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    Patch Notes for Inferno 1.1

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno 1.1.9
    To be deployed on Wednesday, July 11, 2012

    Corporations & Alliances

    • Bills for wars are now cancelled if the war ends in a surrender.


    • Fixed an issue that caused the client to slow down rendering if it had been minimized to the dock and brought back into focus.

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno 1.1.8
    To be deployed on Monday, July 9, 2012


    • Bombs now have resistances back again, so they will no longer take full damage.

    Corporations & Alliances

    • Allies who signed up to defend a target against an alliance will now join the copied wars when a member corporation leaves the aggressor alliance.

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno 1.1.7
    Deployed on Thursday, July 5, 2012


    • Wars are now ended when either corporation disbands.
    • Cost (paid to concord) of hiring ally was sometimes calculated incorrectly. That has now been fixed

    User Interface

    • The context menu in the alliance ranking list sometimes displayed two options for declaring war one that worked and another that didn’t. We removed one of them.

    Weapons & Ammunition

    • Missiles and bombs now take damage again.

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno 1.1.6
    Deployed on Wednesday, July 4, 2012


    • Fixed an issue where the client could override user AA settings resulting in lower performance on some hardware configurations.

    User Interface

    • Items in containers in corporate hangars should now stack and lock/unlock normally.
    • Inventory locations in space that do not use the standard cargo transfer range will highlight to show accessibility based on the actual enforced operational interaction range.


    • Removed excessive saving of user settings during session change, and improved the speed of settings serialization when it actually occurs.

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno 1.1.5
    Deployed on Friday, June 29, 2012


    • Improvements have been made to the FPS drop that some players are experiencing, particularly when running multiple clients. We do not consider the problem solved however and are still continuing to investigate.

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno 1.1.3
    Released on Thursday, June 28, 2012.

    Corporations & Alliances

    • Resolved a rare issue where you were unable kick a corporation member from the corporation, even if they were online and docked.

    User Interface

    • A right click option to redeem AURUM from PLEX remotely via the asset menu has been removed.
    • When opening the Customs Office configuration menu, it will now load correctly the first time.
    • It is once again possible to save screenshots with the in-game bug reporting tool.


    • Removed excessive saving of user settings during session change and improved the speed of settings serialization.

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno 1.1.2
    Deployed on Wednesday, June 27, 2012.


    • The Minmatar V3 shader was updated so that the missile launchers now match the variant colour schemes.

    User Interface

    • A defect where ship hangar icons were not using caching has been fixed.

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno 1.1.1
    Deployed on Tuesday, June 26, 2012.


    • Fixed an issue with the Phantasm shader looking jaggy under some lighting conditions

    User Interface

    • The Cargo Bay and Drone Bay indicators in the fitting window now show the amount currently occupied/total capacity.
    • Directors now see the ally icon with the '!' exclamation mark next to a war to indicate they have offered assistance to that war.
    • The new Utility Menu in the war lists will no longer show Declare Mutual, Open for Allies, and the Send Surrender Offer options when a war has ended.

    NeX Store and Aurum

    • Duplicate offers on the Noble Exchange (NeX store) have been removed.


    • The memory usage of the main screen in Captains Quarters has been improved.

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno 1.1
    Deployed on Monday, June 25, 2012.

    Unified Inventory

    • The tree view in the Inventory has been updated with unique icons to help identify different Inventory locations; this includes but is not limited to: all specialized ship bays, POS structures, Corporate hangar divisions and Member hangars, Active Ship and Station Delivery. The active ship now has a green background both in the tree view and window view.
    • Increased the minimum scroll speed when navigating extremely long lists in the Unified Inventory tree view.
    • The "My filters" section of the Index tree in the Inventory will now remember if it has been collapsed. The collapsed state in station and in space are remembered separately.
    • Clarified the difference between the Primary main window and Secondary windows. All Secondary windows will now collect under a new location on the Neocom. The Inventory button will only be used for the Primary window.
      • The Primary Window is the Inventory window opened up from the Neocom button Inventory (ALT + C). This windows displayed contents will change based on the Inventory location a user has selected to view.
      • Secondary windows are those opened via SHIFT + Click (including via right contextual menu) that open up with their index tree view collapsed by default. These windows will remember their size, position, icon view state and stack based on their type and/or if they are unique.

    War Declaration

    • Ally contracts now have a fixed length of two weeks.
    • Allies now cannot be part of mutual wars – defender cannot hire allies into mutual wars and existing ally contracts are cancelled with a 24 hour grace period.
    • War declaration costs have been capped at 500 million ISK regardless of the amount of members in the corporation or alliance.
    • New UI control has been added for war options in war lists.
    • Added cost for hiring multiple allies for a war – hiring more than one ally now incurse a cost that goes to CONCORD. The cost rises exponentially the more allies are hired into the same war.
    • More information is available in the blog 'Inferno 1.1 Changes to the War Dec System'.


    • The following ships have been added to the game as prizes for the winners of the Alliance Tournament X. More information can be found in the dev blog 'Alliance Tournament X - Full Schedule, Prizes and Streaming Changes'. Etana
      Slot layout: 6/6/3

      The Etana came into existence as one of numerous secret projects under Tibus Heth's rule. As part of those revolutionary and paranoid times in the Caldari State, political emphasis on technological research was split between a need for inexpensive improvements in warfare and a need for advances in espionage and the arts of secrecy. One of the outcomes of that research was an improvement on the Osprey, whose versatility and low manufacturing cost made it a natural candidate for improvements. The resulting vessel maintained the shield defenses known among similar ships of its type, while adding an array of remarkable black ops capabilities. In fact, it is reputed that initial prototypes were employed to spy on interstellar activities near the recaptured Caldari Prime, as part of Tibus Heth's continually growing espionage initiative.
      Caldari Cruiser Skill Bonus:

      • 160% bonus to Shield Transport and Energy Transfer Array range and 20% bonus to Shield Maintenance Bot transfer amount per level

      Logistics Skill Bonus:

      • 17% reduction in Shield Transport and Energy Transfer Array capacitor use per level

      Role bonus:

      • 40% reduction in the amount of heat damage absorbed by modules, 50% in CPU need for Shield Transporters, and in power need for Energy Transfer Arrays
      • 99% reduction in CPU need for cloaking devices
      • The Etana can be bridged by a Black Ops ship

      Slot layout: 4/5/3

      The Cambion is the result of Caldari State Executor Tibus Heth's insistence that modern weapons of war be able to continually outperform previous standardized versions. While that effort is rumored to have been hit-and-miss (resulting in great scientific advances at the cost of a stunning array of misfortunes), it is absolutely undeniable that the Cambion has been one of its great successes, a feat that likely could not have been achieved in a different political milieu. The Cambion an out-and-out brawler. Taking note from the Merlin – a versatile combat frigate in its own right – this ship is intended to rush in, overheat everything it runs, hit hard with everything it has and get out moments before death can find it.
      Caldari Frigate Skill Bonus:

      • 5% bonus to shield resistances per skill level.

      Assault Ship Skill Bonus:

      • 5% bonus to light missile and rocket rate of fire per skill level.

      Role Bonus:

      • 115% bonus to light missile and rocket kinetic damage and 50% reduction in heat damage taken by modules.



    • The following Minmatar Republic ships have had their shaders updated to the V3 shader set:
      • Industrial
      • Battleship
      • Battlecruiser
      • Cruiser
      • Destroyer
      • Frigate
      • Shuttle

    • The Caldari Drake model has been redesigned.
    • Changed the way camera focus works when you board or lose your ship.
    • Flares were added to missiles, making them visible when the camera is zoomed out.
    • All V3 ship materials are now a bit brighter.
    • Character portraits are now captured in 1024x1024 resolution (was 512x512 before).

    NeX Store and Aurum

    • Multiple new clothing items have been added to the NeX store. These items are from our historical collection and will be priced at new price points of 100, 300 and 500 Aurum. Current clothing lines remain unchanged in price. Additional information can be found in the dev blog 'Clothing and Aurum additions for Inferno 1.1'.


    Factional Warfare

    • Removed all E-War NPCs from Factional Warfare capture sites. This includes NPCs using tracking disruptors, ECM, sensor dampeners, target painters, stasis webifiers, warp scramblers and energy draining / neutralizing.
    • Added highly expensive clothing offers for Factional Warfare LP stores (base price is 100m ISK and 100k LP each)
      • 24th Imperial Crusade: Men's 'Sterling' Dress Shirt (gold leather) and Women's 'Sterling' Dress Blouse (gold)
      • State Protectorate: Men's 'Sterling' Dress Shirt (gray) and Women's 'Sterling' Dress Blouse (graphite)
      • Federal Defense Union: Men's 'Sterling' Dress Shirt (white/blue) and Women's 'Sterling' Dress Blouse (black/white)
      • Tribal Liberation Force: Men's 'Sterling' Dress Shirt (red/black leather) and Women's 'Sterling' Dress Blouse (red satin)


    • The following changes to Incursions introduced in Escalation to Inferno have been reverted:
      • Lowering the reward for vanguard sites by 10%.
      • Increasing the system influence change rate.

    • Additional information can be found in the dev blog 'Incursion Changes'.


    • The skill "Target Spectrum Breaker" has been renamed to "Target Breaking Amplification" and its description changed as follows:

    Improves the continuous reflection of active target spectrum breakers, resulting in much improved defenses against all those who wish to target any vessel in the vicinity.
    Reduces duration time and capacitor need of Target Spectrum Breakers by 5% per level.

    • The Reactive Armor Hardener will now reset its resistances when using a stargate.


    • The transition between systems when jumping through a stargate has been improved; the camera will point at the same nebula area between jumps.
    • The wormhole graphic in the Promised Land system has been altered.
    • Extra geometry elements on the Wolf have been removed as they were causing intersections with turrets and launchers installed on the ship.
    • ECM modules now have a graphic effect in space. It’s the same effect as Tracking Disruption and Sensor Dampening.

    Agents & Missions

    • Fixed the description for the Leviathan wreck present in the second deadspace pocket of the Guristas Epic Arc mission "Foxfire".

    User Interface

    • Changed the way timestamps are displayed in the wars lists. You will now be able to easily read when the war starts or finishes, as well as when your ally is expected to join the fight.
    • The Area of Effect attribute now states that the value is a measurement of radius for extra clarity.


    • You will now receive a better warning message when fitting a rig to a ship.


    • In an effort to improve the efficiency of German fleet communication by about 3.12% at the expense of entertainment value, we have changed the translation of "Doomsday Device" from "Maschine des Tages des Jüngsten Gerichtes" to "Doomsday-Waffe"


    • Audit Log Secure Containers anchored in space are now valid targets for drones, just like regular Secure Containers.
    • There is now a 'jumping to beacon' message when jumping to a cyno/jumpbridge, similar to the 'jumping through stargate' notifications.
    • Planets are now displayed in a correct order in the solar system information window.


    Character Creation and New Player Experience

    • Outdated text has been updated in the Placing Recruitment Adverts tutorial.
    • The Exploration tutorial has received a series of grammatical improvements.
    • Multiple text errors in the Certificates tutorial have been resolved.

    Science and Industry

    • Items that had a reprocessing yield of 0 for some minerals now have this information removed from the corresponding user interface window.


    • The Carthum Conglomerate, Viziam and Khanid Innovation manufacturer logos have been applied to the appropriate Amarr ships.
    • Graphic corruption on the warp disruption bubble has been resolved.
    • Minmatar booster locators on the Bellicose and its variants have been moved closer to the engine exhaust.
    • Fixed an issue with intersecting turrets on the Prophecy model during warp.
    • Sealed a small geometry hole in the Minmatar Maelstrom model.
    • Resolved a bug that would stop the warp tunnel from displaying when a player logged into space and their ship started to emergency warp.
    • Minmatar Tempest has been bandaged together with duct tape and glue resolving unwelded vertices.
    • All Thukker developed ships except capitals now have consistent colour schemes.
    • The Tormentors turret locators have been aligned to be more aesthetically pleasing.
    • A texture assignment issue has been resolved with the "Blood Ship Debris" object.
    • Minmatar booster locators for the Cyclone and its variants have been moved closer to the engine exhaust.
    • Minmatar booster locators on the Tempest and its variants have been moved closer to the engine exhaust.
    • The booster locators on the Rupture and its factional variants have been moved closer to the engine exhaust.
    • Booster locators on the Typhoon and Panther have been relocated closer to the engine exhaust.
    • Booster locators on the Minmatar Peacekeeper frigate have been improved.
    • The Caldari LaiDai material preset has been update to be more consistent.
    • Launcher models have been modified to fix issues with intersecting graphics.

    Factional Warfare

    • Fixed a case where Factional Warfare dungeons would sometimes fail to complete properly when captured, and so would not respawn until after downtime.
    • Fixed an issue where users would not get a Loyalty Points payout when capturing a Factional Warfare complex despite being within range of the beacon.

    Unified Inventory

    • Fixed an issue where the inventory would not load and stall under a number of different circumstances.
    • Fixed an issue where items would get locked when dropped into a container, even if the container was set to Unlocked.
    • Fixed an issue where secondary windows would not close when moving out of range. Player Owned Structures, other player ship locations such as Ship Maintenance Bays, objects in space such as Containers and Wrecks will now close if open in a secondary window when moving off grid.
    • Changing the name of your ship will refresh Inventory windows with the new name.
    • Improved the performance when locking or unlocking a large number of items.
    • View mode and sort by are now persisted per window type. The primary window persists one set of values while every secondary window will persist its own set of values on a per window basis.
    • The option to Split Stack from the contextual menu when right clicking a stack in a Player Owned Structure has been removed. This option never functioned and should not have been displayed. Shift dragging stacks will still allow the user to separate stacks. The right click option should only be available in stations.
    • Fixed an issue where locked items would not display as locked when changing the view mode between icons, list and details in the Inventory window.
    • For ships with no bays, the label in the Inventory tree view has been updated to read "No additional bays" instead of "None".
    • Fixed an issue where “rubber band” and Ctrl+click selection would not update the item count and Est. price in the inventory window.
    • Fixed an issue where you could not copy table data from within the Inventory when viewing items in the list or details view.
    • Fixed an issue where the "Nothing Found" text would continue to display after moving items into an empty Inventory location, when using the List or Details view mode.
    • Fixed an issue where a number of error messages would prevent moving a package from the corporations Market Deliveries folder in the Inventory.
    • Fixed an issue where the Capacity Bar for an Inventory location would get stuck, when moving more of the same item into that same location.
    • We now store separate settings for the Primary Inventory window in space / station for both the entire tree panel width and the filter panel height.
    • Fixed an issue where users could see the contents of a division they had no access rights to after dropping items into them.
    • The Unified Inventory now visually differentiates between containers that are within access range and those which are out of range.
    • Station Hangars now open correctly, previously when double clicked the ship hangar was incorrectly opening.
    • Fixed a problem where the Inventory would not display the Corporate hangar and/or its divisions despite having an office rented in the station a user was in.

    User Interface

    • Custom Alliance logos are now visible in the UI if you have UI Scaling set to more than 100%.
    • Changing UI Scaling settings will no longer remove the text labels for "Camera Center" and "Camera Speed".
    • Icons for fleet broadcasts are now displayed in more sensible locations in space, in most cases above or left to the bracket of the object. Expanded stacks of brackets are being pushed down a bit, if they would extend beyond the upper border of the screen.
    • Very, very long names will now clip in the fleet Watch List so that the Shield/Armor/Structure bars are visible at all times.
    • Long petition titles will no longer overlap the petition text field.
    • An issue with the speed indicator in the HUD not updating correctly in some cases has been fixed.
    • The calculator now allows you to save numbers on clients with localized decimal separators.
    • When editing a contact, labels assigned to them will no longer disappear.
    • You can once again drag search results (Corporations/Alliances/etc.) from the search window directly into the To field of an EVE Mail.
    • Fixed capitalization error in the text when attempting to donate too many Loyalty Points to a Factional Warfare Infrastructure Hub.
    • When an Ally Offer is declined, a notification is now sent to both the defender and the corporation/alliance offering help.
    • You should now be able to rename your notes in notepad once again. So, what are you waiting for? Rename all the notes!
    • Fixed an issue where the Factional Warfare capture bar would display white if it was over the threshold required to make a system vulnerable.
    • Increased the highlight on the plus icon in the My filters header.
    • Corrected minor capitalization discrepancy in Factional Warfare tooltips for different system statuses.
    • For players not enlisted in Factional Warfare, the Factional Warfare page will now display statistics based on the station the user is in or the Factional Warfare system they are in. Otherwise the characters bloodline will be used. The information displayed for characters already enlisted is unchanged; it will always show your own conflict.
    • Sorting by Capture status in the Factional Warfare main window will now order systems in correct ascending or descending order.
    • The message when a user cannot see the contents of a specific division has been clarified to read "You don't have the required role to view these contents" and will also now be displayed in red.
    • Text alignment for the tab names has been improved.
    • Corporation and alliance names will no longer stay highlighted in the "All wars" list after using the mouse scroll wheel.
    • Removed the "Move HQ Here" button from the Station Services window if your corporation HQ is already in the station.
    • Fixed an issue where the flag icon in the Factional Warfare window was not displaying when the user was enlisted in Factional Warfare.
    • Minor improvements were made to the Contact Management window, especially for adding pilots to the watchlist.
    • Removed the deprecated “Open Cargohold” option from the radial menu of your own ship.
    • When attempting to send more than one surrender offer, you will receiving a message telling you that there is an active negotiation currently pending.
    • When searching for a Corporation/Alliance that has no active wars, the window will state so.
    • Trying to open a Factional Warfare "War Report" will open the correct window.
    • Mutual Wars will no longer show under the Assistance Requests filter in the All Wars list.
    • Long Corporation/Alliance names will no longer leak over into the Allies window.
    • Changing the shader quality no longer causes problems to the transparency of some UI elements (background of the Neocom, FW progress bar, ...)
    • An issue causing irregular overview updates has been resolved.


    • Fixed missing engine sounds on the Noctis.


    • Camera distance on undock is now universal in the game client.


    • Increased the drop rate of the Initiated Ion Field ECM I to bring it in line with other ECM devices of the same meta level.
    • The client will now install DirectX when the system no longer contains the DirectX components needed to run Eve. This makes it easier to copy the client from one machine to another.
    • Fixed a grammatical error in the capture text when securing a location in Factional Warfare.
    • Using Approach or Jump after the target was Kept at Range or orbited now works correctly.
    • An issue where cloaked ships would attempt to jump/dock/enter wormhole before they had being decloaked is now fixed.


    • Standardized the values for Brynn's, Cormack's, Setele's and Tuvan's Modified Power Diagnostic System to bring them in line with their meta level and other officer power diagnostic modules.
    • Corrected the spacing issue in the description for the Magpulse Thruster.


    • The "Dmg/Job" column has been made wide enough for localized Japanese clients to correctly display the string.
    • On the German client, the description of "Brynn's Modified Armor Thermic Hardener" is now displayed in the correct language again.
    • On the German client, the description of the Wolf now shoes the correct bonuses
    • The term "Capacitor" is now consistently translated with "Energiespeicher" on the German client.

    Weapons & Ammunition

    • Missile animations are no longer halted by switching processes.
    • Fixed initial missing laser visual effects when undocking your ship.

    Corporations & Alliances

    • There was an issue that could cause some ally negotiations to fail, or to have incorrect allies attached to wars. This has now been fixed.


    • Stacking penalty for Inverted Signal Field Projector Rigs now works correctly.

    World Shaping

    • Warp-in locations for moons in wormholes J140133 and J112041 have now been fixed.

    CONCORD and Kill Mails

    • Jump Clone destruction Notifications originating from destroyed Capital ships now have working links.


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    Patch notes for Inferno

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno 1.0.10
    To be released on Friday, June 8, 2012

    • Fixes have been made for items not displaying in player's inventory
    • Fixed an issue where broken plastic wraps would cause the inventory not to load
    • Issues with input delays in the Mac client have been addressed
    • Fixed an issue where corp members with query roles only would end up with a hanging inventory window if a container was present within a division.

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno 1.0.9
    To be released on Thursday, June 7, 2012.

    Unified Inventory

    • Fixed an issue where the text typed into the quick filter search would not always correctly apply to the items in view.
    • Fixed an issue where the Est. price and item number count would not update when dragging across multiple windows.
    • Fixed an issue where a user could not move a group of items to a destination location by dropping on the items already there, if the destination already had an existing item of the type being moved.
    • Performance when moving, stacking or sorting a large number of items has been significantly improved.
    • Fixed an issue where the contents of a container within a plastic wrap could no longer be seen.
    • Fixed a problem where a message labelled Action Failed when storing ships in space could cause the client to freeze or become unresponsive.
    • Fixed an issue where broken plastic wraps would cause the Inventory not to load.

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno 1.0.8
    To be released on Tuesday, June 5, 2012.

    User Interface

    • Fixed an error that caused a delay while opening the "Jump To" and "Bridge To" right-click menu options.

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno 1.0.7
    To be released on Monday, June 4, 2012.

    User Interface

    • Undocking with collapsed overview no longer breaks the overview.


    • Chat: Link detection has been improved for links containing special characters.
    • It is no longer possible to gag yourself by sending a very long /me emote over to the server (unless you‘re hacking the client. Don‘t hack the client kids!)


    • Localized clients with certain language settings should no longer prepend the system name onto the Stations name in the Station Management window. This, unnoticed, prevented any changes to be made as the server decided a name change was occurring when it wasn‘t and a name conflict error would be raised on any attempts to change other settings.
    • The in-client petition creation system is now better localized when petitioning agent missions or reimbursement cases.
    • UI pointers which display during tutorials on window tabs (such as the agent tab in the station window) will now display in localized clients.
    • The description of the Harpy is now showing the correct boni on the German client.

