Hello mga paps!
Shout out sa lahat ng PC MMO gamers!

Please make sure to try out our game, Playpark Kritika!
We currently have a nationwide tournament ongoing, do check out our fanpage to know more

Download and start training with your teams dali!

Mechanics: All-Stars 2017 | Kritika SS: Seize and Secure Tournament Mechanics
Kick off event: ALL-STARS 2017
Pre-register for KritikaSS: Kritika SS: Seize and Secure Tournament

Website: http://ktk.playpark.com/
Register: https://secure2.playpark.com/register
Download the game here: http://download.playpark.com/ph/detail/234
PH Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Playpark.Kritika.PH/