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CH Blog Series #1: Terriyaki Chicken

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so I meant to put this in the first, but I couldn't find the edit post button and comments are only 1000 characters so hopefully it fits in here. Sorry for the issues xD, hopefully won't run into it again. As I said not sure if I can put the name up so we'll stick with Terriyaki Chicken. The Review:
I've decided to split it into a few different categories. Reason for this came from thinking of my own experience with subs. A lot of it actually is due to Subway xD, where I have found that the flavor of their subs can be affected mostly by sauce and what you add to it. Subway has terrible meat (imo) but decent sauces. Anyways to the review:

Meat: The meat in this sub is, obviously, chicken. I like Cheba Hut's chicken, it has good flavor, isn't too dry, and taste actually like real chicken xD. With the Terriyaki sub, I have found you taste the chicken much more then most other subs, thus it is pretty important. Overall my feeling of was that it was pretty good, not the best chicken I've had in my life, but I think you'll have a hard time finding much better at a Sub shop. I'd say it is 8/10.

Sauce: The sauce was okay, to me I've found it is really hard to taste the terriyaki sauce on this sub. When I could taste it is was pretty good, it is hard to explain the taste of terriyaki sauce as it tastes like terriyaki xD. When the sub sat a bit I could taste it a bit more. I think my feelings on the sauce would go up if more of it was put on. Overall, as is, I would say it is 5/10 but probably would go up to 7/10 if they slathered more of it on.

Bread: Short bit on the bread, but was nothing special, I got the garlic herb which was fine, it doesn't really stand out like subway bread can (though that may be due to most of the subway stuff inside the bread is shit) I'd say 5/10.

Overall Okay, so I'm going to go with a big category here as I can't think of a better name, but mainly this will be how it tasted overall, the combo of flavors, stuff like that. I liked the pepper jack cheese, it wasn't very spicy but just enough of a kick to add a little flavor to the sub, I think a little more spiced, combined with the nice pieces of pineapple would be a great combo of sweet and heat. It may be worth trying to get jalapeños on the sub to achieve that. The bell peppers seemed to fit well on there and I liked the flavor of them and how they worked on the sub, not much else I can say about that. I though the chicken meat was good, but needed a bit more of the sauce to really help it out with its flavor, it could get a bit dry at times, but wasn't horrid (why I think more sauce would help). I'd probably go with a 7/10 mostly due to needing a bit more heat, and obviously more sauce to help out the chicken

Meat: 7/10
Sauce: 5/10
Bread: 5/10
Overall: 7/10


  • Flavor of the Chicken
  • the Pineapple
  • good Bell Peppers

  • Lack of sauce
  • needs more heat

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