-2600K
    RAM: 8GB 1600MHz
    Video: 2 x 6950

    I am running BF3 on AUTO with Ultra and High settings. I am getting about 100-150 average FPS on their own little ctrl+alt+s.
    Awesom-O's Avatar
    I'll post my Upgrading To specs as you requested not to intend to take away from your blog topic here.

    Proc: i7-975 (almost identical to the i7-980)
    RAM: 8gb
    Video: 1x6950 - since I didn't have to pay for the proc, I might as well make this 2x.
    Mobo: whatever is compatible to the above
    +new case
    REMY's Avatar
    Good read. Thanks for taking the time.