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno 1.0.6 Client Update #1
    To be released on Friday, June 1, 2012.

    Unified Inventory

    • Audit Log Secure Containers are now accessible within the Corporate Hangars.

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno 1.0.6
    To be released on Friday, June 1, 2012.

    Unified Inventory

    • Shortcuts to open Inventory locations will now open those locations in a new separate window.
    • The text color in the tree index view of the Unified Inventory is now the same as in other places in the EVE UI, making it more readable when the Inventory is pinned or something other than the default color.
    • Items, Ships, Corporation Divisions and Delivery Inventory windows will now remain open in a station if the user leaves them open when undocking and redocking.
    • Shift click will now focus on or toggle open/closed other windows.
    • POS structures are now grouped into one of four categories in the Unified Inventory tree view: “Defenses”, “Industry”, Storage” and “Infrastructure”.
    • Fixed an issue where users could not see items in their items or ships hangar.

    User Interface

    • Fixed an issue where fittings with items that no longer exist in game would not load correctly.
    • Fixed an issue where certain players could not open the Science & Industry window in some stations.
    • Fixed an issue where the corporation hangar in the inventory would work incorrectly if there was a secure container in a division and character did not have take rights to the division.
    • You can now stack packaged drones within a full drone bay while docked.

    Ships and Modules

    • The shield boost bonus of Golem and Vargur marauders was not applying correctly; this has been fixed.

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno 1.0.5
    To be released on Thursday, May 31, 2012.

    Factional Warfare

    • Dropped modules are no longer taken into account when calculating Loyalty Points for Factional Warfare kills.

    Character Creator

    • Fixed an issue with the History slider which caused characters to appear with incorrect clothing or skin colors applied.


    • Resolved an issue with the Russian client which prevented character selection under certain conditions.

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno 1.0.4
    To be released on Wednesday, May 30, 2012.

    Unified Inventory

    • Fixed an issue where inventory window would lock up if a player would assemble ships too rapidly.
    • Ship and POS corp hangars now remember which division was open when accessing them through right-click menus.

    User Interface

    • It is now possible to drag a system name from an agent conversation to a chat window.


    • Ancillary Shield Boosters are now affected by the same bonuses and penalties as other shield boosters.

    War Declaration

    • Fixed a bug that caused allies not to be added to wars.

    Planetary Interaction

    • Command centers can now, once again, be deployed in Factional Warfare systems.


    • Fixed an issue that would cause the runway lights on the Abaddon to render on top of the ship's hull.

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno 1.0.3
    To be released on Tuesday, May 29, 2012.

    Unified Inventory

    • Fixed an issue where actions would fail if more than two cargoholds are opened.
    • Added a venue to recover impounded items if the corporation office has been removed.
    • Improved performance when handling large amounts of items.
    • Improved performance when working with starbases.
    • Added alphabetical sorting of containers.
    • Fixed an issue where open windows would still display as “active ship” if they remained open while changing ships.
    • Added your active ship to the “ship hangar” inventory.
    • Added the same functionality to containers in space as wrecks in space. They should now function the same.

    User Interface

    • Fixed an issue where clicking too fast on the dock/jump button would break the action.
    • Fixed an issue where the autopilot fails to dock, but sits in close proximity to the station.
    • Improved performance when opening war reports with a high volume of data.
    • Improved performance when opening kill reports with a high volume of data.
    • Moved Crow and Malediction into their proper category in the reports.
    • Changed the display priority of the icons: "Has ally" will always trump the other options.
    • Added a timer to show you when a war is officially over.
    • Corporation taxation rate displays in its proper decimalized form in the corporation info window.


    • Searching for names constructed entirely of hyphens will work without error.


    • Frogholing™ autolinks in chat works again as it used to. Any edits done to autolinked text after it has been autolinked will be retained and no translation or auto-completion will happen on receiving clients.
    • Auto-completed station links will no longer complete to the stations actual name. Instead they will complete, and translate, to: "Station: OrbitName" e.g. Station: Amarr VIII (Oris).
    • The auto-complete feature is now proper tag so any previously saved texts are not affected as they do not have the tag. This tag is only respected by the chat.


    • Corporation medal creation was broken in some localized clients. This is now fixed.

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno 1.0.2
    To be released on Thursday, May 24, 2012.

    User Interface

    • Locked BPOs will now display correctly, i.e. be dimmed out compared to unlocked BPOs.
    • All Player Owner Structures can be renamed via the right click and Set Name function.
    • Dragging items to Inventory headers when they are stacked with other windows will now move items into those locations correctly.

    War Reports

    • Double clicking to show info on a module in Kill Reports will now show you the correct information.
    • Allies will now have correct status in the allied list, instead of having "Can fight at {time}" for an extra day.
    • You can now drag War Reports to share. Players can make a list in Notepad of wars you like to follow and you can share them in chat with your friends (or enemies).
    • Decimal places have been removed from ISK value in War Reports to make the UI less cluttered.
    • Copying kill reports generated after Inferno now gives you information compatible with kill reports pre Inferno.


    • The German translations for the Inferno release are now included in the client.


    • Allies are now notified when they join a war.
    • Updated manufacture stats for Drone Damage Amplifier II and [Small/Medium/Large] Processor Overclocking Unit II.
    • Fixed floating point inaccuracies which were calculating distances to bookmarks when generating menu options. This was causing problems when trying to warp to bookmarks more than 150 km away.

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno 1.0.1
    To be released on Wednesday, May 23, 2012.

    Character Creator

    • A texture issue that occurred on female avatar’s ankles has been fixed.
    • A texture issue that occurred on female avatar’s necks has been fixed.

    EVE Voice, Mail & Chat

    • Fixed a problem where players didn't correctly leave chat channels, leading to server-side performance problems.

    Factional Warfare

    • Corrected the wording in the Notification text when capturing Factional Warfare complexes.
    • When securing a capture point in Factional Warfare the text will no longer remain on screen and will behave normally.


    • The Eris has had its legacy missile launcher geometry removed so that all 8 of the new missile launchers are now visible


    • When unable to leave a corporation due to having corp roles, the message stating that you are unable to leave will be properly translated.
    • The Japanese translations for the Inferno release are now included in the client.

    Modules & Skills

    • Description text for the Ancillary Shield Boosters got updated.
    • The Target Breaker skill book got seeded and is now available.
    • Modules will no longer take minor damage unexpectedly when your ship is being damaged.

    Science & Industry

    • Blueprints for Valkyrie SW-600 and Warrior SW-300 web drones got seeded.
    • Light Defender Missile blueprint got seeded.
    • Drone Damage Amplifier I and [Small/Medium/Large] Processor Overclocking Unit I can now be invented to get Tech II versions.

    Unified Inventory

    • Fixed an issue where the new Unified Inventory would reopen every time a character jumped, docked, undocked or otherwise performed a session change.
    • Inventory window locations that are still accessible between docking and undocking will now remain open. For example a ships Drone Bay, if opened in a separate window.
    • Fixed an issue where players could not edit their Smart Filters.
    • Fixed an issue where Corporation hangars would not load correctly.
    • Attempting to move mixed groups of items into hangar locations that can only accept a specific item type, will now transfer the items allowed.

    User Interface

    • Fixed an issue where icons would remain on the Neocom even though the window had been closed.
    • Kill Reports now say Unknown when we don’t know ISK value, instead of 0.00 ISK.
    • Various UI scaling changes were made to better display Asian fonts.
    • Double linebreaks should work again in multi-line input fields.
    • Fixed an issue where "Approach" and "Jump" functions were not functioning when orbiting or keeping an object at range.
    • Resolved an issue when using the strip fitting option in the fitting window.

    Patch notes for EVE Online Launcher 1.320
    To be released on Wednesday, May 23, 2012.

    • Fixed issues with patching on slow internet connections.

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno
    To be released on Tuesday, May 22, 2012.

    War Declaration

    • The war declaration system has been completely overhauled and now adds a new dynamic to how wars are won and lost. Full details are available in the Dev Blogs, 'Changes to War Mechanics' and 'War, Modules and Super Friends'.
    • Wars are now declared by the CEO or a Director and not through the voting system.
    • The war declaration cost is determined by corporation size and the amount of active wars the aggressor has currently. Previously it counted defender wars. Price starts at 50 million.
    • Several loopholes for evading wars have been closed:
      • If you leave a corporation while the war is on, you cannot re-join until the war is over or 7 days have passed. This does not apply to mutual wars.
      • War shedding is no longer possible. Corporations that are at war will continue to be so, regardless of joining or leaving alliances.

    • All wars are now public:
      • You can view a report of all wars currently active and see how both sides are doing.
      • Mercenaries can offer their assistance, at a price, to the defending corporation or alliance.
      • Both parties can offer “surrender terms” and attach a price tag if you are a CEO or Director.

    • All wars will now have a war report:
      • As mentioned this will be public and available to everyone.
      • Contains all kills and losses in date order.
      • Contains a headline showing the total amount of damage inflicted.
      • A Graph is available so you can view wars by ship class.

    • Defenders in wars can get help from other corporations or alliances.
      • Defenders can flag themselves as seeking aid.
      • As stated above, any corporation or alliance can send a formal offer to ally with the defender for a particular war.
      • The ally counts as being in war against aggressor and is included in the war report on the defender’s side.

    • Kill mails will now be known as kill reports. More details on these changes are available in the Dev Blog, 'Spaceship Murder Notifications':
      • Updated to have a nice look and feel.
      • Visually displays the victims fittings with an option to save it.
      • Shows the total amount of money lost by the other player.
      • They can now be dragged into chat and mails.


    • Brand new modules and ammunition have been added to enhance player choice when fitting a ship. Further details of all new modules can be found in the Dev Blog, 'War, Modules and Super Friends'.
    • The Reactive Armor Hardener : A low slot module that adjusts resists according to incoming damage. You can only fit one, but it lets you fight lazy!
    • Drone Damage Amplifier: A low slot, drone damage module which allows your drones do more damage, much in the same way that Gyrostabilizers or Heat Sinks work.
    • Ancillary Shield Boosters: A mid slot active tanking shield module which lets you boost a lot of shield but at a massive need. Requires charges to operate and comes in small, medium large and X-Large.
    • Target Spectrum Breaker: A mid slot module that has a chance of breaking the lock of ships that are targeting you. Downsides is that you have a reduced scan res and it breaks your lock when going off.
    • Light and Medium Web Drones: Light and medium versions of the stasis webifying drones we already have.
    • Cap Battery Changes: All capacitor batteries provide an inherent defense against Nosferatu and Energy Neutralizers. A portion drained is reflected back on the aggressor.
    • Defender Missiles: Defender missiles have now been split into size categories light and heavy.
    • Overclocking Processor Units: A rig that increases your CPU, but at the cost of shield recharge rate.


    • New missile launchers and launch effects are released with Inferno and add a new level of immersion to EVE Online. Missiles will now swarm to targets from brand new launchers equipped to ships. You can see a video of the new effects by clicking this link. The new launchers are:
      • Bomb Launcher
      • Citadel Torpedo Launcher
      • Citadel Cruise Missile Launcher
      • Torpedo Launcher
      • Cruise Missile Launcher
      • Heavy Missile Launcher
      • Heavy Assault Missile Launcher
      • Rocket Launcher
      • Rapid Light Missile Launcher
      • Light Missile Launcher

    • Brand new effects have been added for all:
      • Missiles.
      • Missile Muzzle effects.
      • Missile Trails.
      • Missile Explosions.
      • Improved distribution of damage locators.

    • Brand new Stealth Bomber models have been added for the:
      • Manticore
      • Nemesis
      • Purifier
      • Hound

    • The transformation of Amarr ships has been completed and will now appear in V3 format for all of the following ships.
      • Industrial
      • Battleship
      • Battle Cruiser
      • Cruiser
      • Destroyer
      • Frigate
      • Shuttle

    • Please note that the Minmatar V3 is still in progress and will be released in the very near future.

    Character Creator and New Player Experience

    • The skin color options in the character creator and re-customization have been changed so the color of your skin is no longer constrained by the bloodline of your avatar. All bloodlines now have a broad range of distinct skin tones ranging from pale to dark.
    • As skin tone can only be chosen when creating a new character or resculpting, all existing characters on TQ have been given one free resculpt.
    • Bloodline hair-color restrictions have been lifted in the character creator and re-customization.



    • Inferno will be the first-step taken into removing the Tier system out of ship classes; please refer to the Dev Blog, 'Rebalancing EVE, one ship at a time' for more details.
    • The first batch of changes affect the Tormentor, Punisher, Merlin, Incursus and Rifter frigates:
    • Tormentor: role changed from mining to combat ship
      • New bonuses: 5% to small energy turret damage and 10% reduction to small energy weapon capacitor use per level.
      • Slot layout: 3 High, 3 Mid, 4 Low; 2 turrets and no launchers.
      • Fittings: 49 PWG, 130 CPU
      • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 350 / 450 / 400
      • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 400 / 200 s / 2
      • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 320 / 3.05 / 1180000 / 3.37 s
      • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 10 / 10
      • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 40km / 620 / 4
      • Sensor strength: 9 Radar
      • Signature radius: 35

    • Punisher: improved role as close range brawler
      • New bonuses: 5% bonus to Small Energy Turret damage and 5% bonus to armor resistances per skill level.
      • Slot layout: 4 High, 2 Mid, 4 Low; 3 turrets and no launchers
      • Fittings: 55 PWG, 124 CPU
      • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 350 / 500 / 450
      • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 425 / 212.5 s / 2
      • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 330 / 3.35 / 1047000 / 3.28 s
      • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 0 / 0
      • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 25km / 640 / 4
      • Sensor strength: 9 Radar
      • Signature radius: 37

    • Merlin: changed role from sniper to close range brawler.Warning: due to the high-slot and launcher hard point removal on the Merlin, we highly recommend players to dock in a safe place or swap ships before release date.
      • New bonuses: 5% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret damage and 5% to shield resistances per level.
      • Slot layout: 3 High, 4 Mid, 3 Low; 3 turrets and no launchers.
      • Fittings: 40 PWG, 180 CPU
      • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 500 / 350 / 400
      • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 350 / 175 s / 2
      • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 310 / 3.6 / 997000 / 3.36 s
      • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 0 / 0
      • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 50km / 580 / 5
      • Sensor strength: 11 Gravimetric
      • Signature radius: 39

    • Incursus: improved role as close range brawler.
      • New bonuses: 5% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret damage and 10% bonus to armor repairer effectiveness per level.
      • Slot layout: 3 High, 3 Mid, 4 Low; 3 turrets and no launchers.
      • Fittings: 45 PWG, 135 CPU
      • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 400 / 450 / 500
      • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 370 / 185 s / 2
      • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 340 / 3.15 / 1028000 / 3.0 s
      • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 5 / 5
      • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 30km / 600 / 4
      • Sensor strength: 9 Magnetometric
      • Signature radius: 42

    • Rifter: role and bonuses unchanged
      • Unchanged Slot layout: 4 High, 3 Mid, 3 Low; 3 turrets and 2 launchers.
      • Unchanged fittings: 37 PWG, 125 CPU.
      • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 450 / 400 / 350
      • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 250 / 125 s / 2
      • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 355 / 3.19 / 1067000 / 3.19 s
      • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 0 / 0
      • Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 22.5km / 660 / 4
      • Sensor strength: 8 Ladar
      • Signature radius: 35

    Factional Warfare

    • A substantial overhaul has been made to Factional Warfare and full details can be found in the Dev Blog, 'Factional Warfare Overhaul'.
    • Name Standardization:
      • The metric which determined control over Factional Warfare systems, Occupancy, has been replaced with Sovereignty for clarity purposes.
      • Factional Warfare Control Bunkers have been replaced by Infrastructure Hubs. This change mainly is cosmetic as no attribute has been altered except for signature radius, which has been increased to 4000.
      • The World Map Control Panel filters for Factional Warfare have been reworked. The “Occupancy” tab has been removed, simplified filters are now available under the “Sovereignty > Factional Warfare” tab.

    • Factional Warfare Page
    • The Factional Warfare page has been significantly improved to include the following:
    • Information delivery has been clarified by splitting data over three tabs: “War Zone Control”, “Statistics” and “Rules of Engagement”
      • War Zone Control display war information for Factions as a whole, lists gained bonuses, displays upgraded systems, shows a Star Map with contested and vulnerable areas. See “War Zone Control” paragraph below for more information.
      • The Statistic page display personal, corporation and militia wide data regarding Factional Warfare performance.
      • The Rules of Engagement tab explains basic mechanics of Factional Warfare regarding territorial contest, upgrade process, combat and reward mechanics as well as consequences for joining.

    • Station deny docking
      • All stations located in enemy Factional Warfare systems will now deny docking to the opposing militias. Neutrals are not affected by this change and can still dock anywhere they please.
      • All stations located in enemy Factional Warfare systems will now deny service use to enemy pilots that managed to dock before Sovereignty switched hand. Neutrals are not affected.

    • Upgrading Solar systems
    • It is now possible to upgrade a solar system owned by your own faction by spending Factional Warfare Loyalty Points (LPs) into the respective Infrastructure Hub.
    • Donating LPs is done in close proximity of the Infrastructure Hub (closer than 2500 meters) and is taken from the respective Factional Warfare Militia Corporations 24th Imperial Crusade, State Protectorate, Federal Defense Union and Tribal Liberation Force.
    • Upgrading a Factional Warfare system gives system-wide bonuses to the faction that owns it and neutrals:
      • Level 1 requires 10,000 LPs: all stations in the system receive 1 additional slot, broker fees on contracts and market orders created in the system are reduced by 10%, medical clone costs are reduced by 10%
      • Level 2 requires 25,000 LPs: all stations in the system receive 2 additional slots, broker fees on contracts and market orders created in the system are reduced by 20%, medical clone costs are reduced by 20%
      • Level 3 requires 45,000 LPs: all stations in the system receive 3 additional slots, broker fees on contracts and market orders created in the system are reduced by 30%, medical clone costs are reduced by 30%
      • Level 4 requires 70,000 LPs: all stations in the system receive 4 additional slots, broker fees on contracts and market orders created in the system are reduced by 40%, medical clone costs are reduced by 40%
      • Level 5 requires 100,000 LPs: all stations in the system receive 5 additional slots, broker fees on contracts and market orders created in the system are reduced by 50%, medical clone costs are reduced by 50%

    • After level 5 is a buffer that does not give any bonuses, but prevents the system losing upgrades directly when fully maxed. See “Capturing Payout” paragraph for more information.
    • Additional station slots are only added if they exist before the upgrade. New slots are not created if the station didn’t have it in the first place. Example: a station that had copy and manufacturing slots before an upgrade will receive one additional slots in these two areas, but will not receive any ME or PE slots.
    • It is not possible to gain an infinite amount of additional slots by repeatedly upgrading, then downgrading the system: additional lines being used will stay booked by their initial owner until the job expires. That means an opposing faction may have to wait for the previous job owner to relinquish his line before having access to it.
    • Medical clone costs do not apply to Jump Clones.
    • War Zone Control
    • Holding and upgrading Factional Warfare systems now have an impact in a faction success as a whole. Number of systems and upgrades hold in the same War Zone (Amarr/Minmatar or Caldari/Gallente War zones respectively) are counted as part of points, then used to unlock War Zone Control tiers:
      • War Zone Control Tier 1 – between 0 and 20% of total War Zone points: the faction LP store prices are multiplied by four next to their pre-Inferno numbers.
      • War Zone Control Tier 2 – between 20% and 40% of total War Zone points: the faction LP store prices are multiplied by two next to their pre-Inferno numbers, the faction receives 5% bonus to all Factional Warfare LP gains.
      • War Zone Control Tier 3 – between 40% and 60% of total War Zone points: the faction LP store prices are the same as pre-Inferno, the faction receives 10% bonus to all Factional Warfare LP gains.
      • War Zone Control Tier 4 – between 60% and 80% of total War Zone points: the faction LP store prices are twice as cheap as their pre-Inferno numbers, the faction receives 15% bonus to all Factional Warfare LP gains.
      • War Zone Control Tier 5 – between 80% and 100% of total War Zone points: the faction LP store prices are four times as cheap as their pre-Inferno numbers, the faction receives 20% bonus to all Factional Warfare LP gains.

