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New Blog Series: 28 flavors of Cheba Hut

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Cheba Hut is a restaurant started in Tempe, AZ near ASU and has since grown to now having about 5 locations in Arizona, 3 (or 4) in Colorado, and opening ones in Oregon, California, New Mexico (i think they may already have one there), and Iowa (iirc). Cheba Hut is one of my favorite sub shops as they have some really good food (and the innuendo doesn't hurt :P).

Anyways to the blog series, the Cheba hut here in Flag is doing a sort of "reward card" type thing, but it is a bit different then usual cards. In this one they have all 28 of their subs listed on the card, for each sub you get (the "flavors") you get a punch on that one. After you complete 2 sections you get a free 4" sub, after you complete 4 sections i believe you get an 8" sub, and after you finish every section on the card you get a free T-Shirt, 12" sub, chips and a drink.

Now, I'll admit I'm a sucker for both the restaurant, and reward cards. So my plan is once or twice a week (I usually eat out once a week, just to get something different then Ramen). I am going to try a different sub I don't have punched. And because I lead an active social life (Ha!) I'll post my opinions about each one on the blog. The reason? two fold, One I'm usually really bored at night so this will be something to do, and second, I love the place so why not do some free promo xD (too bad they wouldn't pay me :P).

Today's first sub i'm trying is a repeat of one I have had before, basically a Chicken Teriyaki from their menu it is described as:
Chicken breast marinated in our home-grown teriyaki glaze, then topped with green bell peppers, pineappple & pepper jack cheese.
I also got Mayo, Lettuce and Onions on it as well. I'll post my opinion on it within a few hours, after I have had time to eat it (plus I need to cook up some ground beef to use up the beef, so may take awhile). I'm hoping the Innuendo won't be a problem, once I know its okay, I'll post up the actual sub names.

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