Quote Originally Posted by Mango_Attack View Post
I was having problems targeting enemies too. In the first game i would just cycle through the enemies by pressing tab, and when I found one I would just elementalist spike him till death. This one was a little different because TAB wouldn't always go to the enemies I wanted. For example. I'd press tab and get a crimson moa. The bird would be passive till I accidentally launched a fireball at it, then it would want to attack, and when I'm fighting a group already this extra enemy is now a problem. ADDITIONALLY, Tab wouldn't get me my enemy without it being on screen. Which is ridiculous because, realistically, I could target an enemy without seeing it because I could hear it or feel it or whatever. Hopefully this will be fixed or I was just missing the new 'target nearest enemy' button. Elementalist was cool as heck to play with. I also would like the zoom features to be updated.
Target nearest enemy is in the game, they just have it unbound. Not that it's great, it's still as buggy as tab is. I have some more things to say but I'm about to leave so to be continued.