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Top 10 Pet Peeves of Regulars.....Wha?

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I Thought I'd go ahead and post this up. With some Limitations.........

This thread is Courteous, Civil, and Fair!
This Thread is not a Bash-fest or Joke-Roast of another player.
This Thread is to promote Better Gaming through team play.

Do NOT Post Names.
Do NOT Post Screen shots with players names.

Hopefully We will read these posts with a grain of Salt, Take in to consideration our own Play-styles and Adapt or Evolve.

EDIT ***** I was going to put this in the BC2 Forum, But I figured I wouldn't Risk the Debacle *****

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    SmokenScion's Avatar
    Walk the Talk, moron.
    Alundil's Avatar
    well - this has languished with zero "Top 10" entries....

    I'd say a peevish thing is "Top N" list with 0 entries
    Warprosper's Avatar
    outside of game one of my pet peeves is when people scuff their feet when they walk. It's a sign of laziness and I can't stand it.. Worse than nails on a chalkboard...
    Alundil's Avatar
    In game "peeves":

    People who insult other players over voip or chat. I'm competitive and have competed in athletics at high levels. But dislike people who talk shit and lob insults.

    People who pilot a mutli-person air vehicle only to bail over an objective without communicating to the passengers therefore killing them all with no negative repercussions..
    Warprosper's Avatar
    I cant stand people who get angry when their teammates make mistakes or their disrespectful to new players.
    maximusboomus's Avatar
    I cant stand how Tenrou hacks, Warposer takes 5 mins every half hour to pleasure himself and how Smokin Scion alerts every Zed in his area when he plays DayZ with me
    SmokenScion's Avatar
    Tenrou's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by maximusboomus
    I cant stand how Tenrou hacks, Warposer takes 5 mins every half hour to pleasure himself and how Smokin Scion alerts every Zed in his area when he plays DayZ with me
    Eat a penis with a side of semen tea!
    Merritt's Avatar
    People who go through your backpack when your not looking are the same people who go through their own sister's underwear drawer.
    MsGman95's Avatar
    my biggest peeve of gaming is when a game starts to glitch up! like in Borderlands yesterday i was stuck in mid air and i couldn't even kill myself h i can't take it when something like that happens...Specially when you have to walk like 40 minutes to the objective and killing the toughest enemies in game with their thick armors...out side of gaming my peeve is when I'm talking to some one and out no where some one else shows up starts talking against me(without knowing the topic!)you can say i hate it when some one pokes his nose into my business!
    maximusboomus's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Merritt
    People who go through your backpack when your not looking are the same people who go through their own sister's underwear drawer.
    Lol Heres a fucking crazy idea... Anything in your backpack is as good as someone elses in DayZ.... The other day I was given blood by a stranger in the dark, later that day after running like hell for the fields as a 5 man pvp battle broke out in the dark I came across another friendly stranger, he was using binoculars to watch the fight in Elektroza. I announced myself as a noob and just was passing by, raided his backpack while we chatted and left with all his food and his Makarov Lesson #1 of Day Z: The backpack isn't safe :P
    Option hunter's Avatar
    I hate how Scion constantly changes his avatar. One minute it's a picture of a pint of beer, the next, Yeti hugs. :/

    As to gaming pet peeves, it has to be my bad luck. It never fails that I start finding the good stuff and then, bam, random headshot in the middle of the woods.
    DR.F33LG00D's Avatar
    Guyver shows up sometimes. That's my peeve, god dammit.

    Just kidding. Guyver, I love you.
    619summon's Avatar
    players whos sole game play is to do everyting they can to pad and save thier K/D
    Updated 08-02-12 at 11:38 AM by 619summon
    azalea's Avatar
    People who comment on someone's tactical mis-steps (all right, in my case absolute f&%^ups) with personal insults instead of constructive criticism. It isn't helping your team if you're ruining their day.
    GReYVee's Avatar
    regs that do not drink, especially those who do not drink beer. I mean seriously get with it. If you're under 21, no excuse
    Vexon's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by GReYVee
    regs that do not drink, especially those who do not drink beer. I mean seriously get with it. If you're under 21, no excuse
    If you say so!
    Option hunter's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by GReYVee
    regs that do not drink, especially those who do not drink beer. I mean seriously get with it. If you're under 21, no excuse
    Sorry Greyvee. I have yet too meet a beer that I liked.

    Now, gimme some Rum, and gimme some coke, and I'll drink til one of them run out.
    Aegis-77A's Avatar
    Team Killers, vehicle whores, obnoxious players who are quick to throw insults, medics that refuse to revive, support that refuse to drop ammo hubs and anyone with an 1337 attitude.
    SourceSkills's Avatar
    People who don't enjoy the game! I mean come on people LAUGH have a good time that's what its there for. Also people that don't talk and I mean tactical and non tactical chat but especially if there isn't any tactical chat ugh that's annoying.
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