    • War Zone Control bonuses are applied to all the respective faction members no matter where they are – neutrals and enemies are not affected.
    • War Zone Control only affects ISK and LPs requirements on their respective faction LP store offers.
    • War Zone Control only affects the respective Factional Warfare Militia Corporations (24th Imperial Crusade, State Protectorate, Federal Defense Union and Tribal Liberation Force). Other corporations are not affected by such a change.
    • Capturing payout
    • Factional Warfare sites now give Loyalty Points when captured:
      • Minor sites: 10,000 LPs
      • Standard sites: 17,500 LPs
      • Major sites: 25,000 LPs
      • Major Stronghold or Major Compound sites: 30,000 LPs
      • Infrastructure Hubs: 40,000 LPs

    • All LP gains are split among all eligible members. Example: Two Amarr enlisted players capturing a Minmatar or Gallente Minor site would only receive 5,000 LPs for the 24th Imperial Crusade each.
    • All LP gains are also split toward allied factions. Example: one Amarr and one Caldari enlisted players capturing the same Minmatar or Gallente Minor site would still receive 5,000 LPs each – for their 24th Imperial Crusade and State Protectorate corporations respectively.
    • Cloaked or pilots in pods or shuttles will not receive any payout.
    • Only attacking enemy sites will yield LPs – defending will not. Example: one Amarr enlisted pilot defending an Amarr site will not receive anything. The same Amarr pilot capturing a Minmatar site will be normally paid.
    • Capturing LPs through Factional Warfare sites will cause the enemy Infrastructure Hub in the same solar system to lose half of the gained LP amount. Example: An Amarr enlisted pilot receiving 10,000 LPs for capturing a Minmatar Minor site in Amamake will cause the Infrastructure Hub there to lose 5,000 LPs, possibly causing it to lose an upgrade level.
    • Factional Warfare sites now give 20 Victory Points instead of 100 – this was done to increase solar system capture time significantly and reduce likelihood for a Factional Warfare pilot to be stranded in a station that switched loyalty while he was away.
    • LPs for kills
    • Destroying enemy player ships will give LPs to the player giving the final blow.
    • Exact formula is: [Given LP] = ([Market value of target ship] - [Max. Insurance market value] + [Fitted mods, rigs and subsystem market value] + [Transported items market value]) / 10000.
    • Please note insurance is always counted at its maximum value no matter what the insurance value on the destroyed ship actually is to discourage farming.
    • If the player giving the killing blow belongs to a fleet, LPs will be split to all friendly faction members in the grid. Example: a fleet of 2x Gallente Federation and 2x Minmatar Republic members destroy a target enlisted in the Caldari State worth 4000 LPs. No matter who had the killing blow, each Federation pilot will receive 1000 LP for the Federal Defense Union, while each Minmatar capsuleer will gain 1000 LP for the Tribal Liberation Force.
    • Standing requirements
    • Required faction standings to join Factional Warfare have been lowered from 0.5 to 0.0. Please note that players having negative standings will still be kicked out of their respective faction as usual.
    • The Advanced Military Career Path tutorial has been adjusted in consequence – the final mission now gives the Rapid Firing skill book instead of a Letter of Recommendation.
    • Research agents and datacore changes
    • Datacore offers have been added to Factional Warfare Militia Corporations (250 LP and 250,000 ISK for a package of 5):
      • 24th Imperial Crusade: Amarrian Starship Engineering, High Energy Physics, Laser Physics, Mechanical Engineering, Nanite Engineering.
      • State Protectorate: Caldari Starship Engineering, Graviton Physics, Mechanical Engineering, Quantum Physics, Rocket Science.
      • Federal Defense Union: Electromagnetic Physics, Electronic Engineering, Gallentean Starship Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Plasma Physics.
      • Tribal Liberal Force: Hydromagnetic Physics, Mechanical Engineering, Minmatar Starship Engineering, Molecular Engineering, Nuclear Physics.

    • Please remember all above prices are affected by War Zone Control LP Store multipliers.
    • Field multipliers for all research categories have been removed (this affects Research Point per day). Besides, all Research Points requirements to claim one Datacore have been increased from 50 to 100.
    • Each datacore will now require 10,000 ISK to claim on top of the 100 Research Points
    • Research Point amounts will not be adjusted in any shape or form with Inferno release.

    Unified Inventory

    • An Index tree has been added into the Inventory window showing all accessible inventories within stations while docked and within ships while in space. Full details are available in the Dev Blog, 'Unified Inventory'.
    • Client inventory performance has been enhanced greatly making it possible to work with hundreds of items without serious framerate drop.
    • New look and feel for inventory items.
    • Cut and paste shortcuts implemented for inventory items.
    • Assembled containers will now appear as part of the new index tree.
    • A new capacity meter has been added to the inventory window which gives instant feedback on capacity changes before items are moved between locations.
    • A new Smart filter system has been added to the Inventory window that allows players to filter items by various means and save the filters for later use.
    • All inventory items now have estimated market price displayed for individual items through tooltip as well as showing combined market price on all selected items in the lower bar of the inventory.
    • Market deliveries now appear as an independent entry in the index view of the Inventory, regardless of whether an office has been rented in the station.
    • POS inventory locations are now automatically appended to the inventory tree index when the structures are within your current grid.

    Starbases, Outposts and Stations

    • Unanchoring an assembly array that has active jobs in its assembly lines now warns the player that the jobs will be aborted and materials lost.

    Science and Industry

    • When using quick running compression jobs from a Rorqual, the completed job would sometimes not show up for 5 minutes in the Science & Industry window. It will now show up within one minute at most.

    Market and Contracts

    • Market tax has been increased from 1% to 1.5% as a part of our initiative to keep the EVE economy healthy.


    • Fixed some minor spelling errors in the description in several Science skills.


    • References to Siege Missile Launchers have now been updated to refer to Torpedo Launchers in Stealth Bomber descriptions.


    • A small white square that glowed when looking at Celestis variants while rotating the camera will no longer show.
    • Turret locators on the Nighthawk are now located correctly.
    • The Nighthawk now has the Caldari booster glow.

    User Interface

    • User created groups on the Neocom can now be renamed and given a two letter abbreviation so that it is easier to distinguish between custom groups.
    • Clients viewing autolink items and solar systems will see the name translated into their client language if supported.
    • The image in the "Show Info" window can now be dragged and dropped in chat to create a link to the type or item that is being viewed in the info window. Character portraits can also be dragged to Contacts to add the character as a contact, and item images can be dragged into the market quickbar to add the type to the quickbar.
    • The "Jump To" right-click menu has been changed so it behaves like the "Bridge To" menu. That is, if there are more than 20 alliance beacons they will be divided into submenus with 20 beacons each.

    CONCORD and Kill Reports

    • To avoid confusion, Capsules with a Global Criminal Countdown will no longer appear as a red target on your overview. This is reverting to pre-Escalation behaviour.


    • Detail texture map missing from the Nomad has been restored.
    • If a player logs back in whilst his ship is still in space at a 1-million-km emergency-warp point, their ship will now be vulnerable to warp disruption bubbles at this location as it attempts to e-warp back to its original position.
    • You will now be informed that you have lost connection with EVE instead of abruptly shutting down the client.


    Player Owned Structures, Outposts and Stations

    • Items in Silos will no longer freeze during shuffling and moving.


    • Mining drones will once again play their full animation and effect cycle.
    • The turret shader preset has been fixed for the Cynabal. Turrets fitted to this ship will now appear correctly.


    • An issue with the gate activation audio sfx occasionally not playing has been fixed.
    • The energy vampire effects will now play sound when used.
    • An issue with Vivox that could crash the client has been fixed.
    • Resolved a problem where the volume of turrets would not change based on the distance of your camera.
    • An issue with the ambient audio in the station hangars has been fixed.
    • Resolved an issue in the mixer structure that caused low volume on ship effects such as the vampire module.


    • Resolved a geometry hole that would appear on the lowest LOD setting for the Lachesis ship.
    • The Echelon has been V3'd which fixes 3 broken decals on the ship hull.

    Science and Industry

    • Fixed an issue where BPCs invented with decryptors would sometimes have one less production run than they should have.
    • Show info windows for blueprint copies stored within containers will now show accurate data.


    • The Captains Quarters screen will now rotate between screens as intended.
    • An issue where numbers where incorrectly formatted when using regional settings where space was the thousand separator has been fixed.

    Market & Contracts

    • You are now able to find contracts issued by characters where the subject name is a subset of another entity´s name.


    • Fixed a case where multiple tractor beams could sometimes be engaged on the same container or wreck.
    • The Dual Modal Giga Pulse Laser I will now correctly have the benefits of 'Turning on Overload' applied to it. The increase in damage is correctly updated in the fitting window.
    • The Triage II Module now has the correct effect associated with it when activated.

    Boosters and Implants

    • 'Gunslinger' Small Projectile Turret implants now conform to the new naming convention.

    Weapons & Ammunition

    • Descriptions have been updated for Conflagration Laser Crystals, Tremor and Quake artillery charges.
    • When their intended target dies before they get there, missiles will no longer move in an erratic manner.

    Exploration & Deadspace

    • The green centroid lines between probes are now displayed correctly if the player has jumped between systems without closing the map.
    • Reconnecting to lost probes when travelling through wormholes will now be more consistent and stable.


    • Wrecks of NPCs are now properly identified and are no longer just numeric ID's.

    Corporation & Alliance

    • All other pending corp applications are now properly removed when you join a new corporation.

    Agents & Missions

    • Tidied up several misleading escalating path messages in missions.
    • Sometimes the client would lockup on trying to remove offered missions. This no longer happens.

    EVE Voice, Mail & Chat

    • Mails received for reimbursement will be properly formatted.

    User Interface

    • The link detection in chat has been improved (unicode support, multiple links in one line).
    • Fixed a small UI error which showed that a sole Wing Commander was entitled to a fleet boost when this was not actually the case.
    • On the map screen, Militia Ships Destroyed in the Last Hour now update the number correctly. Previously it always displayed 1.
    • The non-functional "Set Name" option has been removed from the contextual menu when right clicking the station name of an asset location. Stations cannot be renamed.
    • The People & Places contacts divider will now remember its position as set by the player.
    • An issue with the 'Use Active Overview Settings' checkbox in the Scanner UI has been fixed.
    • Agent portraits can now be seen with clients at 125% UI scaling.
    • When placing a Buy Order, the quantity for the item will again have separators and no decimal places.
    • The Jukebox window will no longer expand during a session change, such as docking or undocking, if it was previously collapsed.
    • When sorting by value for the standings transaction window, values are now sorted numerically instead of alphabetically.
    • An issue with the sorting of Log entry times around midnight has been fixed.
    • Fixed the text spacing in the "Accept Quote?" window for Manufacturing, so that text is no longer overlapped by UI elements.
    • Tooltip requiring the user to train additional levels in "Interplanetary Consolidation" will now display correctly when no more command centers can be placed on a planet.
    • Fixed an issue where Dominant Sovereignty Holder names longer than 39 characters would overlap the Kills in the last 24H label in the Sovereignty window. The names will now instead be clipped if the window is too small.
    • The notepad will now save changes if it has been closed via the shortcut key.
    • Fixed an issue where Station waypoints were being changed to System waypoints when cancelling Waypoint optimization and closing the map.
    • It is possible again to use the "arrow up" key to select items in the overview after a session change when the overview is in focus.
    • The Corporation icon can now correctly be removed from the Neocom. Fixed an issue where it would be added after removal on client restart.
    • Ship names in the fitting management window will no longer be fully capitalized.
    • The mysterious and enigmatic 'c' before the icon in the Redeem Items window, has disappeared into the cold, dark night.
    • Searching for Aura in People & Places will now only return the user’s starting Aura agent.
    • Having bilingual tooltips enabled will no longer insert additional tags into copied kill reports.


    • The Abaddon boosters length are now equal.
    • The boosters on the Retribution now fit snugly into the engine exhaust.
    • Resolved an issue with the infested Dominix drone, all of the animated legs will now display and animate correctly.
    • The fourth turret hard point no longer intersects with the top wing on the Vengeance model.
    • A texture seam in the Pulsar Nebulae has been fixed.
    • The booster trail on the Executioner no longer intersects with the exhaust geometry.
    • The turret locators on the drake have been repositioned onto the ship?s hull.
    • Resolved an issue where the Dismantler Alvior drone would not have animated shadows.
    • All Caldari industrials now have the shadow effects restored.
    • The animated cockroach model on infested rocks will no longer corrupt and show up on your ship.
    • The tech2 ORE ships have had their red lights restored.
    • Resolved locator issues for a large majority of NPC models using the Velator hull.
    • The EoM 'Death Knight' NPC now uses the updated V3 Maller with the appropriate EOM skin.
    • Fixed a texture seam on all mining barges.
    • The Dominix turret locators are mirrored once again.
    • Resolved turret locator issues with the NPC Ibis models.
    • Fixed the booster locators for the Arbitrator so they are closer to the ships geometry.
    • The Mordus frigate is now using the correct skin.
    • Fixed the booster locators on the Retriever hull.
    • Resolved locator issues on the following ship hulls: Nighthawk, Vulture, Ferox, Drake, and Widow.
    • Re-added the blinking lights to the Mordus Frigate.
    • Resolved an issue with the Strip Miner undeploy animation, the turrets will no longer bob up and down.
    • Resolved a legacy issue where effects would linger in the scene if your client was minimized for an extended period.
    • Increased the Nebula resolution quality on select systems.
    • Removed additional thrusters from the Einherji Fighter.
    • Drone Fighters now preview correctly.
    • The booster glow areas have been added to the Naga.
    • Resolved a locator issue with the Concord SWAT frigate.


    • Autolinking now auto-completes on the client side as well as translating to the clients language.
    • Nightstalker goggles now properly displayed when client is set to Japanese text.


    • Resolved an issue where the Mega Pulse Laser firing sound could not be heard from certain camera perspectives.
    • When opening Personal Assets->Constellation, if you have no assets the message now reads 'You have no assets in this constellation.'
    • Warping through a planet while cloaked shouldn't affect the cloak now.
    • Fixed various issues related to jump button where jumping would not take place after warping to location. The process was made more robust with regards to exceptional cases. This affects most cases of automatic navigation that end with an interaction as in opening cargo, docking and scooping drones.

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno - Client Update 1
    To be released on Tuesday, May 22, 2012.
    This update addresses issues introduced with Inferno 1.0
    User Interface

    • Corp logos in structure Kill Reports can now be dragged to share the Kill Report
    • An issue with adding market groups to custom quickbar folders has been fixed.
    • Automatic warp when jumping or docking no longer uses the default warp distances as defined by the user.
    • Fixed text indicating a faction was still capturing a control point when it is already captured.


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    Patch Notes for Escalation to Inferno

    Patch notes for EVE Online Launcher 1.318
    To be released on Friday, May 11, 2012.

    • The launcher now first tries to download patches that exists and apply them instead of creating them and if that fails, then download the existing patch.
    • The launcher will now check all files in the client and runs an update if any file is malformed, previously it was looking at the client build number in common.ini to determine if an update was required, meaning if common.ini was OK but other files not, then a client update was not started. This does not cover launchers that are set to not show up unless an update is required, they still using the old method of looking at the client build number in common.ini
    • Fixed an issue where patches where not being resumed correctly if the launcher was closed in mid-download of the create patch step. Resulting in a broken patch.
    • The play button was being enabled long before updates where finished, if pushed it would cancel the update and start the out of date client.

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Escalation to Inferno 1.0.3
    To be released on Wednesday, May 2, 2012.
    User Interface

    • It is now possible to toggle the overload status of damaged modules.

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Escalation to Inferno 1.0.2
    To be released on Thursday, April 26, 2012.
    User Interface

    • The font-size in the overview is now scaled properly when using UI-scaling.
    • The 'Travel to' option in the fleet broadcast window will now work as intended.

    Patch notes for EVE Online Launcher 1.312
    To be released on Thursday, April 26, 2012.

    • If the Launcher encounters an error while creating a patch, it will attempt to download a premade patch file instead. This should fix a broad spectrum of errors that occur during the "Creating patch" step in the Launcher.
    • When applying patches, if a patch failed on a single file, the Launcher would error immediately. It now it finishes patching what it can and then errors, leaving a less broken client.
    • If patching fails, the .patch file is deleted so that the bad data that caused the issue isn't used again when the user tries to update again after the failed update.
    • Launcher logs are now written to files with the naming convention launcher.[year].[month].[date].log instead of just launcher.log.
    • Additional, more meaningful logging.
    • A multitude of UI, localization and other minor bugs where fixed.

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Escalation to Inferno 1.0.1
    To be released on Wednesday, April 25, 2012.


    • Characters can once again access unanchored Secure Containers in space. Note: Until the secure container has been anchored and has a password, it is NOT secure - ANYONE can access it!
    • Removing station container restrictions on items from the Lifestock, Frozen and Radioactive groups. You can now sort your Frozen Foods and Janitors into containers as you see fit.

    Market and Contracts

    • The range filter in the market window has been fixed so now it will retain the previous selection.

    User Interface

    • Long item names are now shown correctly in the cargo window.
    • The ship HUD is now being displayed correctly after a session change with open planet view.
    • Orca pilots in NPC corps can again open their ships corp hangars when in space.
    • You no longer have to inject commas between search terms in the text based asset search. The keyword option hints will also match based on the beginning of the keyword rather than anywhere.


    • The Japanese translations of race and faction names are properly shown in the Japanese client.
    • The attributes panel of the character sheet is using the translation of the word “points” in localized clients.
    • Number formatting settings are now taken from the user’s regional settings instead of from the system’s regional setting.
    • Various linguistic improvements have been made throughout the client.

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Escalation to Inferno
    To be released on Tuesday, April 24, 2012.

    User Interface

    • All electronic warfare effects that you are on the receiving end of are displayed in icon format above your ship UI. These icons display who is ewaring you, what ship they are in and what type of ewar it is. Right clicking these icons also provides you with a useful context menu.
    • There is a new hairstyle available for female characters.
    • Entries in most table like scrolls, such as wallet transaction history, can now be copied with CTRL+C. If entries are selected, only those will be copied, but if nothing is selected and the focus is on the scroll, all the entries are copied. Pasting into other programs such as spreadsheets will line the entries up into rows and columns properly.
    • 'Clear Content' and 'Reload MOTD' menu options have been added to the chat channels.
    • There is now a right click option on the group/category trace in market details which allows you to find that group in the browse tab.
    • It is now possible to add personal notes to quickbar items. This is done through the right click menu ("Add additional text").
    • It is now possible to mark your own orders in market details. To enable this, a setting checkbox needs to be checked in the market settings tab. The orders marked as yours have 'modify order' option added to their menu.
    • A new text-fade effect is used in overview entries when fleet broadcast or electronic warfare indicators are visible and overlap the text. Also used in overview column headers when the sort triangle overlaps the text.



    • The first phase of refactoring the Crimewatch system has been completed. This phase is mostly invisible from a gameplay perspective, but paves the way for future work on the criminal flagging and aggression mechanics. See this video for more details.
    • Setting a character to +10 standing will no longer give them automatic permission to legally take from your containers in space.
    • Jettisoned containers and ship wrecks are now tagged with the owner, corp and fleet at the time of creation, rather than testing for loot-rights every time they are accessed. This will mean that if the container’s owner logs off, leaves fleet, jumps or docks, then the other pilots will not lose loot-rights access to his containers. This also means that the white/yellow/blue colouring of container icons more accurately reflects their true status.
    • Characters in capsules will now show up as criminals on the overview just like when piloting any other ship.


    • Titans can now lock a maximum of three targets.
    • XL turrets have had their signature resolution set to 2000m.
    • Capital Turrets that are fitted to titans now have a new damage-scaling attribute; targets with a signature radius smaller than this size will take reduced damage from these turrets. This does not apply to dreadnaughts.
    • Siege modules have had their tracking penalty removed.


    • Vanguard and Assault Sites have been revamped with the following changes:
      • NPCs have been grouped into waves and groups have been randomized; this will prevent blitzing and increase the random element within the sites.
      • Spawn triggers moved from individual NPCs to the group as a whole.
      • Lowered the rewards from Vanguard sites by 10%.
      • For more information see this blog.


    • All common Rogue Drones will no longer drop alloys and will instead have bounties in line with other NPCs.
    • Meta 0 modules in NPC loot tables have been replaced with Metal Scraps.
    • The brackets of spawn containers (for hacking containers in mini profession sites) are now being grayed out after being viewed to make it easier to know which containers are not hacked yet.
    • NPC's will always aggress you when you warp into their aggression range.

    Market & Contracts

    • A lot of modules have been added to the market that previously could only be found in Contracts. Mostly these are officer, deadspace, faction and storyline modules. Note that this only means that players can now buy and sell them between themselves.
    • Modules are sorted on the market by decreasing metalevel. So when you scroll down you should see increasingly more awesome modules.


    • The security status of systems in Etherium Reach, Malpais, Oasa, Outer Passage, Perrigen Falls, The Kalvela Expanse and the Spire has been adjusted upwards to bring them more into line with the rest of nullsec.

    User Interface

    • The Corporation Icon is now part of the Neocoms default layout. For users who are not in a player corporation they will be directed by default to the Recruitment tab.
    • The 'leaf' groups in the market can now be collapsed like all the other groups.
    • The 'Pose' icons within character creation and re-customization now display a clearer representation of the actual pose.
    • A few improvements have been made to the quickbar in the market. Items can now be dropped on the quickbar tab, it is possible to multi-select items in the quickbar, items in the quickbar can be copied over to another folder by CTRL dragging them to the folder, and now asset items can be added to the quickbar.
    • The most common user interface elements used to represent players can now be dragged over to various edit fields to add the character’s name. These fields include the private fields when creating contracts, edit field in the 'auditing' tab, and member edit field in the 'transactions' tab of the corp wallet.
    • The most common user interface elements used to represent item types can now be dragged over to various edit fields to add the types name. These fields include search fields in corp/personal assets, fields corp/personal transaction tabs, and an edit field in the window when creating an item exchange contract.
    • In Crucible 1.5, color coded security info was added to the solarsystems in the 'Route' tab of a show info window of a solarsytem. This security info has now also been added to the 'Related Solarsystems' tab for regions, and the 'Adjacent Solarsytems' tab for solarsystems.
    • 'Select Station' window for remote market orders now has 2 columns, station name and number jumps, and it's possible to sort the list by either one of those columns.
    • Hints that only repeated the original text in the scroll entry have been removed.
    • 'Select/Deselect All' buttons have been added to contract creation.
    • The currently active ship is no longer listed as available for trade during contract creation.
    • A 'Client' sub-menu has been added to the menu of transactions.


    • The Thukker Modified 100MN Microwarpdrive is no longer listed as a 100MN Microwarpdrive variant.

    Agents & Missions

    • Agents' showinfo windows will now properly explain the minimum standings requirements needed to use them.


    • Smoothing of shadow transition across geometry LODs.
    • Many small clothing intersections fixed.
    • Occasional graphical issues on NEX store previews fixed.


