Dear all,

This has probably already been suggested but I think TPG should start a 25 man progression raiding and pvp battleground guild. We've got some pretty awesome players and I think we can make a dent in the progression and pvp world standings. Current game settings in WOW make it extremely easy to grind oneself into a position to complete "end-game" content.

Some things that we will need to consider:

1. Alliance or Horde

Most servers tend to be dominated (>.60 : .40) by the Horde, which means several things including:
1. Horde tend to experience longer queue times for dungeons, arenas, battlegrounds, scenarios
2. Horde tend to experience more interactive game play with other Horde guilds
3. Horde auction house is controlled by one or two guilds
4. Alliance players get pwned on a daily basis
5. Alliance leveling sucks ass
6. Alliance tend to band together to complete mundane tasks

2. Server Type

Most of us are central standard time gamers which is why I think we should consider those servers first. Aside from that we must choose whether or not open PVP in the "World" is what we want or if it is RPG. Although I am not particularly awesome at PVP, open PVP worlds allow players to gain extra resources, honor, and to a certain extent respect on their server.

3. Raid Times

TBD. I would argue a weekend warrior approach 2-3 raids 3hours in length between Thursday - Sunday.

4. Guild Name: Should we make it TPG or come up with a clan name for members to join?

5. Loot Rules

This is something that always tends to cause friction among guilds. I personally would argue MS>OS roll on everything. However, WOW has made it easy now with several automatic looting systems that allow players to use coins garnered from dailies for extra rolls at gear; however using this system requires all people to select a loot specialization before every boss.

6. Toons:

We'll need tanks that can read up on every fight as well as become masters of their class. We will also need 5 - 6 healers of varying types including tank heals and raid heals. Lastly, we will need 9 - 12 ranged dps and 5 - 8 melee dps.

I have 10 toons at level 90. I am usually a healer.
