Quote Originally Posted by Warflagon
Quote Originally Posted by Alundil
I hate to hear that you're going through this. What I find crazy, is that I get the same email about some kind of pw reset for WOW about once every 2-3 weeks. The shit of it is?......I've never played WOW. Ever.
Sounds to me like a phishing enterprise.
The main, newest, difference being that the senders have managed to track a particular email address to a possible player of mmorpgs.

I'm no rocket scientists but it seems easy enough.

If I could rip off the personal user info (or purchase it outright....who really reads the terms of service anyway?) for any particular MMORPG interest site (could be this particular sub forum, a new game site like STO, a buisness site where mmorpg's could be bought like Amazon or Ebay, a site like MMORPG.com, or maybe an older failed attempt at a game like darkfall, dark and lite, ect.) and have plenty of possible email address to phish at.

Maybe you played wow maybe you didn't.
But if you have left an email trace somewhere where MMOPRG's are a focus of discussion/purchase then it's possible the scammer is giving you a better than 50% chance of playing one.

That's my guess.

That's a very accurate assumption on how phishing lists get made.