    • New file format for objects now result in faster loading and more efficient caching.
    • General optimization of the module display in the HUD. Dragging modules around and such will be much snappier.


    • A few types which were erroneously removed from Tranquility in Crucible 1.5 have been restored, most notably the old mines and their blueprints. People who were previously in possession of these types will have them re-added to their assets over the following few days.


    Agents & Missions

    • Driving a Wedge Part 1 messages are now human-comprehensible.
    • Agents in space now correctly identify their location when you try to talk to them remotely.


    • Wrecks from NPCs killed by things other than players (such as in certain Factional Warfare missions) will correctly show as abandoned upon creation.

    Player Owned Structures, Outposts and Stations

    • Fixed an issue where starbase fuel notifications weren't properly removed from the calendar when an online tower goes to anchored or is destroyed.
    • Standing and security loss for property damage is now correctly messaged in the character sheet -> security status transaction details.

    CONCORD and Kill Mails

    • Player security statuses in the UI should now always be rounded to one decimal place, to match how the enforcement code rounds them. This should mean that the UI will always consistently report whether or not you're at or below -5.0.
    • Security status gains from NPC kills should once again be awarded to every player involved.
    • An issue has been fixed that stopped pilots from being able to add items to abandoned Jetcans using these containers as if they were their own.
    • When Illegally looting a container during a legal fight, the offending pilot now receives a warning that the action will also flag them to their opponent's corporation.


    • Resolved and edge case where the sun lens flare would sometimes disappear after the warp tunnel was initialized.
    • Fixed an issue where warping through a planet would stop the warp tunnel from displaying in certain instances.
    • Resolved a defect where the station hangar scene would be rendered black if you disabled the station environment and alt+tabbed.

    User Interface

    • An issue with the displayed messages when leaving or joining a chat channel with an edited name has been fixed.
    • Text entered using an IME is no longer concealing previously typed text, while it is being edited in the IME.
    • The in-game log is no longer breaking, when trying to display multi-line messages.
    • The overview is now sorted correctly directly after undocking.
    • A display issue with the Character info window has been fixed.
    • The Jukebox will no longer create a duplicate icon on the Neocom when it has been collapsed.
    • An issue with the right click context menu on empty areas within the chat windows has been fixed.
    • It is no longer possible to paste strings containing letters or other illegal characters into a numeric field to avoid scams (letters or spaces at the end will be stripped off, but a warning sound is played).
    • Overview entries are now being removed or added correctly when filtering by standing or fleet membership and their status is being changed.
    • An issue with dragging and dropping fittings onto and inside folders within the Market quickbar has been fixed.
    • It is now easier to place the cursor on empty lines, for example in the Bio or the Notepad.
    • An issue with the Station Services menu resizing when small station service buttons are used has been fixed.
    • It is now possible again to open show info windows by clicking the (i) button in solar system map hints (and other hints are being hidden while expanding one stack of hints).
    • Fixed an issue where when hiding all windows while the Items and Ships window were merged with the Station Services panel, the Items and Ships window would become unusable.
    • An issue with the alphabetical arrangement of entries in the Legality tab has been fixed.
    • Only one confirmation popup window is shown, when trying to close the game several times by clicking the close icon (or Alt+Ctrl+Q) repeatedly.
    • Significantly improved an issue where moving planetary interaction extraction pins would cause a performance loss.
    • Fixed an issue where a text string was missing in the Wallet drop down for the Datacore Fee transaction type.
    • In a localized client, local chat no longer becomes locked when jumping through stargates.
    • 'Show English tooltips' no longer blocks drag/drop functionality from list view of hangar.
    • 'Show English tooltips' no longer blocks access to right click menu.
    • Hovering over incomplete skill requirements in showinfo screens will once more show the required training time.
    • Instead of doing nothing, world map search now returns an error if you try to search with 2 or less character.
    • The transparency of stacked and pinned windows is now persisted correctly after relog.
    • 'Any' search type will now return results for corporation tickers.
    • Brackets of stations are now updating correctly when adding them as waypoint.
    • Several html encoded characters like < and > are now shown correctly in the overview.
    • Market region headers are now correctly aligned.
    • Fixed an issue where when hiding all windows while the Items and Ships window were merged with the Station Services panel, the Items and Ships window would become unusable.
    • Fixed an issue where words with an apostrophe in them would break onto two separate lines in mission text
    • The correct message for voting to unlock a blueprint now appears in the Open Votes window in Corporation/Politics.


    • The description of the Naga states the correct bonuses in the German client.
    • An issue with some item names showing the old versions in both the German and Russian clients has been resolved.
    • Exporting market data from a localized client is working again.
    • Various linguistic improvements and formatting changes have been made throughout the client.

    EVE Voice, Mail & Chat

    • Join channel menu entries for fleet are now correct.
    • Previously clicked links are no longer being added when dragging fits or the solar system icon into chat.
    • The color of text in a MOTD is no longer reverting to its default color after a link.


    • The &#39;Micro Shield Transporter&#39; sound effect will now cycle without an abrupt stop.
    • The Support, News, Account Management and Patch Notes buttons have been removed from the log in screen as they are now located in the launcher.


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    Patch notes for Crucible 1.6

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Crucible 1.6.5
    To be released on Thursday, April 12, 2012.

    • An issue with selectable links in chat channels on non-English clients has been fixed.
    • The overview will now respect font size settings when localization tooltips are turned on.
    • A text size issue on the character creator bloodline screen has been fixed in the Japanese client.

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Crucible 1.6.4
    To be released on Wednesday, April 4, 2012.

    User Interface

    • Character skills are now easier to find as they are alphabetical in the client language.
    • Additional [] symbols removed from corp and alliance categories in Eve-Mail window.
    • Overview font now has a greater variation between large and small font (when not using tooltips!).
    • Agents now correcly update your journal with mission expiry date (and time if same day).
    • Some stations and names (50 characters long) are no longer skipped by searches.
    • The search field will now prioritize exact matches so that corporations using a very common term in their name will be searchable in Contracts and People & Places.

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Crucible 1.6.3
    Released on Tuesday, April 3, 2012.


    • Several translations were fixed.
    • UI improvements for the Japanese Client to correctly display buttons with Japanese text.

    User Interface

    • You can now add a station as a waypoint or set it as a destination via the In Game Browser.

    World Shaping

    • Pax Amarria is back in print, now using an optimized production process.


    • Pilots with a Global Criminal Countdown in high security space will be prevented from warping (if they are in any ship other than a capsule). This is to prevent a tactic declared to be an exploit recently.
    • Improved the clock synchronization of the client.
    • Fixed several client crashes.
    • New Eden has become a better place by fixing an exploit.

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Crucible 1.6.2
    Released on Friday, March 30, 2012.

    User Interface

    • Formatting issues in EVE Mails have been resolved in the English client.
    • An issue with the error message when attempting to put too much fuel into a POS has been resolved.
    • In the agent conversation window, an incorrect marker for bilingual functionality has been removed.
    • An issue with NPCs and Large Collidable Objects showing the wrong names on the overview has been resolved.

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Crucible 1.6.1
    Released on Thursday, March 29, 2012.

    User Interface

    • It is now possible to send mails to mailing lists that contain more than one word in their name.
    • The &ldquo;Declare War&rdquo; vote picker is now formatted correctly.
    • It is now possible to change the market filter with tooltips being activated.


    • An issue with moons and asteroid belts not displaying correctly on the overview has been resolved for the Russian and German client.
    • The search in the World Map Control Panel is working correctly now in the localized clients.
    • In the Japanese client the universe dropdown list in the system browser is now displaying correctly.


    • An issue with search queries queuing up when the search server goes down has been resolved.

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Crucible 1.6
    To be released Wednesday, March 28, 2012.


    • A full Japanese client for EVE Online is now available and joins German and Russian as our third fully localized client on Tranquility.


    User Interface

    • It is no longer necessary to select the search type in People & Places.
    • It is possible to search for exact matches in People & Places.
    • Wallet divisions now allow Unicode characters for naming.

    Weapons, Ammunition and Implants

    • All Kinetic missiles now have the name &lsquo;Scourge&rsquo; back.
    • Three classes of missile launcher have been renamed to better indicate the type of missile they fit. Assault Missile Launchers are now Rapid Light Missile Launchers, Standard Launchers are now Light Missile Launchers and Siege Launchers have become Torpedo Launchers.
    • Zainou &#39;Gypsy&#39; Turret Destabilization TD-90x renamed to Zainou &#39;Gypsy&#39; Weapon Disruption WD-90x.


    • In the localized clients, bilingual search can be conducted.
    • Players can choose to see translations of important names in tooltips on the localized clients.
    • Players can choose to have important names marked on the localized clients.
    • Players can choose to display a column with the English mission titles on the localized clients.
    • Players can choose if they want to see important names in English or translated on the localized clients.
    • The starmap can now be viewed in a fully localized format.

    Corporation & Alliance

    • Corporations can now name divisions using unicode characters.

    World Shaping

    • Stargates are now named solely for their destination. This means it will now display &#39;Destination&#39; rather than &#39;Stargate(destination)&#39;.


    Agents & Missions

    • The &#39;Spy Stash&#39; mission description now displays correctly.
    • Research agents now properly berate you for trying to research too many things. Research ALL THE THINGS.

    User Interface

    • It is no longer possible to use font, fontsize and br tags in corporation titles to avoid breaking the formatting of show info windows.
    • A client crash when inputting extremely large numbers into amount fields has been fixed.


    • Market order modification warnings are now fully translated in all localized clients.
    • The descriptions of some items and ships, like the Hulk, are now formatted correctly in localized clients.


    • A ship aligning for warp may now cancel the action at any time provided that it has not exceeded the activation speed and that its velocity vector is not yet aligned with the warp destination.


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    Patch notes for Crucible 1.5

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Crucible 1.5 to Crucible 1.5.4
    The newest patch notes are located at the bottom of the page.
    To be released Tuesday, March 13, 2012.
    Important Note: The new EVE launcher will install before Crucible 1.5 is launched. Once you boot up the new installer, EVE Online: Crucible 1.5 will be installed automatically.



    • We&rsquo;re replacing the current patching mechanic and replacing it with a Launcher. Players will be asked to download a small patch after downtime on Tuesday which will contain the Launcher. Once this has been completed, the EVE Launcher will start, which will automatically patch your client to the correct version. Full details are available in this blog.


    • We have revamped the rookie ships which are the first ships new players see in the game. You can read, and see, all the changes to the Ibis, Impairor, Reaper and Velator in this blog.

    Exploration and Deadspace

    • The following 2/10 deadspace sites have been added:
    • Blood Raider Human Farm
    • Serpentis Live Cargo Distribution Facilities
    • Sansha Acclimatization Facility



    • Changed how NPCs are spawned in EVE. You will no longer get the same type of NPCs in the same spawn.

    Character Creator and New Player Experience

    • In Character Creation and Re-Customization, the four portrait snap shots now retain all the background, pose and lighting settings of the portrait. This will allow you to quickly switch between them without changing settings, either by clicking on them or using the F1 - F4 keys.
    • The idle animations of your avatar will now pause when you are making sculpting changes.
    • The Tucking and Browsing buttons in Character Creation and Re-Customization have been moved to the side panel.

    Player Owned Structures, Outposts and Stations

    • Control towers in wormhole space no longer reveal distance in the Control Tower Management window.
    • If a Control Tower was configured with exactly 0.0 for "Attack if security status lower than", then it would ignore this setting altogether. This has now been fixed.


    • Weapon turrets now have consistent masses.
    • The Group containing Afterburners and Microwarpdrives has been renamed from "Afterburner" to "Propulsion Module", so that we no longer have Microwarpdrives in a group called "Afterburner".
    • All Kinetic missiles now have the name &lsquo;Scourge&rsquo; back.
    • All scripts now carry the suffix &lsquo;Script&rsquo; after their name. This affects Focused Warp Disruption, Optimal Range Disruption, Tracking Speed Disruption, Scan Resolution, Targeting Range, Optimal Range and Tracking Speed.
    • Shield hardeners, Shield resistance amplifiers, Armor hardeners, Energized plating and Resistance plating will all have their damage type inserted into their names.
    • Three classes of missile launcher have been renamed to better indicate the type of missile they fit. Assault Missile Launchers are now Rapid Light Missile Launchers, Standard Launchers are now Light Missile Launchers and Siege Launchers have become Torpedo Launchers.
    • All skill hardwirings in the game have had their names changed to conform to a particular scheme, where the name of the implant&#39;s affected skill is followed by a numerical appellation that indicates first the implant&#39;s slot and second the implant&#39;s percentage bonus.

    Market & Contracts

    • "Missiles" market group is now called "Missile Launcher Operation".
    • Market Buy orders will now appear in yellow text if the location of the item is included in your current destination route.
    • A &ldquo;View market details&rdquo; button has been added to the &ldquo;Modify Order&rdquo; window.
    • Double clicking on an order will now open up the market details for that item type.
    • You can add an item to the Market quickbar by dragging an inventory item or ship module (in ship-ui) onto the quickbar.
    • You can SHIFT+drag blueprints onto the Market quickbar (or hold down shift when picking "add to quickbar" from the menu), you add a folder to the quickbar. In that folder are all the materials needed for the activity you pick (and the blueprint itself. (Non-market items appear greyed out)
    • Non-market items can now be added to the market quickbar but they are greyed out.
    • You can now sort market orders by Region on the Orders tab.


    • All ORE ships now have the correct factional engine trails.
    • Ships will now inherit the correct engine trail color from their race type.
    • Ship hull effects will now follow any animations associated with that ship.
    • Fixed an issue where the region label for the starmap will no longer appear when switching shader/texture settings.

    User Interface

    • Checking the box in the Escape menu to turn off drone models will now state that a reboot is required for this to take effect.
    • Overview: New entries for the overview are now added immediately and do not have to wait for the next regular refresh.
    • "Cut" (ctrl+x) can be used now in contract and market order dialogs.
    • Users can now drag groups from the E menu (Accessories, Business and Social) onto the Neocom even when items within those groups are already on the Neocom. Items already on the Neocom will not be present in the groups when dragged from the E menu. Users can add or remove to the group folder as with any other folder.
    • Added percentage tooltips for Armor/Shield/Structure bars on targeted ships.
    • The Neocom will now reset to its default width in addition to its default button configuration when using the "Reset Buttons" option found when right clicking on the Neocom. This option is also available to players in the ESC menu under "Reset Settings".
    • Double clicking icons on the Neocom will now only open or close the window rather than open and close the window as the Neocom recognizes double clicks in addition to single clicks.
    • Fixed the formatting of the hover over tooltip for Transactions found in the Wallet. Each piece of information is now given its own line. Character first names have one line and surnames have another.
    • The correct fleet icon will now be used regardless of how the window is opened.
    • You will now be able to drag character Info Links in the chat to your watch list.
    • The banners on the NeX store have been updated. The &#39;Grand Opening&#39; has now ended.
    • You can now sort your Personal Assets by &#39;Number of Items&#39; per station.
    • Added route length & security info to the "Route" tab in the solar system info window.
    • The right click menu can now be accessed by right clicking on the icon in the Selected Items window in the Overview.
    • The Compare window has now been added to the shortcut options in the Escape menu.
    • Added a character counter to the Bio, Notepad and other similar text fields.


    • Fighter drones now get a little closer to their targets before switching off their MWD. This should result in fewer cases of fighters "stopping short".
    • All drone blueprints now reside in a group that matches the relevant drone&#39;s group. For example, blueprints for Cap Drain Drones now reside in the "Cap Drain Drone Blueprint" group.


    • The required standings for R&D agents are now displayed correctly in the German client.
    • The description for the Thrasher now displays the correct bonuses in the German client..
    • Fixed multiple typos and grammar in the German and Russian clients.
    • We have made improvements to the performance and memory usage of our new localization engine Cerberus.
    • The processing for agent messages has been moved to the client. This resolves the long standing issues with mission text being partially shown in the wrong language.
    • Period, comma and numpad-period, can now all be used as decimal marker regardless of OS, Regional settings, client or languageID.


    Character Creator and new Player Experience

    • An issue with certain lipstick colors not appearing correctly has been fixed.
    • Characters no longer turn on their invisibility cloak inside CQ when you change non-character specific texture quality options.
    • A display issue with character portraits on the Mac client has been fixed.
    • A PhysX crash that occurred in the Character Creator and the Captain&#39;s Quarters has been fixed.

    Player Owned Structures, Outposts and Stations

    • Outpost platforms now properly state that they require sovereignty to use.


    • Hull Tanking - Elite certificate no longer directly requires Hull Upgrades IV, as this is superseded by the requirement for Core Integrity - Elite.


    • Resolved an issue where sentry guns would not display their firing effect and sound when attacking.


    • The salvager module sound has been restored.
    • Resolved a bug where 250mm Railguns shared the same sound as Blaster cannons.


    • All Tech 2 blueprints will no longer have market entries. Any blueprint that&#39;s ever been used for manufacturing or research cannot be listed on the market, which is assumed to apply to all T2 BPOs, and having a market entry for them is causing showinfo to have a "view market details" button rather than "find in contracts".
    • Cloaking devices will consistently describe their effect on a ship&#39;s maximum velocity.
    • The Dual Modal Giga Pulse Laser I has now only one overheat bonus just as it was intended and is now in line with the other lasers of the group. Can still not be fitted on live sharks.

    User Interface

    • The auto completion for text fields will now work if that window is stacked with other windows.
    • Selecting a word in a text input box with a double-click or right-click (to link the item) is no longer including trailing spaces which makes linking much easier.
    • The timer for "Next Clone Jump Available" will now always display the remaining time after a clone jump, even if no additional clones have been installed.
    • The log will show the correct message if a user is attempting to anchor an item that can be anchored that is already being anchored. Anchor that!
    • UI Scaling: The position and direction of the ship in the map-browser and tactical overlay has been fixed.
    • Some minor typos have been corrected in the downtime message.
    • Notification messages will now correctly offset with the camera when the option has been enabled in the ESC menu.
    • Dynamic groups for chat channels and browser bookmarks has been fixed. The "X more..." group that appears at the end of a long list of channels or bookmarks is now created recursively when required and will expand in a logical manner depending on screen real estate available.
    • Fitting window retains dimensions even after closing and reopening the window.
    • The Map Browser now correctly remembers its state, whether open or closed, when changing the client resolution.
    • The Fleet Finder window will automatically search using the default search settings when opened.
    • The Training Queue window will now resize correctly without graphical glitches.
    • A redundant right click option was removed from the Neocom for the overflow folder when a player possesses more than 30 chat channels or bookmarks. This was removed as the functionality is not intended for dynamically created folders. Players can still remove chat channels or bookmarks by viewing the full listing via their respective windows.
    • The quick filter no longer saves each key press as a search.
    • When attempting to unfit a grouped module you will again receive a confirmation message telling you that the action will clear the group.
    • Improved the performance when adding and removing objects to the overview.
    • Shield Transporters will now show their range on the tactical overlay.
    • It is now possible to use both the dot and the comma as decimal delimiter when typing or pasting decimal values, for example when creating market orders.
    • Fixed an issue where the window indicating why standing changes had been awarded was opening blank. The transaction details for standing changes will now open correctly.
    • An issue has been fixed with show info for old items which would break for UI scaling set to something greater than 100%.
    • Improved the accuracy of the skill training bar seen under the character portrait on the Neocom. It will now accurately reflect the time left in line with the progress bar found within the Training Queue window.
    • Fixed an issue where the division in the Training Queue would snap to one side on being clicked.
    • The Show Info window will now remember its position when moved. All subsequent Show Info windows will open in the same location, cascading diagonally when set not to merge.
    • Switching overview tabs is no longer wasting a lot of time with regenerating brackets and is much faster.
    • Paragraphs are no longer jumping around in edit fields, for example, when editing the bio.
    • A separate message is now displayed when attempting to move items of the incorrect type into a Silo that has had its type set.
    • An issue with the Assets window becoming nonfunctional has been fixed.
    • Shortcuts to the Ship Hangar and Captain&#39;s Quarters no longer function in space.
    • Fixed an issue where dragging the Character Sheet directly from the E menu into a group would disallow the user from removing that icon again without resetting the Neocom.
    • Underscores are now visible in single line text boxes when using UI scaling.
    • You can now drag icons between groups and nested groups on the Neocom.
    • Windows will no longer open minimized if they were previously stacked with another window which has been minimized.
    • Highlighted text works properly now with UI scaling.
    • An issue with closing rolled-up windows has been resolved.
    • Fixed an issue where alliance member corporations could overwrite each other&rsquo;s wallet settings.
    • Market groups now load much faster.
    • When you click the overload rack button the tool-tip of the module&#39;s overload changes accordingly.
    • Text and progress bar are now aligned correctly when analyzing with probes.
    • An issue with the Certification Planner missing &#39;Recommended&#39; ships has been fixed.
    • An issue with the Station Services disappearing due to corporation role allocation has been fixed.
    • The size of several symbols have been adjusted and will display correctly.

    Weapons & Ammunition

    • Mega Pulse Lasers audio and visuals are now in sync.
    • T2/faction/mining crystals now correctly display their damage-per-use chance.


    • Fixed a rendering issue with the photo service where certain mission assets would not get the correct preview icon.
    • The stasis web effect would sometimes linger even after the module has been deactivated. This has been resolved.
    • A small gap between the sentry gun base and the turret model for all races has been fixed.
    • Tractor beam turrets will no longer get corrupted after a warp.
    • Neutron Blaster turret color will adapt to the racial style of the ship they&#39;re fitted to.
    • The &#39;flippers&#39; on the side of the Dominix are now symmetrical.
    • The boosters on the Dominix, Sin and Dominix Navy Issue have been moved closer to the ships engines.
    • Sun occlusion causing white screen flash on some ATi hardware has been fixed.
    • Resolved an issue where the ECCM effect would alter its location based on scale.
    • Resolved an issue where a shader parameter was not populated causing the Tractor beam muzzle glow to display a yellow box.
    • Added a missing turret locator to the Phantasm ship model.
    • Resolved an issue that occurred when changing planet view while your ship was docking..

    Corporation & Alliance

    • Dividends can now be paid out to Corporation members without error.

    Exploration & Deadspace

    • The effects of Magnetar wormhole systems will now be properly applied to all fighter drones.
    • The warp in effects on the sun in Uotila system have been fixed and display correctly.

    EVE Voice, Mail & Chat

    • The character limit for new EVE mails is now enforced correctly when pasting large text blocks.


    • Increased stability of the MAC client at higher resolutions.

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Crucible 1.5.1

    Released on Wednesday, March 14, 2012.

    User Interface

    • Electronic warfare progression bars are now aligned correctly under locked targets.
    • The overview sometimes stayed blank after undocking - this has been fixed.
    • Players should now be able to unfit mining crystals without trouble when docked in a station.
    • Chat channel selection for channel names with a localized component (corporate channels, help channels, language channels) is now working correctly.
    • A client crash which occurred when talking to specific agents has been fixed.
    • An issue with the ETC convert button has been fixed.

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Crucible 1.5.2

    Released on Thursday, March 15, 2012.

    User Interface

    • Players who had saved an invalid fitting in the personal fittings will now be able to see their valid fittings. The invalid fitting will be deleted.
    • A Windows XP issue with the alphabetical sorting in various UI windows has been fixed.
    • Fix added for right-click menus displaying incorrect text in certain circumstances.

    Agents & Missions

    • Epic Arc agents are once more open for business and will give out missions.
    • Old missions no longer block people & places window from displaying correctly.
    • Agents will now provide correct deadspace bookmarks for you to warp to.

    Graphics General

    • The stargate jump-in effect has been restored.
    • The space scene dust particle system works once again.

    World Shaping

    • Caldari Business Tribunal has lost the extra "tribunal" in the name.


    • LP store is now displayed correctly again in the German client.


    • Fixed an audio falloff error in ship modules.

    Patch notes for EVE Online Launcher 1.11
    Released Friday, March 16, 2012, at 14:30 GMT.


    • Numerous fixes were made to the Launcher self-update mechanism.
    • Fixed an error where the browser process spawned by clicking links in the Launcher inherited the file handles of the Launcher itself, causing permissions conflicts while patching.
    • The Launcher now properly manages paths with a variety of unexpected characters so that it doesn&#39;t assume that a process is running from the folder under its purview.
    • The Launcher needlessly held onto the handles of processes that it suspected were running from the directory under its purview. This has been corrected.
    • Added logging of HTTP Headers such that we&#39;re better able to debug Firewall/Router/Antivirus interference.
    • Forced the Launcher&#39;s embedded browser to log to the EVE/launcher folder, reducing interference with the patching process, and removing clutter.
    • Changed the method by which we delete old files before they&#39;re successfully patched.
    • Reduced the amount of time we wait for the Launcher to attempt to send logs to a hard limit of 3 seconds.
    • We now request non-cached copies of all meta-data files from the web, which should reduce instances of the Repair Tool or Launcher erroneously patching to a previous version.
    • The Launcher has been further hardened to closure during various stages of execution.
    • Patch importing and exporting has been made more robust.

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Crucible 1.5.3

    Released Tuesday, March 20, 2012.

    User Interface

    • Volume for ammunition & charges is now formatted correctly with the full value.
    • Show Info will only display once in the context menu for R&D agents.
    • The new S&I Blueprint filter has been optimized to handle a large amount of blueprints during the search.
    • The directional scanner has gotten back its commas so that you can read the range again clearly.

    Graphic and Sound

    • Fixed falloff on certain sound effects not reducing at distance.
    • Resolved an issue where the jump bridge effect would be applied to all ships in the scene.

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Crucible 1.5.4

    Released Wednesday, March 21, 2012.

    • Backend changes were made that will fix issues with accepting and completing Epic Arc branching missions.
    • Stations will once again display their operation type as a part of their name where it is applicable.
    • The right click option &ldquo;view market details&rdquo; on items in the &ldquo;reaction&rdquo; tab in the show info window of reactions now functions correctly.
    • You can now right click on an agent in custom folders to view the context menu.


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    Patch Notes for Inferno 1.2

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno 1.2
    To be released on Wednesday, August 8, 2012.

    Character Creator and New Player Experience

    • New character selection
      • Full screen interaction and mouseover.
      • "Choose race" map if fully interactive
      • "Choose bloodline" avatars are fully interactive

    • Aura Enhancements:
      • Clear instructions on what you need to learn at each stage.
      • Streamlined and more to the point.
      • Less painful experience for new eve players - get your friends involved quicker!

    • Aura Directions
      • Aura UI pointers now look better.
      • Aura points out items in space and in the UI related to the current instructions.

    • Split icon for tutorials and help
      • Aura tutorial is its own neocom icon.
      • Keeps track of your current location in the series.

    • Market Search Results
      • Sorted and categorized for your convenience

    • Module mouseover enhancement
      • Show the range and type without needing to use showinfo.

    • Mission Overlay
      • See the bookmarks for your current mission in an easy to access panel.
      • Interact with mission sites, set destination, warp to etc.

    • Skill Unlocks
      • See what modules and ships are unlocked by various skills.


    • All ships belonging to the Angel Cartel have been updated as part of the V3 program.

    Science and Industry

    • As the first step in a revamp of the Tech Two production chains, nine more Alchemy reactions have been added to the game. Alchemy allows capsuleers to bypass the use of certain rare minerals in the production of Tech Two components, through less efficient reactions that use more common minerals. Details on the Alchemy system can be found at this Dev Blog, and the new reactions are covered at this Dev Blog.

    • The reactions have been adjusted since the publishing of the dev blog; the details of the new reactions are:
      • 100 Titanium + 100 Vanadium -> 1 Unrefined Vanadium Hafnite -> 20 Vanadium Hafnite + 90 Vanadium
      • 100 Cobalt + 100 Platinum -> 1 Unrefined Platinum Technite -> 20 Platinum Technite + 90 Platinum
      • 100 Scandium + 100 Chromium -> 1 Unrefined Solerium -> 20 Solerium + 90 Chromium
      • 100 Scandium + 100 Cadmium -> 1 Unrefined Caesarium Cadmide -> 20 Caesarium Cadmide + 90 Cadmium
      • 100 Evaporite Deposits + 100 Atmospheric Gases -> 1 Unrefined Hexite -> 20 Hexite
      • 100 Atmospheric Gases + 100 Tungsten -> 1 Unrefined Rolled Tungsten Alloy -> 20 Rolled Tungsten Alloy + 90 Tungsten
      • 100 Evaporite Deposits + 100 Titanium -> 1 Unrefined Titanium Chromide -> 20 Titanium Chromide + 90 Titanium
      • 100 Hydrocarbons + 100 Scandium -> 1 Unrefined Fernite Alloy-> 20 Fernite Alloy + 90 Scandium
      • 100 Silicates + 100 Cobalt -> 1 Unrefined Crystallite Alloy -> 20 Crystallite Alloy + 90 Cobalt


    • Added the Medium Ice Harvester Accelerator I
      • 12% reduction to the duration of ice harvester cycles.
      • Calibration cost: 250

    • Added the Medium Mercoxit Mining Crystal Optimization I
      • 16% increase to the yield modifier of those modules using Mercoxit mining crystals.
      • Calibration cost: 250


    Unified Inventory

    • Added a Settings tab into all Inventory windows that allows players to make all secondary Inventory windows open up in a new window as the default behavior, making it unnecessary to hold the Shift key.
    • Removed Right-click option for Drone bay on ships without drone bays.
    • Fixed an issue where Open Ship Maintenance Bay and Open Corporation Hangars was missing in the Right-click Menu in stations.

    Ship Balancing

    • The next step in the ongoing removal of ship Tiers (as described in this Dev Blog) affects the Attack Frigates: the Executioner, Condor, Atron and Slasher.

    Attack Frigates are designed as high speed damage dealing and tackling vessels.

    • Frigate skill bonuses: -10% to small energy turret capacitor need and +5% small energy turret damage per level
    • Role bonus: 80% reduction in Propulsion Jamming systems activation cost
    • Slot layout: 4 H, 3 M, 3 L, 3 turrets, 0 launchers
    • Fittings: 45 PWG, 140 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 250 / 400 / 350
    • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 360 / 180 s / 2
    • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 410 / 2.85 / 1090000 / 2.91s
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 0 / 0
    • Targeting (max targeting range / scan resolution / max locked targets): 27.5km / 920 / 4
    • Sensor strength: 8 Radar
    • Signature radius: 31
    • Cargo capacity: 115


    • Frigate skill bonuses: +10% to light missile and rocket kinetic damage per level
    • Role bonus: 80% reduction in Propulsion Jamming systems activation cost
    • Slot layout: 4 H, 4 M, 2 L, 0 turrets, 3 launchers
    • Fittings: 35 PWG, 185 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 400 / 250 / 250
    • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 300 / 150 s / 2
    • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 400 / 2.9 / 1100000 / 2.99s
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 0 / 0
    • Targeting (max targeting range / scan resolution / max locked targets): 30km / 880 / 4
    • Sensor strength: 9 Gravimetric
    • Signature radius: 33
    • Cargo capacity: 130


    • Frigate skill bonuses: +5% to small hybrid turret damage and +10% to small hybrid turret falloff per level
    • Role bonus: 80% reduction in Propulsion Jamming systems activation cost
    • Slot layout: 4 H, 3 M, 3 L, 3 turrets, 0 launchers
    • Fittings: 37 PWG, 147 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 300 / 350 / 400
    • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 330 / 165 s / 2
    • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 420 / 2.8 / 1050000 / 2.75s
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 0 / 0
    • Targeting (max targeting range / scan resolution / max locked targets): 25km / 900 / 4
    • Sensor strength: 8 Magnetometric
    • Signature radius: 35
    • Cargo capacity: 145


    • Frigate skill bonuses: +5% to small projectile turret damage and +7.5% to small projectile turret tracking per level
    • Role bonus: 80% reduction in Propulsion Jamming systems activation cost
    • Slot layout: 4 H, 4 M, 2 L, 3 turrets, 0 launchers
    • Fittings: 34 PWG, 135 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 350 / 300 / 300
    • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 240 / 120 s / 2
    • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 430 / 2.83 / 1075000 / 2.85s
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 0 / 0
    • Targeting (max targeting range / scan resolution / max locked targets): 22.5km / 940 / 4
    • Sensor strength: 7 Ladar
    • Signature radius: 30
    • Cargo capacity: 120

    • Rookie frigates have been redesigned to give new players an improved experience in their first days and a taste of the combat tactics that their chosen race excels in.
    • The bonuses on these Rookie Frigates are static and do not increase with skill levels.


    • Static Role bonuses:
      • 20% bonus to Small Energy Turret capacitor use
      • 10% bonus to Small Energy Turret damage
      • 10% bonus to Tracking Disruptor effectiveness
      • 10% bonus to armor resistances

    • Slot layout: 2 H, 2 M, 2 L, 2 turrets, 1 launchers
    • Fittings: 24 PWG, 95 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 125 / 200 / 200
    • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 140 / 70s / 2
    • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 300 / 3.24 / 1148000 / 3.48s
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 5 / 5
    • Targeting (max targeting range / scan resolution / max locked targets): 25.5km / 485 / 3
    • Sensor strength: 6 Radar
    • Signature radius: 50
    • Cargo capacity: 115


    • Static Role bonuses:
      • 20% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret optimal range
      • 10% bonus to missile kinetic damage
      • 30% bonus to ECM Target Jammer strength
      • 10% bonus to shield resistances

    • Slot layout: 2 H, 2 M, 2 L, 2 turrets, 2 launchers
    • Fittings: 22 PWG, 110 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 200 / 125 / 175
    • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 130 / 65s / 2
    • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 295 / 3.12 / 1163000 / 3.40s
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 5 / 5
    • Targeting (max targeting range / scan resolution / max locked targets): 27km / 475 / 3
    • Sensor strength: 6 Gravimetric
    • Signature radius: 52
    • Cargo capacity: 125


    • Static Role bonuses:
      • 10% bonus to hybrid turret damage
      • 20% bonus to drone hitpoints, damage and mining yield
      • 10% bonus to Remote Sensor Dampener effectiveness
      • 15% bonus to Armor Repairer effectiveness

    • Slot layout: 2 H, 2 M, 2 L, 2 turrets, 1 launchers
    • Fittings: 23 PWG, 100 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 150 / 175 / 225
    • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 135 / 67.5s / 2
    • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 305 / 2.91 / 1148000 / 3.13s
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 10 / 10
    • Targeting (max targeting range / scan resolution / max locked targets): 23.5km / 480 / 3
    • Sensor strength: 6 Magnetometric
    • Signature radius: 54
    • Cargo capacity: 135


    • Static Role bonuses:
      • 10% bonus to velocity
      • 10% bonus to Small Projectile Turret damage
      • 10% bonus to Target Painter effectiveness
      • 15% bonus to Shield Boost Amount

    • Slot layout: 2 H, 2 M, 2 L, 2 turrets, 2 launchers
    • Fittings: 21 PWG, 105 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 175 / 150 / 150
    • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 125 / 62.5s / 2
    • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 310 / 3.03 / 1157000 / 3.28s
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 5 / 5
    • Targeting (max targeting range / scan resolution / max locked targets): 22km / 490 / 3
    • Sensor strength: 6 Ladar
    • Signature radius: 48
    • Cargo capacity: 120

    • Mining Barges and Exhumers are getting the "tiericide" treatment where roles within a ship class are favored over linear progression.
    • Warning: due to the reduction of traditional cargo bays in Mining Barges and Exhumers, if you are in space with an overloaded cargohold on release day, you will need to jettison some cargo in order to warp your ship. If you are overloaded with ore or ice, you can move it to the new ore hold instead.


    • Role is now mining barge with superior defenses

    • Mining Barge skill bonus per level: 5% bonus to shield hit points
    • Special bonus allows its 1 mining turret to have the mining output of 3 mining turrets
    • Slot layout: 1 High, 4 Mid, 2 Low
    • Fittings: 45 PWG, 250 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 6000 / 5000 / 5500
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 25 / 25
    • Signature radius: 200
    • Ore hold capacity: 12000
    • Cargo capacity: 350


    • Role is now mining barge with superior ore hold capacity

    • Mining Barge skill bonus per level: 5% bonus to ore hold capacity
    • Special bonus allows its 2 mining turrets to have the output of 3 mining turrets
    • Slot layout: 2 High, 1 Mid, 3 Low
    • Fittings: 35 PWG, 235 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 2300 / 1700 / 2000
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 25 / 25
    • Signature radius: 250
    • Ore hold capacity: 22000
    • Cargo capacity: 450


    • Role is now a mining barge with superior mining output

    • Mining Barge skill bonus per level: 4% bonus to Strip Miner yield, 3% reduction in Ice Harvester duration
    • Slot layout: 3 High, 1 Mid, 2 Low
    • Fittings: 35 PWG, 255 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 1700 / 1300 / 1500
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 50 / 50
    • Signature radius: 150
    • Ore hold capacity: 7000
    • Cargo capacity: 350


    • Role is now exhumer with superior defenses

    • Mining Barge skill bonus per level: 5% bonus to shield hit points, 5% bonus to all shield resistances
    • Exhumer skill bonus per level: 1% bonus to Strip Miner yield, 1% reduction in Ice Harvester duration
    • Special bonus allows its 1 mining turret to have the mining output of 3 mining turrets
    • Slot layout: 1 High, 5 Mid, 2 Low
    • Fittings: 50 PWG, 270 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 6500 / 5500 / 6000
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 50 / 50
    • Signature radius: 200
    • Ore hold capacity: 15000
    • Cargo capacity: 350


    • Role is now exhumer with superior ore hold capacity

    • Mining Barge skill bonus per level: 5% bonus to ore hold capacity, 5% bonus to all shield resistances
    • Exhumer skill bonus per level: 1% bonus to Strip Miner yield, 1% reduction in Ice Harvester duration
    • Special bonus allows its 2 mining turrets to have the output of 3 mining turrets
    • Slot layout: 2 High, 4 Mid, 3 Low
    • Fittings: 35 PWG, 270 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 3000 / 2300 / 2700
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 50 / 50
    • Signature radius: 250
    • Ore hold capacity: 28000Cargo capacity: 450


    • Role is now exhumer with superior mining output

    • Mining Barge skill bonus per level: 3% bonus to Strip Miner yield, 5% bonus to all shield resistances
    • Exhumer skill bonus per level: 3% bonus to Strip Miner yield, 4% reduction in Ice Harvester duration
    • Slot layout: 3 High, 4 Mid, 2 Low
    • Fittings: 35 PWG, 300 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 2200 / 1800 / 2000
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 50 / 50
    • Signature radius: 150
    • Ore hold capacity: 8500
    • Cargo capacity: 350


    • Ships that self-destruct will now drop loot in their wreck. This follows the regular chance based loot drop mechanics for items fitted to the ship and carried in the cargo hold.
    • Ships that self-destruct whilst under aggression will now generate a regular kill-report. In order for this to happen, the ship must have been recently aggressed, and there must be at least one of the aggressors in space in the system at the time of death. The final blow will be awarded to the eligible attacker who inflicted the most damage.


    • Ethnic Relations skill changed into Diplomatic Relations and theold effect is replaced by a new one that decreases cost to hire allies in war.


    • The &#39;Rampart&#39; Kinetic Plating I has been renamed to Experimental Explosive Plating I, and now gives an explosive bonus; previously the &#39;Rampart&#39; plating had identical stats to the Experimental Kinetic Plating I, and there was no corresponding Explosive plating with the same bonus.
    • T2 armor plates now have better HP that the Meta 4 plates. Previously there was no advantage in using the T2 plates.
    • Improved Centii A, B, C-Type Small Remote Armor Repair System attributes. Increased repair amount, reduced capacitor usage and extended range.
    • Improved Coreli A, B, C-Type Small Remote Armor Repair System attributes. Increased repair amount, reduced capacitor usage and extended range.
    • Improved Centum A, B, C-Type Medium Remote Armor Repair System attributes. Increased repair amount and reduced capacitor usage.
    • Improved Corelum A, B, C-Type Medium Remote Armor Repair System attributes. Increased repair amount, reduced capacitor usage and extended range.
    • Improved Pithi A, B, C-Type Small Shield Transporters. Increased shield transported amount, reduced capacitor usage and extended range.
    • Improved Gistii A, B, C-Type Small Shield Transporters. Increased shield transported amount, reduced capacitor usage and extended range.
    • Improved Pithum C A, B, C-Type Medium Shield Transporters. Increased shield transported amount and reduced capacitor usage.
      Improved Gistum A, B, C-Type Medium Shield Transporters. Increased shield transported amount, reduced capacitor usage and extended range.
    • "Synthetic Hull Conversion Inertia Stabilizers I" signature radius penalty has been reduced to be more in line with other "Synthetic Hull Conversion" modules. (CCP Tallest says hello).
    • All "Micro" shield extenders have had their skill requirement changed from Engineering I to Shield Upgrades I and are now affected by the Shield Upgrades skill bonus.
    • Changed Ionic Field Projector and Targeting System Subcontroller rigs to ensure that they correctly receive stacking penalties when used alongside modules that affect the same attribute. Remote Sensor Boosters are already stacking penalized with local Sensor Boosters; we triple checked.

    Weapons & Ammunition

    • The following missing Missiles have been added to the Guristas Loyalty Points store; "Guristas Inferno Heavy Assault Missile", "Guristas Mjolnir Heavy Assault Missile", "Guristas Nova Heavy Assault Missile", "Guristas Scourge Heavy Assault Missile".
    • Updated FOF missile names to match their category name of Auto-Targeting missiles.
    • Renamed Assault Missiles to Heavy Assault Missiles to match the launcher they are used in.
    • See for more details on the above two changes.
    • Hybrid Charges will now be consistently referred to as "Charges" rather than "Ammo" throughout the game.

    Market and Contracts

    • Added Pirate faction implants to the market.
    • Reorganized hardwiring implants on the market so that players are better able to find implants they want.

    Science and Industry

    • Factional Weapon upgrade blueprints have had their Manufacturing requirements brought in line with their Tech 1 variants. The affected blueprints are the:
    • Ammatar Navy Heat Sink Blueprint
    • Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System Blueprint
    • Federation Navy Magnetic Field Stabilizer Blueprint
    • Federation Navy Tracking Computer Blueprint
    • Federation Navy Tracking Link Blueprint
    • Imperial Navy Heat Sink Blueprint
    • Khanid Navy Ballistic Control System Blueprint
    • Republic Fleet Ballistic Control System Blueprint.

    Fittings and Saved Fittings

    • Rigs in saved fitting will get fit (if you choose to have them fit).
    • Charges in cargo will get saved with saved fittings.
    • Ice Products like Liquid Ozone in cargo will get saved in saved fittings and added when you fit.
    • When fitting a ship from a saved fitting, it will no longer abort if you are unable to fit one module/rig. Instead, it will fit everything but what you cannot use.

    Agents & Missions

    • Mission objectives for the mission "Beizan Picholen (1 of 6)" have made more clear.
    • Removed Mara NPCs from Override Transfer Array Incursion sites.
    • Moved the Logistics Control Array closer to the entrance in Override Transfer Array Incursion sites.
    • Reduced the number of NPCs from Override Transfer Array Incursion sites to reduce the total hitpoints present.

    User Interface

    • In the Standing Transactions window, "Show Details" is no longer available as the functionality was removed long ago.
    • Changed the opacity and border in the fitting screen of slots that cannot be used.
    • The LP font in the incursion global report window has been reduced in size so that six digits will now display correctly.
    • The Drone Settings window has now been changed to a much sleeker utility menu. This will give you much faster access to change drone settings on the fly.
    • Module tooltips now display more useful information such as ranges, estimated DPS, crystal damage etc.
    • A new Mission HUD will allow instant access to mission-related information and actions.
    • Overview is now sorted by distance by default, rather than by icon.
    • Customs Offices will no longer appear on the "General" overview default.
    • The agents list in a station now includes &lsquo;Talk to&rsquo; buttons, so a player does not have to right-click or double-click unnecessarily.
    • Market searches will now use a folder view to group results if they are spread across multiple categories.
    • Sorting of chat memberlist will now freeze on mouse-over, in the same way as the overview, to allow easier interaction in highly populated chat channels.

    Character Creation & New Player Experience

    • You can now move the camera further away from your character during portrait creation to see more of your clothing and pose.
    • There is now an option in the Escape Menu under the Miscellaneous section called: &lsquo;Enable Green screen Portrait Background&rsquo; which allows you apply a green screen background while in character creation or re-customization. When in the Portrait screen, the green background can be found at the far left of the Backgrounds menu. Also, when the green screen background option is enabled, it appears in the 3D avatar preview window as well.
    • At the race-selection screen regions of the map will highlight during mouse-over and can be clicked to select a race.


    • NPCs in the Group "Deadspace Rogue Drone Swarm" have bounties.

    Exploration & Deadspace

    • Noctis can now enter Sansha/Blood Raider/Angle/Serpentis Base complex. Previously they could only enter the Guristas Base.
    • Some DED 3/10 sites allowed battleships to enter, now they cannot

    EVE Voice, Mail & Chat

    • The &#39;Constellation&#39; chat channel is no longer opened by default for all new clients/characters.


    • Fixed a delay experienced when attempting to deploy probes or bombs directly after coming out of warp.


    Character Creation and New Player Experience

    • The text in the "Guns and Ammo" tutorial no longer assumes that your gun does not require ammunition.
    • An issue with missing body parts on avatars within the captain&#39;s quarters has been fixed.
    • An issue regarding avatars hair disappearing within the captain&#39;s quarters has been fixed.
    • A graphical corruption issue on player characters due to the way shaders are loaded has been fixed.
    • A lighting issue that occurred on characters when viewed in full body mode has been fixed.


    • Minor typo errors in the Huginn description have been cleaned up.
    • Corrected the description for the Raven, Raven Navy Issue and Raven State Issue which incorrectly mentioned a bonus to Siege launchers instead of Torpedo launchers.
    • Fixed an issue where T3 ships with the interdiction Nullifier subsystem fitted were landing outside POS shields rather than inside after a login e-warp.


    • Fixed an issue where delegated fighter drones were scattering to the edge of the system when the owner got disconnected from them. They will now end up in a reasonable position somewhere between the two ships.


    • When viewing the info of a skill, the attribute "Level" now has a capital L.


    • Created the missing module Ammatar Navy Armor Thermic Hardener and added into the Ammatar LP stores.
    • The Civilian Thermic Dissipation Field module is now named correctly.
    • Experimental Explosive Plating I is now correctly listed as a variant of Explosive Plating I rather than Kinetic Plating I.

    Boosters and Implants

    • Implant names and descriptions have been updated to be more consistent and informative.
    • The Implant Akemon&#39;s Modified &#39;Noble&#39; ZET5000 has been correctly renamed to Inherent Implants &#39;Noble&#39; Hull Upgrades HG-1008.
    • All variations of the Crash Booster now properly affect Citadel Cruise Missiles and Citadel Torpedoes.

    Weapons & Ammunition

    • Resolved an issue where Raw Materials were duplicated on the manufacturing quote window for the following items: Concussion Bomb, Scorch Bomb, Shrapnel Bomb, Lockbreaker Bomb, and Void Bomb.
    • Frigate-sized kinetic missiles no longer do zero damage in Wolf-Rayet C5 wormholes.


    • The Small Processor Overclocking Unit II will now be sorted with the other rigs alphabetically in the market.

    Science and Industry

    • Removed erroneous reference to Augmented Stem Cells in the production tab of Autotrophs.
    • A few errant T2 blueprints are now correctly listed as T2.

    Market & Contracts

    • The number of items available on the Market will now be displayed as an integer (123) rather than a decimal (123.00).
    • Unaccepted private courier contracts now appear properly in the journal and outstanding contracts list.
    • The Tracking Link I Blueprint has been moved from the Sensor Subsystem to the Weapon Upgrades category in the Blueprint section of the Market to be more consistent with its manufactured module location.

    Starbases, Outposts and Stations

    • Fixed an issue with manually controlled starbase turrets where the targeting countdown would sometimes continue to display after the target has been locked.
    • X-Large ship assembly array now gives correct error message when too many people are trying to use it.
    • Fixed an error that caused broken formatting in the "Not enough space" warning dialog for Customs Offices.

    Agents & Missions

    • Fixed the incursion &#39;Nation Rebirth Facility&#39; completion pop-up which was triggering before completion.
    • The "Balancing the Books" career mission series no longer rewards the same skill twice.
    • Acceleration gate in Research Outpost room, in the Worlds Collide mission is now locked until the NPCs have been cleared.
    • Fixed some spelling mistakes in the message displayed on completing "After The Seven (5 of 5) mission".
    • Career type Agents no longer only appear as Distribution division. They now appear correctly as Career type and in their respective divisions.

    Exploration & Deadspace

    • The second and third wave of the Class 6 Cosmic Anomaly "Core Citadel" has been fixed. Previously the frigates had not been spawning.
    • Fixed an issue where the wrong amount of dungeons were spawning in the drone regions in relation to pirate detection arrays.
    • Removed Republic Gleedas and their target painters from the Minmatar Minor Compound to ensure that all Factional Warfare complexes remain free of NPC electronic warfare.
    • Cloaked Ships will no longer be uncloaked by invisible Cosmic Signature and Cosmic Anomaly beacons

    Corporation & Alliance

    • Fixed cases where Corporation members tree view list with thousands of entries will be extremely slow. If number of members goes above 50, we now group them alphabetically. Opening up member hangars, enumerating list of members and checking content of members hangars will now be instant.
    • Resolved a minor typo for the message "(Ally X) has offered its assistance".

    EVE Voice, Mail & Chat

    • CONCORD Bounty payment EVE Mails now refer to the appropriate gender of the pilot killed.


    • Missiles launched at a Drone Particle Accelerator now fly in the correct direction.
    • Rendering of Gas Planets on Mac clients is now working correctly.


    • An issue with the sound effects not playing when mousing over and activating modules has been fixed.
    • A rogue Amarr arms dealer has been slayed ending an issue which caused laser weapons to sound without firing when viewing fittings.
    • Fixed an issue where music was not been triggered at certain acceleration gates.

    User Interface

    • Drones belonging to Militia members will now have the correct symbol applied on the overview and brackets.
    • Fixed a consistency issue between the Fitting screen and the Inventory of when the Set Quantity window would be displayed. The Set Quantity pop up will now always display both in the Inventory and Fitting screen when dropping more drones or items than can be placed in its respective bay.
    • Fixed a spacing issue in the "Activate Modular Ship?" message for Tech 3 ships.
    • Using the lock target keyboard shortcut on the watch list will now continue to work even when the keybind is changed to something other than Ctrl.
    • Tweaked the warzone control bars so that the animation will now occasionally run along the entire bar, from the middle outwards.
    • Long character names will no longer flow out from the recruiter boxes in the Corporation adverts.
    • Fixed an issue where the capacity bar for custom offices was being overlapped by the drop down menu and the words "Planetary Customs Office".
    • Fixed the contrast and color of text in the assets window for personal and corporation assets to make them more readable.
    • The Training Queue window will now remember its position, size and divider as set by the player.
    • You will now have the option to Warp Squad to other distances for bookmarks.
    • Fixed an issue where the "Select Item Type" window when linking an item would break if other similar windows were stacked.
    • Fixed an issue where the window focus frame was overlapped by icons and their quantity while scrolling.
    • Fixed an issue where individual corporate hangar division windows would not remember their positions in station after a session change.
    • Fixed an issue where the capacity bar would not update when changing modules that affect capacity either by fitting them, putting them online or offline.
    • Fixed an issue where aligned windows would all minimize if shift click was used on the icon on the Neocom bar.
    • There is now a minimum height for the SELLING and BUYING sections within the Orders tab of My Wallet, to prevent breaking the window.
    • Attempting to open another fleet members Corporation hangars or Ship maintenance bay, that has not been enabled for fleet member usage, will no longer add a non-functional closable location in the Inventory index tree.
    • Fixed an issue where the office management buttons on the Station Services panel would flicker when resizing the window.
    • Fixed an issue where double clicking deliveries within the Market Deliveries / Returns would cause the Inventory focus to jump to your ship&rsquo;s cargo hold.
    • Removed the Open Container option from deliveries within the Market Deliveries / Returns folder, as the option was non-functional.
    • Fixed a problem where it was possible to nest Item hangar and Ship hangar into a custom folder in the Neocom and delete the custom folder, removing the inventory icons and making them inaccessible again.
    • A typo in the description for the &#39;Women&#39;s Excursion Pants (Black/Red/Gold)&#39; has been fixed.
    • The fleet composition window now remembers its previous position, size and pinned status when closed and reopened.
    • Fixed a problem that occurred when wrecks were being set to viewed while looting that caused repeated unnecessary disk access resulting in reduction in frame rate.
    • Fixed an issue where the green background of the active ship in the Inventory could be duplicated onto other ships.
    • Fixed incorrect mention to Control Bunker instead of Infrastructure Hub in vulnerability notification.
    • Removed "Control Bunker" from invulnerability notification and unified "infrastructure hub" to capitalized "Infrastructure Hub" to all notification messages, including 0.0 sovereignty notifications.


    • Resolved graphical corruption for Windows XP users when opening the fitting window.
    • The timing of a doomsday has been improved so there is no delay between the effect completing and the ship&#39;s explosion.
    • Fixed an issue with no trails for missed target blaster fire.
    • Missile trail effect no longer extend further than targeted small ships.

    Localized Clients

    • English text is no longer doubled in some cases when using the Input Method Editor.
    • In the german client, the translation of "capacitor" has been changed to "Energiespeicher" for consistency reasons.
    • In the German client, the description of the skill "Turret Destabilization" now refers to the correct bonus.
    • On the German client, the description of the Visibility skill now refers to the game mechanics correctly.
    • To distinguish assets from the new inventory, we have renamed assets to "Besitz" on the German client.
    • On the German client, the translation of "power grid" has been unified to "Stromnetz".
    • In the German client, the translation of the term "Ticker" has been unified to "K&uuml;rzel" for consistency reasons.
    • Various improvements to the translations and fixes have been made throughout the client for all languages.


    • Fixed a case where incorrect contraband penalties were sometimes being applied in systems below the appropriate security-status threshold.
    • Increased the width of Loyalty Points Cost column in the LP Store to avoid truncated text.
    • Certain offensive T3 subsystems no longer display unexplained numbers in their attribute info.
    • Warping away while an advanced camera parent location is selected no longer locks the users view.
    • Fixed name of an NPC logo from &ldquo;Imperial Constructions&rdquo; to &ldquo;Amarr Constructions&rdquo;


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    Re: Patch Notes

    T2 armor plates now have better HP that the Meta 4 plates. Previously there was no advantage in using the T2 plates.
    That'll change up some fittings. Can't wait to fool around with exhumer fittings.
    enf-Jesus its been like 12 minutes and you're already worried about stats?! :-P
    Sweet home Alabama you are an idiot.

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    Patch Notes for Inferno 1.2

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno 1.2
    To be released on Wednesday, August 8, 2012.

    Character Creator and New Player Experience

    • New character selection
      • Full screen interaction and mouseover.
      • "Choose race" map if fully interactive
      • "Choose bloodline" avatars are fully interactive

    • Aura Enhancements:
      • Clear instructions on what you need to learn at each stage.
      • Streamlined and more to the point.
      • Less painful experience for new EVE players - get your friends involved quicker!

    • Aura Directions
      • Aura UI pointers now look better.
      • Aura points out items in space and in the UI related to the current instructions.

    • Split icon for tutorials and help
      • Aura tutorial is its own neocom icon.
      • Keeps track of your current location in the series.

    • Market Search Results
      • Sorted and categorized for your convenience

    • Module mouseover enhancement
      • Show the range and type without needing to use showinfo.

    • Mission Overlay
      • See the bookmarks for your current mission in an easy to access panel.
      • Interact with mission sites, set destination, warp to etc.

    • Skill Unlocks
      • See what modules and ships are unlocked by various skills.


    • All ships belonging to the Angel Cartel have been updated as part of the V3 program.

    Science and Industry

    • As the first step in a revamp of the Tech Two production chains, nine more Alchemy reactions have been added to the game. Alchemy allows capsuleers to bypass the use of certain rare minerals in the production of Tech Two components, through less efficient reactions that use more common minerals. Details on the Alchemy system can be found at this Dev Blog, and the new reactions are covered at this Dev Blog.

    • The reactions have been adjusted since the publishing of the dev blog; the details of the new reactions are:
      • 100 Titanium + 100 Vanadium -> 1 Unrefined Vanadium Hafnite -> 20 Vanadium Hafnite + 90 Vanadium
      • 100 Cobalt + 100 Platinum -> 1 Unrefined Platinum Technite -> 20 Platinum Technite + 90 Platinum
      • 100 Scandium + 100 Chromium -> 1 Unrefined Solerium -> 20 Solerium + 90 Chromium
      • 100 Scandium + 100 Cadmium -> 1 Unrefined Caesarium Cadmide -> 20 Caesarium Cadmide + 90 Cadmium
      • 100 Evaporite Deposits + 100 Atmospheric Gases -> 1 Unrefined Hexite -> 20 Hexite
      • 100 Atmospheric Gases + 100 Tungsten -> 1 Unrefined Rolled Tungsten Alloy -> 20 Rolled Tungsten Alloy + 90 Tungsten
      • 100 Evaporite Deposits + 100 Titanium -> 1 Unrefined Titanium Chromide -> 20 Titanium Chromide + 90 Titanium
      • 100 Hydrocarbons + 100 Scandium -> 1 Unrefined Fernite Alloy-> 20 Fernite Alloy + 90 Scandium
      • 100 Silicates + 100 Cobalt -> 1 Unrefined Crystallite Alloy -> 20 Crystallite Alloy + 90 Cobalt


    • Added the Medium Ice Harvester Accelerator I
      • 12% reduction to the duration of ice harvester cycles.
      • Calibration cost: 250

    • Added the Medium Mercoxit Mining Crystal Optimization I
      • 16% increase to the yield modifier of those modules using Mercoxit mining crystals.
      • Calibration cost: 250


    Unified Inventory

    • Added a Settings tab into all Inventory windows that allows players to make all secondary Inventory windows open up in a new window as the default behavior, making it unnecessary to hold the Shift key.
    • Removed Right-click option for Drone bay on ships without drone bays.
    • Fixed an issue where Open Ship Maintenance Bay and Open Corporation Hangars was missing in the Right-click Menu in stations.

    Ship Balancing

    • The next step in the ongoing removal of ship Tiers (as described in this Dev Blog) affects the Attack Frigates: the Executioner, Condor, Atron and Slasher.

    Attack Frigates are designed as high speed damage dealing and tackling vessels.

    • Frigate skill bonuses: -10% to small energy turret capacitor need and +5% small energy turret damage per level
    • Role bonus: 80% reduction in Propulsion Jamming systems activation cost
    • Slot layout: 4 H, 3 M, 3 L, 3 turrets, 0 launchers
    • Fittings: 45 PWG, 140 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 250 / 400 / 350
    • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 360 / 180 s / 2
    • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 410 / 2.85 / 1090000 / 2.91s
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 0 / 0
    • Targeting (max targeting range / scan resolution / max locked targets): 27.5km / 920 / 4
    • Sensor strength: 8 Radar
    • Signature radius: 31
    • Cargo capacity: 115


    • Frigate skill bonuses: +10% to light missile and rocket kinetic damage per level
    • Role bonus: 80% reduction in Propulsion Jamming systems activation cost
    • Slot layout: 4 H, 4 M, 2 L, 0 turrets, 3 launchers
    • Fittings: 35 PWG, 185 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 400 / 250 / 250
    • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 300 / 150 s / 2
    • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 400 / 2.9 / 1100000 / 2.99s
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 0 / 0
    • Targeting (max targeting range / scan resolution / max locked targets): 30km / 880 / 4
    • Sensor strength: 9 Gravimetric
    • Signature radius: 33
    • Cargo capacity: 130


    • Frigate skill bonuses: +5% to small hybrid turret damage and +10% to small hybrid turret falloff per level
    • Role bonus: 80% reduction in Propulsion Jamming systems activation cost
    • Slot layout: 4 H, 3 M, 3 L, 3 turrets, 0 launchers
    • Fittings: 37 PWG, 147 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 300 / 350 / 400
    • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 330 / 165 s / 2
    • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 420 / 2.8 / 1050000 / 2.75s
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 0 / 0
    • Targeting (max targeting range / scan resolution / max locked targets): 25km / 900 / 4
    • Sensor strength: 8 Magnetometric
    • Signature radius: 35
    • Cargo capacity: 145


    • Frigate skill bonuses: +5% to small projectile turret damage and +7.5% to small projectile turret tracking per level
    • Role bonus: 80% reduction in Propulsion Jamming systems activation cost
    • Slot layout: 4 H, 4 M, 2 L, 3 turrets, 0 launchers
    • Fittings: 34 PWG, 135 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 350 / 300 / 300
    • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 240 / 120 s / 2
    • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 430 / 2.83 / 1075000 / 2.85s
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 0 / 0
    • Targeting (max targeting range / scan resolution / max locked targets): 22.5km / 940 / 4
    • Sensor strength: 7 Ladar
    • Signature radius: 30
    • Cargo capacity: 120

    • Rookie frigates have been redesigned to give new players an improved experience in their first days and a taste of the combat tactics that their chosen race excels in.
    • The bonuses on these Rookie Frigates are static and do not increase with skill levels.


    • Static Role bonuses:
      • 20% bonus to Small Energy Turret capacitor use
      • 10% bonus to Small Energy Turret damage
      • 10% bonus to Tracking Disruptor effectiveness
      • 10% bonus to armor resistances

    • Slot layout: 2 H, 2 M, 2 L, 2 turrets, 1 launchers
    • Fittings: 24 PWG, 95 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 125 / 200 / 200
    • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 140 / 70s / 2
    • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 300 / 3.24 / 1148000 / 3.48s
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 5 / 5
    • Targeting (max targeting range / scan resolution / max locked targets): 25.5km / 485 / 3
    • Sensor strength: 6 Radar
    • Signature radius: 50
    • Cargo capacity: 115


    • Static Role bonuses:
      • 20% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret optimal range
      • 10% bonus to missile kinetic damage
      • 30% bonus to ECM Target Jammer strength
      • 10% bonus to shield resistances

    • Slot layout: 2 H, 2 M, 2 L, 2 turrets, 2 launchers
    • Fittings: 22 PWG, 110 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 200 / 125 / 175
    • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 130 / 65s / 2
    • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 295 / 3.12 / 1163000 / 3.40s
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 5 / 5
    • Targeting (max targeting range / scan resolution / max locked targets): 27km / 475 / 3
    • Sensor strength: 6 Gravimetric
    • Signature radius: 52
    • Cargo capacity: 125


    • Static Role bonuses:
      • 10% bonus to hybrid turret damage
      • 20% bonus to drone hitpoints, damage and mining yield
      • 10% bonus to Remote Sensor Dampener effectiveness
      • 15% bonus to Armor Repairer effectiveness

    • Slot layout: 2 H, 2 M, 2 L, 2 turrets, 1 launchers
    • Fittings: 23 PWG, 100 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 150 / 175 / 225
    • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 135 / 67.5s / 2
    • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 305 / 2.91 / 1148000 / 3.13s
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 10 / 10
    • Targeting (max targeting range / scan resolution / max locked targets): 23.5km / 480 / 3
    • Sensor strength: 6 Magnetometric
    • Signature radius: 54
    • Cargo capacity: 135


    • Static Role bonuses:
      • 10% bonus to velocity
      • 10% bonus to Small Projectile Turret damage
      • 10% bonus to Target Painter effectiveness
      • 15% bonus to Shield Boost Amount

    • Slot layout: 2 H, 2 M, 2 L, 2 turrets, 2 launchers
    • Fittings: 21 PWG, 105 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 175 / 150 / 150
    • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 125 / 62.5s / 2
    • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 310 / 3.03 / 1157000 / 3.28s
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 5 / 5
    • Targeting (max targeting range / scan resolution / max locked targets): 22km / 490 / 3
    • Sensor strength: 6 Ladar
    • Signature radius: 48
    • Cargo capacity: 120

    Mining Barges and Exhumers are getting the "tiericide" treatment where roles within a ship class are favored over linear progression.
    Warning: due to the reduction of traditional cargo bays in Mining Barges and Exhumers, if you are in space with an overloaded cargohold on release day, you will need to jettison some cargo in order to warp your ship. If you are overloaded with ore or ice, you can move it to the new ore hold instead.

    • Role is now mining barge with superior defenses

    • Mining Barge skill bonus per level: 5% bonus to shield hit points
    • Special bonus allows its 1 mining turret to have the mining output of 3 mining turrets
    • Slot layout: 1 High, 4 Mid, 2 Low
    • Fittings: 45 PWG, 250 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 6000 / 5000 / 5500
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 25 / 25
    • Signature radius: 200
    • Ore hold capacity: 12000
    • Cargo capacity: 350


    • Role is now mining barge with superior ore hold capacity

    • Mining Barge skill bonus per level: 5% bonus to ore hold capacity
    • Special bonus allows its 2 mining turrets to have the output of 3 mining turrets
    • Slot layout: 2 High, 1 Mid, 3 Low
    • Fittings: 35 PWG, 235 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 2300 / 1700 / 2000
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 25 / 25
    • Signature radius: 250
    • Ore hold capacity: 22000
    • Cargo capacity: 450


    • Role is now a mining barge with superior mining output

    • Mining Barge skill bonus per level: 4% bonus to Strip Miner yield, 3% reduction in Ice Harvester duration
    • Slot layout: 3 High, 1 Mid, 2 Low
    • Fittings: 35 PWG, 255 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 1700 / 1300 / 1500
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 50 / 50
    • Signature radius: 150
    • Ore hold capacity: 7000
    • Cargo capacity: 350


    • Role is now exhumer with superior defenses

    • Mining Barge skill bonus per level: 5% bonus to shield hit points, 5% bonus to all shield resistances
    • Exhumer skill bonus per level: 1% bonus to Strip Miner yield, 1% reduction in Ice Harvester duration
    • Special bonus allows its 1 mining turret to have the mining output of 3 mining turrets
    • Slot layout: 1 High, 5 Mid, 2 Low
    • Fittings: 50 PWG, 270 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 6500 / 5500 / 6000
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 50 / 50
    • Signature radius: 200
    • Ore hold capacity: 15000
    • Cargo capacity: 350


    • Role is now exhumer with superior ore hold capacity

    • Mining Barge skill bonus per level: 5% bonus to ore hold capacity, 5% bonus to all shield resistances
    • Exhumer skill bonus per level: 1% bonus to Strip Miner yield, 1% reduction in Ice Harvester duration
    • Special bonus allows its 2 mining turrets to have the output of 3 mining turrets
    • Slot layout: 2 High, 4 Mid, 3 Low
    • Fittings: 35 PWG, 270 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 3000 / 2300 / 2700
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 50 / 50
    • Signature radius: 250
    • Ore hold capacity: 28000Cargo capacity: 450


    • Role is now exhumer with superior mining output

    • Mining Barge skill bonus per level: 3% bonus to Strip Miner yield, 5% bonus to all shield resistances
    • Exhumer skill bonus per level: 3% bonus to Strip Miner yield, 4% reduction in Ice Harvester duration
    • Slot layout: 3 High, 4 Mid, 2 Low
    • Fittings: 35 PWG, 300 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 2200 / 1800 / 2000
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 50 / 50
    • Signature radius: 150
    • Ore hold capacity: 8500
    • Cargo capacity: 350


    • Ships that self-destruct will now drop loot in their wreck. This follows the regular chance based loot drop mechanics for items fitted to the ship and carried in the cargo hold.
    • Ships that self-destruct whilst under aggression will now generate a regular kill-report. In order for this to happen, the ship must have been recently aggressed, and there must be at least one of the aggressors in space in the system at the time of death. The final blow will be awarded to the eligible attacker who inflicted the most damage.


    • Ethnic Relations skill changed into Diplomatic Relations and the old effect is replaced by a new one that decreases cost to hire allies in war.


    • The &#39;Rampart&#39; Kinetic Plating I has been renamed to Experimental Explosive Plating I, and now gives an explosive bonus; previously the &#39;Rampart&#39; plating had identical stats to the Experimental Kinetic Plating I, and there was no corresponding Explosive plating with the same bonus.
    • T2 armor plates now have better HP that the Meta 4 plates. Previously there was no advantage in using the T2 plates.
    • Improved Centii A, B, C-Type Small Remote Armor Repair System attributes. Increased repair amount, reduced capacitor usage and extended range.
    • Improved Coreli A, B, C-Type Small Remote Armor Repair System attributes. Increased repair amount, reduced capacitor usage and extended range.
    • Improved Centum A, B, C-Type Medium Remote Armor Repair System attributes. Increased repair amount and reduced capacitor usage.
    • Improved Corelum A, B, C-Type Medium Remote Armor Repair System attributes. Increased repair amount, reduced capacitor usage and extended range.
    • Improved Pithi A, B, C-Type Small Shield Transporters. Increased shield transported amount, reduced capacitor usage and extended range.
    • Improved Gistii A, B, C-Type Small Shield Transporters. Increased shield transported amount, reduced capacitor usage and extended range.
    • Improved Pithum C A, B, C-Type Medium Shield Transporters. Increased shield transported amount and reduced capacitor usage.
      Improved Gistum A, B, C-Type Medium Shield Transporters. Increased shield transported amount, reduced capacitor usage and extended range.
    • "Synthetic Hull Conversion Inertia Stabilizers I" signature radius penalty has been reduced to be more in line with other "Synthetic Hull Conversion" modules. (CCP Tallest says hello).
    • All "Micro" shield extenders have had their skill requirement changed from Engineering I to Shield Upgrades I and are now affected by the Shield Upgrades skill bonus.
    • Changed Ionic Field Projector and Targeting System Subcontroller rigs to ensure that they correctly receive stacking penalties when used alongside modules that affect the same attribute. Remote Sensor Boosters are already stacking penalized with local Sensor Boosters; we triple checked.

    Weapons & Ammunition

    • The following missing Missiles have been added to the Guristas Loyalty Points store; "Guristas Inferno Heavy Assault Missile", "Guristas Mjolnir Heavy Assault Missile", "Guristas Nova Heavy Assault Missile", "Guristas Scourge Heavy Assault Missile".
    • Updated FOF missile names to match their category name of Auto-Targeting missiles.
    • Renamed Assault Missiles to Heavy Assault Missiles to match the launcher they are used in.
    • See for more details on the above two changes.
    • Hybrid Charges will now be consistently referred to as "Charges" rather than "Ammo" throughout the game.

    Market and Contracts

    • Added Pirate faction implants to the market.
    • Reorganized hardwiring implants on the market so that players are better able to find implants they want.

    Science and Industry

    • Factional Weapon upgrade blueprints have had their Manufacturing requirements brought in line with their Tech 1 variants. The affected blueprints are the:
    • Ammatar Navy Heat Sink Blueprint
    • Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System Blueprint
    • Federation Navy Magnetic Field Stabilizer Blueprint
    • Federation Navy Tracking Computer Blueprint
    • Federation Navy Tracking Link Blueprint
    • Imperial Navy Heat Sink Blueprint
    • Khanid Navy Ballistic Control System Blueprint
    • Republic Fleet Ballistic Control System Blueprint.

    Fittings and Saved Fittings

    • Rigs in saved fitting will get fitted (if you choose to have them fit).
    • Charges in cargo will get saved with saved fittings.
    • Ice Products like Liquid Ozone in cargo will get saved in saved fittings and added when you fit.
    • When fitting a ship from a saved fitting, it will no longer abort if you are unable to fit one module/rig. Instead, it will fit everything but what you cannot use.

    Agents & Missions

    • Mission objectives for the mission "Beizan Picholen (1 of 6)" have been made more clear.
    • Removed Mara NPCs from Override Transfer Array Incursion sites.
    • Moved the Logistics Control Array closer to the entrance in Override Transfer Array Incursion sites.
    • Reduced the number of NPCs from Override Transfer Array Incursion sites to reduce the total hitpoints present.

    User Interface

    • In the Standing Transactions window, "Show Details" is no longer available as the functionality was removed long ago.
    • Changed the opacity and border in the fitting screen of slots that cannot be used.
    • The LP font in the incursion global report window has been reduced in size so that six digits will now display correctly.
    • The Drone Settings window has now been changed to a much sleeker utility menu. This will give you much faster access to change drone settings on the fly.
    • Module tooltips now display more useful information such as ranges, estimated DPS, crystal damage etc.
    • A new Mission HUD will allow instant access to mission-related information and actions.
    • Overview is now sorted by distance by default, rather than by icon.
    • Customs Offices will no longer appear on the "General" overview default.
    • The agents list in a station now includes &lsquo;Talk to&rsquo; buttons, so a player does not have to right-click or double-click unnecessarily.
    • Market searches will now use a folder view to group results if they are spread across multiple categories.
    • Sorting of chat memberlist will now freeze on mouse-over, in the same way as the overview, to allow easier interaction in highly populated chat channels.

    Character Creation & New Player Experience

    • You can now move the camera further away from your character during portrait creation to see more of your clothing and pose.
    • There is now an option in the Escape Menu under the Miscellaneous section called: &lsquo;Enable Green screen Portrait Background&rsquo; which allows you apply a green screen background while in character creation or re-customization. When in the Portrait screen, the green background can be found at the far left of the Backgrounds menu. Also, when the green screen background option is enabled, it appears in the 3D avatar preview window as well.
    • At the race-selection screen regions of the map will highlight during mouse-over and can be clicked to select a race.


    • NPCs in the Group "Deadspace Rogue Drone Swarm" have bounties.

    Exploration & Deadspace

    • Noctis can now enter Sansha/Blood Raider/Angle/Serpentis Base complex. Previously they could only enter the Guristas Base.
    • Some DED 3/10 sites allowed battleships to enter, now they cannot

    EVE Voice, Mail & Chat

    • The &#39;Constellation&#39; chat channel is no longer opened by default for all new clients/characters.


    • Fixed a delay experienced when attempting to deploy probes or bombs directly after coming out of warp.


    Character Creation and New Player Experience

    • The text in the "Guns and Ammo" tutorial no longer assumes that your gun does not require ammunition.
    • An issue with missing body parts on avatars within the captain&#39;s quarters has been fixed.
    • An issue regarding avatars hair disappearing within the captain&#39;s quarters has been fixed.
    • A graphical corruption issue on player characters due to the way shaders are loaded has been fixed.
    • A lighting issue that occurred on characters when viewed in full body mode has been fixed.


    • Minor typo errors in the Huginn description have been cleaned up.
    • Corrected the description for the Raven, Raven Navy Issue and Raven State Issue which incorrectly mentioned a bonus to Siege launchers instead of Torpedo launchers.
    • Fixed an issue where T3 ships with the interdiction Nullifier subsystem fitted were landing outside POS shields rather than inside after a login e-warp.


    • Fixed an issue where delegated fighter drones were scattering to the edge of the system when the owner got disconnected from them. They will now end up in a reasonable position somewhere between the two ships.


    • When viewing the info of a skill, the attribute "Level" now has a capital L.


    • Created the missing module Ammatar Navy Armor Thermic Hardener and added into the Ammatar LP stores.
    • The Civilian Thermic Dissipation Field module is now named correctly.
    • Experimental Explosive Plating I is now correctly listed as a variant of Explosive Plating I rather than Kinetic Plating I.

    Boosters and Implants

    • Implant names and descriptions have been updated to be more consistent and informative.
    • The Implant Akemon&#39;s Modified &#39;Noble&#39; ZET5000 has been correctly renamed to Inherent Implants &#39;Noble&#39; Hull Upgrades HG-1008.
    • All variations of the Crash Booster now properly affect Citadel Cruise Missiles and Citadel Torpedoes.

    Weapons & Ammunition

    • Resolved an issue where Raw Materials were duplicated on the manufacturing quote window for the following items: Concussion Bomb, Scorch Bomb, Shrapnel Bomb, Lockbreaker Bomb, and Void Bomb.
    • Frigate-sized kinetic missiles no longer do zero damage in Wolf-Rayet C5 wormholes.


    • The Small Processor Overclocking Unit II will now be sorted with the other rigs alphabetically in the market.

    Science and Industry

    • Removed erroneous reference to Augmented Stem Cells in the production tab of Autotrophs.
    • A few errant T2 blueprints are now correctly listed as T2.

    Market & Contracts

    • The number of items available on the Market will now be displayed as an integer (123) rather than a decimal (123.00).
    • Unaccepted private courier contracts now appear properly in the journal and outstanding contracts list.
    • The Tracking Link I Blueprint has been moved from the Sensor Subsystem to the Weapon Upgrades category in the Blueprint section of the Market to be more consistent with its manufactured module location.

    Starbases, Outposts and Stations

    • Fixed an issue with manually controlled starbase turrets where the targeting countdown would sometimes continue to display after the target has been locked.
    • X-Large ship assembly array now gives correct error message when too many people are trying to use it.
    • Fixed an error that caused broken formatting in the "Not enough space" warning dialog for Customs Offices.

    Agents & Missions

    • Fixed the incursion &#39;Nation Rebirth Facility&#39; completion pop-up which was triggering before completion.
    • The "Balancing the Books" career mission series no longer rewards the same skill twice.
    • Acceleration gate in Research Outpost room, in the Worlds Collide mission is now locked until the NPCs have been cleared.
    • Fixed some spelling mistakes in the message displayed on completing "After The Seven (5 of 5) mission".
    • Career type Agents no longer only appear as Distribution division. They now appear correctly as Career type and in their respective divisions.

    Exploration & Deadspace

    • The second and third wave of the Class 6 Cosmic Anomaly "Core Citadel" has been fixed. Previously the frigates had not been spawning.
    • Fixed an issue where the wrong amount of dungeons were spawning in the drone regions in relation to pirate detection arrays.
    • Removed Republic Gleedas and their target painters from the Minmatar Minor Compound to ensure that all Factional Warfare complexes remain free of NPC electronic warfare.
    • Cloaked Ships will no longer be uncloaked by invisible Cosmic Signature and Cosmic Anomaly beacons

    Corporation & Alliance

    • Fixed cases where Corporation members tree view list with thousands of entries will be extremely slow. If number of members goes above 50, we now group them alphabetically. Opening up member hangars, enumerating list of members and checking content of members hangars will now be instant.
    • Resolved a minor typo for the message "(Ally X) has offered its assistance".

    EVE Voice, Mail & Chat

    • CONCORD Bounty payment EVE Mails now refer to the appropriate gender of the pilot killed.


    • Missiles launched at a Drone Particle Accelerator now fly in the correct direction.
    • Rendering of Gas Planets on Mac clients is now working correctly.


    • An issue with the sound effects not playing when mousing over and activating modules has been fixed.
    • A rogue Amarr arms dealer has been slayed ending an issue which caused laser weapons to sound without firing when viewing fittings.
    • Fixed an issue where music was not been triggered at certain acceleration gates.

    User Interface

    • Drones belonging to Militia members will now have the correct symbol applied on the overview and brackets.
    • Fixed a consistency issue between the Fitting screen and the Inventory of when the Set Quantity window would be displayed. The Set Quantity pop up will now always display both in the Inventory and Fitting screen when dropping more drones or items than can be placed in its respective bay.
    • Fixed a spacing issue in the "Activate Modular Ship?" message for Tech 3 ships.
    • Using the lock target keyboard shortcut on the watch list will now continue to work even when the keybind is changed to something other than Ctrl.
    • Tweaked the warzone control bars so that the animation will now occasionally run along the entire bar, from the middle outwards.
    • Long character names will no longer flow out from the recruiter boxes in the Corporation adverts.
    • Fixed an issue where the capacity bar for custom offices was being overlapped by the drop down menu and the words "Planetary Customs Office".
    • Fixed the contrast and color of text in the assets window for personal and corporation assets to make them more readable.
    • The Training Queue window will now remember its position, size and divider as set by the player.
    • You will now have the option to Warp Squad to other distances for bookmarks.
    • Fixed an issue where the "Select Item Type" window when linking an item would break if other similar windows were stacked.
    • Fixed an issue where the window focus frame was overlapped by icons and their quantity while scrolling.
    • Fixed an issue where individual corporate hangar division windows would not remember their positions in station after a session change.
    • Fixed an issue where the capacity bar would not update when changing modules that affect capacity either by fitting them, putting them online or offline.
    • Fixed an issue where aligned windows would all minimize if shift click was used on the icon on the Neocom bar.
    • There is now a minimum height for the SELLING and BUYING sections within the Orders tab of My Wallet, to prevent breaking the window.
    • Attempting to open another fleet members Corporation hangars or Ship maintenance bay, that has not been enabled for fleet member usage, will no longer add a non-functional closable location in the Inventory index tree.
    • Fixed an issue where the office management buttons on the Station Services panel would flicker when resizing the window.
    • Fixed an issue where double clicking deliveries within the Market Deliveries / Returns would cause the Inventory focus to jump to your ship&rsquo;s cargo hold.
    • Removed the Open Container option from deliveries within the Market Deliveries / Returns folder, as the option was non-functional.
    • Fixed a problem where it was possible to nest Item hangar and Ship hangar into a custom folder in the Neocom and delete the custom folder, removing the inventory icons and making them inaccessible again.
    • A typo in the description for the &#39;Women&#39;s Excursion Pants (Black/Red/Gold)&#39; has been fixed.
    • The fleet composition window now remembers its previous position, size and pinned status when closed and reopened.
    • Fixed a problem that occurred when wrecks were being set to viewed while looting that caused repeated unnecessary disk access resulting in reduction in frame rate.
    • Fixed an issue where the green background of the active ship in the Inventory could be duplicated onto other ships.
    • Fixed incorrect mention to Control Bunker instead of Infrastructure Hub in vulnerability notification.
    • Removed "Control Bunker" from invulnerability notification and unified "infrastructure hub" to capitalized "Infrastructure Hub" to all notification messages, including 0.0 sovereignty notifications.


    • Resolved graphical corruption for Windows XP users when opening the fitting window.
    • The timing of a doomsday has been improved so there is no delay between the effect completing and the ship&#39;s explosion.
    • Fixed an issue with no trails for missed target blaster fire.
    • Missile trail effect no longer extend further than targeted small ships.

    Localized Clients

    • English text is no longer doubled in some cases when using the Input Method Editor.
    • In the german client, the translation of "capacitor" has been changed to "Energiespeicher" for consistency reasons.
    • In the German client, the description of the skill "Turret Destabilization" now refers to the correct bonus.
    • On the German client, the description of the Visibility skill now refers to the game mechanics correctly.
    • To distinguish assets from the new inventory, we have renamed assets to "Besitz" on the German client.
    • On the German client, the translation of "power grid" has been unified to "Stromnetz".
    • In the German client, the translation of the term "Ticker" has been unified to "K&uuml;rzel" for consistency reasons.
    • Various improvements to the translations and fixes have been made throughout the client for all languages.


    • Fixed a case where incorrect contraband penalties were sometimes being applied in systems below the appropriate security-status threshold.
    • Increased the width of Loyalty Points Cost column in the LP Store to avoid truncated text.
    • Certain offensive T3 subsystems no longer display unexplained numbers in their attribute info.
    • Warping away while an advanced camera parent location is selected no longer locks the users view.
    • Fixed name of an NPC logo from &ldquo;Imperial Constructions&rdquo; to &ldquo;Amarr Constructions&rdquo;


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    Patch Notes for Inferno 1.2

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno 1.2
    To be released on Wednesday, August 8, 2012.

    Character Creator and New Player Experience

    • New character selection
      • Full screen interaction and mouseover.
      • "Choose race" map if fully interactive
      • "Choose bloodline" avatars are fully interactive

    • Aura Enhancements:
      • Clear instructions on what you need to learn at each stage.
      • Streamlined and more to the point.
      • Less painful experience for new EVE players - get your friends involved quicker!

    • Aura Directions
      • Aura UI pointers now look better.
      • Aura points out items in space and in the UI related to the current instructions.

    • Split icon for tutorials and help
      • Aura tutorial is its own neocom icon.
      • Keeps track of your current location in the series.

    • Market Search Results
      • Sorted and categorized for your convenience

    • Module mouseover enhancement
      • Show the range and type without needing to use showinfo.

    • Mission Overlay
      • See the bookmarks for your current mission in an easy to access panel.
      • Interact with mission sites, set destination, warp to etc.

    • Skill Unlocks
      • See what modules and ships are unlocked by various skills.


    • All ships belonging to the Angel Cartel have been updated as part of the V3 program.

    Science and Industry

    • As the first step in a revamp of the Tech Two production chains, nine more Alchemy reactions have been added to the game. Alchemy allows capsuleers to bypass the use of certain rare minerals in the production of Tech Two components, through less efficient reactions that use more common minerals. Details on the Alchemy system can be found at this Dev Blog, and the new reactions are covered at this Dev Blog.

    • The reactions have been adjusted since the publishing of the dev blog; the details of the new reactions are:
      • 100 Titanium + 100 Vanadium -> 1 Unrefined Vanadium Hafnite -> 20 Vanadium Hafnite + 90 Vanadium
      • 100 Cobalt + 100 Platinum -> 1 Unrefined Platinum Technite -> 20 Platinum Technite + 90 Platinum
      • 100 Scandium + 100 Chromium -> 1 Unrefined Solerium -> 20 Solerium + 90 Chromium
      • 100 Scandium + 100 Cadmium -> 1 Unrefined Caesarium Cadmide -> 20 Caesarium Cadmide + 90 Cadmium
      • 100 Evaporite Deposits + 100 Atmospheric Gases -> 1 Unrefined Hexite -> 20 Hexite
      • 100 Atmospheric Gases + 100 Tungsten -> 1 Unrefined Rolled Tungsten Alloy -> 20 Rolled Tungsten Alloy + 90 Tungsten
      • 100 Evaporite Deposits + 100 Titanium -> 1 Unrefined Titanium Chromide -> 20 Titanium Chromide + 90 Titanium
      • 100 Hydrocarbons + 100 Scandium -> 1 Unrefined Fernite Alloy-> 20 Fernite Alloy + 90 Scandium
      • 100 Silicates + 100 Cobalt -> 1 Unrefined Crystallite Alloy -> 20 Crystallite Alloy + 90 Cobalt


    • Added the Medium Ice Harvester Accelerator I
      • 12% reduction to the duration of ice harvester cycles.
      • Calibration cost: 250

    • Added the Medium Mercoxit Mining Crystal Optimization I
      • 16% increase to the yield modifier of those modules using Mercoxit mining crystals.
      • Calibration cost: 250


    Unified Inventory

    • Added a Settings tab into all Inventory windows that allows players to make all secondary Inventory windows open up in a new window as the default behavior, making it unnecessary to hold the Shift key.
    • Removed Right-click option for Drone bay on ships without drone bays.
    • Fixed an issue where Open Ship Maintenance Bay and Open Corporation Hangars was missing in the Right-click Menu in stations.

    Ship Balancing

    • The next step in the ongoing removal of ship Tiers (as described in this Dev Blog) affects the Attack Frigates: the Executioner, Condor, Atron and Slasher.

    Attack Frigates are designed as high speed damage dealing and tackling vessels.

    • Frigate skill bonuses: -10% to small energy turret capacitor need and +5% small energy turret damage per level
    • Role bonus: 80% reduction in Propulsion Jamming systems activation cost
    • Slot layout: 4 H, 3 M, 3 L, 3 turrets, 0 launchers
    • Fittings: 45 PWG, 140 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 250 / 400 / 350
    • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 360 / 180 s / 2
    • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 410 / 2.85 / 1090000 / 2.91s
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 0 / 0
    • Targeting (max targeting range / scan resolution / max locked targets): 27.5km / 920 / 4
    • Sensor strength: 8 Radar
    • Signature radius: 31
    • Cargo capacity: 115


    • Frigate skill bonuses: +10% to light missile and rocket kinetic damage per level
    • Role bonus: 80% reduction in Propulsion Jamming systems activation cost
    • Slot layout: 4 H, 4 M, 2 L, 0 turrets, 3 launchers
    • Fittings: 35 PWG, 185 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 400 / 250 / 250
    • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 300 / 150 s / 2
    • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 400 / 2.9 / 1100000 / 2.99s
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 0 / 0
    • Targeting (max targeting range / scan resolution / max locked targets): 30km / 880 / 4
    • Sensor strength: 9 Gravimetric
    • Signature radius: 33
    • Cargo capacity: 130


    • Frigate skill bonuses: +5% to small hybrid turret damage and +10% to small hybrid turret falloff per level
    • Role bonus: 80% reduction in Propulsion Jamming systems activation cost
    • Slot layout: 4 H, 3 M, 3 L, 3 turrets, 0 launchers
    • Fittings: 37 PWG, 147 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 300 / 350 / 400
    • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 330 / 165 s / 2
    • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 420 / 2.8 / 1050000 / 2.75s
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 0 / 0
    • Targeting (max targeting range / scan resolution / max locked targets): 25km / 900 / 4
    • Sensor strength: 8 Magnetometric
    • Signature radius: 35
    • Cargo capacity: 145


    • Frigate skill bonuses: +5% to small projectile turret damage and +7.5% to small projectile turret tracking per level
    • Role bonus: 80% reduction in Propulsion Jamming systems activation cost
    • Slot layout: 4 H, 4 M, 2 L, 3 turrets, 0 launchers
    • Fittings: 34 PWG, 135 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 350 / 300 / 300
    • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 240 / 120 s / 2
    • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 430 / 2.83 / 1075000 / 2.85s
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 0 / 0
    • Targeting (max targeting range / scan resolution / max locked targets): 22.5km / 940 / 4
    • Sensor strength: 7 Ladar
    • Signature radius: 30
    • Cargo capacity: 120

    Rookie frigates have been redesigned to give new players an improved experience in their first days and a taste of the combat tactics that their chosen race excels in.
    The bonuses on these Rookie Frigates are static and do not increase with skill levels.

    • Static Role bonuses:
      • 20% bonus to Small Energy Turret capacitor use
      • 10% bonus to Small Energy Turret damage
      • 10% bonus to Tracking Disruptor effectiveness
      • 10% bonus to armor resistances

    • Slot layout: 2 H, 2 M, 2 L, 2 turrets, 1 launchers
    • Fittings: 24 PWG, 95 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 125 / 200 / 200
    • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 140 / 70s / 2
    • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 300 / 3.24 / 1148000 / 3.48s
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 5 / 5
    • Targeting (max targeting range / scan resolution / max locked targets): 25.5km / 485 / 3
    • Sensor strength: 6 Radar
    • Signature radius: 50
    • Cargo capacity: 115


    • Static Role bonuses:
      • 20% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret optimal range
      • 10% bonus to missile kinetic damage
      • 30% bonus to ECM Target Jammer strength
      • 10% bonus to shield resistances

    • Slot layout: 2 H, 2 M, 2 L, 2 turrets, 2 launchers
    • Fittings: 22 PWG, 110 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 200 / 125 / 175
    • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 130 / 65s / 2
    • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 295 / 3.12 / 1163000 / 3.40s
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 5 / 5
    • Targeting (max targeting range / scan resolution / max locked targets): 27km / 475 / 3
    • Sensor strength: 6 Gravimetric
    • Signature radius: 52
    • Cargo capacity: 125


    • Static Role bonuses:
      • 10% bonus to hybrid turret damage
      • 20% bonus to drone hitpoints, damage and mining yield
      • 10% bonus to Remote Sensor Dampener effectiveness
      • 15% bonus to Armor Repairer effectiveness

    • Slot layout: 2 H, 2 M, 2 L, 2 turrets, 1 launchers
    • Fittings: 23 PWG, 100 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 150 / 175 / 225
    • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 135 / 67.5s / 2
    • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 305 / 2.91 / 1148000 / 3.13s
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 10 / 10
    • Targeting (max targeting range / scan resolution / max locked targets): 23.5km / 480 / 3
    • Sensor strength: 6 Magnetometric
    • Signature radius: 54
    • Cargo capacity: 135


    • Static Role bonuses:
      • 10% bonus to velocity
      • 10% bonus to Small Projectile Turret damage
      • 10% bonus to Target Painter effectiveness
      • 15% bonus to Shield Boost Amount

    • Slot layout: 2 H, 2 M, 2 L, 2 turrets, 2 launchers
    • Fittings: 21 PWG, 105 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 175 / 150 / 150
    • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 125 / 62.5s / 2
    • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 310 / 3.03 / 1157000 / 3.28s
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 5 / 5
    • Targeting (max targeting range / scan resolution / max locked targets): 22km / 490 / 3
    • Sensor strength: 6 Ladar
    • Signature radius: 48
    • Cargo capacity: 120

    Mining Barges and Exhumers are getting the "tiericide" treatment where roles within a ship class are favored over linear progression.
    Warning: due to the reduction of traditional cargo bays in Mining Barges and Exhumers, if you are in space with an overloaded cargohold on release day, you will need to jettison some cargo in order to warp your ship. If you are overloaded with ore or ice, you can move it to the new ore hold instead.

    • Role is now mining barge with superior defenses

    • Mining Barge skill bonus per level: 5% bonus to shield hit points
    • Special bonus allows its 1 mining turret to have the mining output of 3 mining turrets
    • Slot layout: 1 High, 4 Mid, 2 Low
    • Fittings: 45 PWG, 250 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 6000 / 5000 / 5500
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 25 / 25
    • Signature radius: 200
    • Ore hold capacity: 12000
    • Cargo capacity: 350


    • Role is now mining barge with superior ore hold capacity

    • Mining Barge skill bonus per level: 5% bonus to ore hold capacity
    • Special bonus allows its 2 mining turrets to have the output of 3 mining turrets
    • Slot layout: 2 High, 1 Mid, 3 Low
    • Fittings: 35 PWG, 235 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 2300 / 1700 / 2000
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 25 / 25
    • Signature radius: 250
    • Ore hold capacity: 22000
    • Cargo capacity: 450


    • Role is now a mining barge with superior mining output

    • Mining Barge skill bonus per level: 4% bonus to Strip Miner yield, 3% reduction in Ice Harvester duration
    • Slot layout: 3 High, 1 Mid, 2 Low
    • Fittings: 35 PWG, 255 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 1700 / 1300 / 1500
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 50 / 50
    • Signature radius: 150
    • Ore hold capacity: 7000
    • Cargo capacity: 350


    • Role is now exhumer with superior defenses

    • Mining Barge skill bonus per level: 5% bonus to shield hit points, 5% bonus to all shield resistances
    • Exhumer skill bonus per level: 1% bonus to Strip Miner yield, 1% reduction in Ice Harvester duration
    • Special bonus allows its 1 mining turret to have the mining output of 3 mining turrets
    • Slot layout: 1 High, 5 Mid, 2 Low
    • Fittings: 50 PWG, 270 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 6500 / 5500 / 6000
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 50 / 50
    • Signature radius: 200
    • Ore hold capacity: 15000
    • Cargo capacity: 350


    • Role is now exhumer with superior ore hold capacity

    • Mining Barge skill bonus per level: 5% bonus to ore hold capacity, 5% bonus to all shield resistances
    • Exhumer skill bonus per level: 1% bonus to Strip Miner yield, 1% reduction in Ice Harvester duration
    • Special bonus allows its 2 mining turrets to have the output of 3 mining turrets
    • Slot layout: 2 High, 4 Mid, 3 Low
    • Fittings: 35 PWG, 270 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 3000 / 2300 / 2700
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 50 / 50
    • Signature radius: 250
    • Ore hold capacity: 28000Cargo capacity: 450


    • Role is now exhumer with superior mining output

    • Mining Barge skill bonus per level: 3% bonus to Strip Miner yield, 5% bonus to all shield resistances
    • Exhumer skill bonus per level: 3% bonus to Strip Miner yield, 4% reduction in Ice Harvester duration
    • Slot layout: 3 High, 4 Mid, 2 Low
    • Fittings: 35 PWG, 300 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 2200 / 1800 / 2000
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 50 / 50
    • Signature radius: 150
    • Ore hold capacity: 8500
    • Cargo capacity: 350


    • Ships that self-destruct will now drop loot in their wreck. This follows the regular chance based loot drop mechanics for items fitted to the ship and carried in the cargo hold.
    • Ships that self-destruct whilst under aggression will now generate a regular kill-report. In order for this to happen, the ship must have been recently aggressed, and there must be at least one of the aggressors in space in the system at the time of death. The final blow will be awarded to the eligible attacker who inflicted the most damage.


    • Ethnic Relations skill changed into Diplomatic Relations and the old effect is replaced by a new one that decreases cost to hire allies in war.


    • The &#39;Rampart&#39; Kinetic Plating I has been renamed to Experimental Explosive Plating I, and now gives an explosive bonus; previously the &#39;Rampart&#39; plating had identical stats to the Experimental Kinetic Plating I, and there was no corresponding Explosive plating with the same bonus.
    • T2 armor plates now have better HP that the Meta 4 plates. Previously there was no advantage in using the T2 plates.
    • Improved Centii A, B, C-Type Small Remote Armor Repair System attributes. Increased repair amount, reduced capacitor usage and extended range.
    • Improved Coreli A, B, C-Type Small Remote Armor Repair System attributes. Increased repair amount, reduced capacitor usage and extended range.
    • Improved Centum A, B, C-Type Medium Remote Armor Repair System attributes. Increased repair amount and reduced capacitor usage.
    • Improved Corelum A, B, C-Type Medium Remote Armor Repair System attributes. Increased repair amount, reduced capacitor usage and extended range.
    • Improved Pithi A, B, C-Type Small Shield Transporters. Increased shield transported amount, reduced capacitor usage and extended range.
    • Improved Gistii A, B, C-Type Small Shield Transporters. Increased shield transported amount, reduced capacitor usage and extended range.
    • Improved Pithum C A, B, C-Type Medium Shield Transporters. Increased shield transported amount and reduced capacitor usage.
      Improved Gistum A, B, C-Type Medium Shield Transporters. Increased shield transported amount, reduced capacitor usage and extended range.
    • "Synthetic Hull Conversion Inertia Stabilizers I" signature radius penalty has been reduced to be more in line with other "Synthetic Hull Conversion" modules. (CCP Tallest says hello).
    • All "Micro" shield extenders have had their skill requirement changed from Engineering I to Shield Upgrades I and are now affected by the Shield Upgrades skill bonus.
    • Changed Ionic Field Projector and Targeting System Subcontroller rigs to ensure that they correctly receive stacking penalties when used alongside modules that affect the same attribute. Remote Sensor Boosters are already stacking penalized with local Sensor Boosters; we triple checked.

    Weapons & Ammunition

    • The following missing Missiles have been added to the Guristas Loyalty Points store; "Guristas Inferno Heavy Assault Missile", "Guristas Mjolnir Heavy Assault Missile", "Guristas Nova Heavy Assault Missile", "Guristas Scourge Heavy Assault Missile".
    • Updated FOF missile names to match their category name of Auto-Targeting missiles.
    • Renamed Assault Missiles to Heavy Assault Missiles to match the launcher they are used in.
    • See for more details on the above two changes.
    • Hybrid Charges will now be consistently referred to as "Charges" rather than "Ammo" throughout the game.

    Market and Contracts

    • Added Pirate faction implants to the market.
    • Reorganized hardwiring implants on the market so that players are better able to find implants they want.

    Science and Industry

    • Factional Weapon upgrade blueprints have had their Manufacturing requirements brought in line with their Tech 1 variants. The affected blueprints are the:
    • Ammatar Navy Heat Sink Blueprint
    • Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System Blueprint
    • Federation Navy Magnetic Field Stabilizer Blueprint
    • Federation Navy Tracking Computer Blueprint
    • Federation Navy Tracking Link Blueprint
    • Imperial Navy Heat Sink Blueprint
    • Khanid Navy Ballistic Control System Blueprint
    • Republic Fleet Ballistic Control System Blueprint.

    Fittings and Saved Fittings

    • Rigs in saved fitting will get fitted (if you choose to have them fit).
    • Charges in cargo will get saved with saved fittings.
    • Ice Products like Liquid Ozone in cargo will get saved in saved fittings and added when you fit.
    • When fitting a ship from a saved fitting, it will no longer abort if you are unable to fit one module/rig. Instead, it will fit everything but what you cannot use.

    Agents & Missions

    • Mission objectives for the mission "Beizan Picholen (1 of 6)" have been made more clear.
    • Removed Mara NPCs from Override Transfer Array Incursion sites.
    • Moved the Logistics Control Array closer to the entrance in Override Transfer Array Incursion sites.
    • Reduced the number of NPCs from Override Transfer Array Incursion sites to reduce the total hitpoints present.

    User Interface

    • In the Standing Transactions window, "Show Details" is no longer available as the functionality was removed long ago.
    • Changed the opacity and border in the fitting screen of slots that cannot be used.
    • The LP font in the incursion global report window has been reduced in size so that six digits will now display correctly.
    • The Drone Settings window has now been changed to a much sleeker utility menu. This will give you much faster access to change drone settings on the fly.
    • Module tooltips now display more useful information such as ranges, estimated DPS, crystal damage etc.
    • A new Mission HUD will allow instant access to mission-related information and actions.
    • Overview is now sorted by distance by default, rather than by icon.
    • Customs Offices will no longer appear on the "General" overview default.
    • The agents list in a station now includes &lsquo;Talk to&rsquo; buttons, so a player does not have to right-click or double-click unnecessarily.
    • Market searches will now use a folder view to group results if they are spread across multiple categories.
    • Sorting of chat memberlist will now freeze on mouse-over, in the same way as the overview, to allow easier interaction in highly populated chat channels.

    Character Creation & New Player Experience

    • You can now move the camera further away from your character during portrait creation to see more of your clothing and pose.
    • There is now an option in the Escape Menu under the Miscellaneous section called: &lsquo;Enable Green screen Portrait Background&rsquo; which allows you apply a green screen background while in character creation or re-customization. When in the Portrait screen, the green background can be found at the far left of the Backgrounds menu. Also, when the green screen background option is enabled, it appears in the 3D avatar preview window as well.
    • At the race-selection screen regions of the map will highlight during mouse-over and can be clicked to select a race.


    • NPCs in the Group "Deadspace Rogue Drone Swarm" have bounties.

    Exploration & Deadspace

    • Noctis can now enter Sansha/Blood Raider/Angle/Serpentis Base complex. Previously they could only enter the Guristas Base.
    • Some DED 3/10 sites allowed battleships to enter, now they cannot

    EVE Voice, Mail & Chat

    • The &#39;Constellation&#39; chat channel is no longer opened by default for all new clients/characters.


    • Fixed a delay experienced when attempting to deploy probes or bombs directly after coming out of warp.


    Character Creation and New Player Experience

    • The text in the "Guns and Ammo" tutorial no longer assumes that your gun does not require ammunition.
    • An issue with missing body parts on avatars within the captain&#39;s quarters has been fixed.
    • An issue regarding avatars hair disappearing within the captain&#39;s quarters has been fixed.
    • A graphical corruption issue on player characters due to the way shaders are loaded has been fixed.
    • A lighting issue that occurred on characters when viewed in full body mode has been fixed.


    • Minor typo errors in the Huginn description have been cleaned up.
    • Corrected the description for the Raven, Raven Navy Issue and Raven State Issue which incorrectly mentioned a bonus to Siege launchers instead of Torpedo launchers.
    • Fixed an issue where T3 ships with the interdiction Nullifier subsystem fitted were landing outside POS shields rather than inside after a login e-warp.


    • Fixed an issue where delegated fighter drones were scattering to the edge of the system when the owner got disconnected from them. They will now end up in a reasonable position somewhere between the two ships.


    • When viewing the info of a skill, the attribute "Level" now has a capital L.


    • Created the missing module Ammatar Navy Armor Thermic Hardener and added into the Ammatar LP stores.
    • The Civilian Thermic Dissipation Field module is now named correctly.
    • Experimental Explosive Plating I is now correctly listed as a variant of Explosive Plating I rather than Kinetic Plating I.

    Boosters and Implants

    • Implant names and descriptions have been updated to be more consistent and informative.
    • The Implant Akemon&#39;s Modified &#39;Noble&#39; ZET5000 has been correctly renamed to Inherent Implants &#39;Noble&#39; Hull Upgrades HG-1008.
    • All variations of the Crash Booster now properly affect Citadel Cruise Missiles and Citadel Torpedoes.

    Weapons & Ammunition

    • Resolved an issue where Raw Materials were duplicated on the manufacturing quote window for the following items: Concussion Bomb, Scorch Bomb, Shrapnel Bomb, Lockbreaker Bomb, and Void Bomb.
    • Frigate-sized kinetic missiles no longer do zero damage in Wolf-Rayet C5 wormholes.


    • The Small Processor Overclocking Unit II will now be sorted with the other rigs alphabetically in the market.

    Science and Industry

    • Removed erroneous reference to Augmented Stem Cells in the production tab of Autotrophs.
    • A few errant T2 blueprints are now correctly listed as T2.

    Market & Contracts

    • The number of items available on the Market will now be displayed as an integer (123) rather than a decimal (123.00).
    • Unaccepted private courier contracts now appear properly in the journal and outstanding contracts list.
    • The Tracking Link I Blueprint has been moved from the Sensor Subsystem to the Weapon Upgrades category in the Blueprint section of the Market to be more consistent with its manufactured module location.

    Starbases, Outposts and Stations

    • Fixed an issue with manually controlled starbase turrets where the targeting countdown would sometimes continue to display after the target has been locked.
    • X-Large ship assembly array now gives correct error message when too many people are trying to use it.
    • Fixed an error that caused broken formatting in the "Not enough space" warning dialog for Customs Offices.

    Agents & Missions

    • Fixed the incursion &#39;Nation Rebirth Facility&#39; completion pop-up which was triggering before completion.
    • The "Balancing the Books" career mission series no longer rewards the same skill twice.
    • Acceleration gate in Research Outpost room, in the Worlds Collide mission is now locked until the NPCs have been cleared.
    • Fixed some spelling mistakes in the message displayed on completing "After The Seven (5 of 5) mission".
    • Career type Agents no longer only appear as Distribution division. They now appear correctly as Career type and in their respective divisions.

    Exploration & Deadspace

    • The second and third wave of the Class 6 Cosmic Anomaly "Core Citadel" has been fixed. Previously the frigates had not been spawning.
    • Fixed an issue where the wrong amount of dungeons were spawning in the drone regions in relation to pirate detection arrays.
    • Removed Republic Gleedas and their target painters from the Minmatar Minor Compound to ensure that all Factional Warfare complexes remain free of NPC electronic warfare.
    • Cloaked Ships will no longer be uncloaked by invisible Cosmic Signature and Cosmic Anomaly beacons

    Corporation & Alliance

    • Fixed cases where Corporation members tree view list with thousands of entries will be extremely slow. If number of members goes above 50, we now group them alphabetically. Opening up member hangars, enumerating list of members and checking content of members hangars will now be instant.
    • Resolved a minor typo for the message "(Ally X) has offered its assistance".

    EVE Voice, Mail & Chat

    • CONCORD Bounty payment EVE Mails now refer to the appropriate gender of the pilot killed.


    • Missiles launched at a Drone Particle Accelerator now fly in the correct direction.
    • Rendering of Gas Planets on Mac clients is now working correctly.


    • An issue with the sound effects not playing when mousing over and activating modules has been fixed.
    • A rogue Amarr arms dealer has been slayed ending an issue which caused laser weapons to sound without firing when viewing fittings.
    • Fixed an issue where music was not been triggered at certain acceleration gates.

    User Interface

    • Drones belonging to Militia members will now have the correct symbol applied on the overview and brackets.
    • Fixed a consistency issue between the Fitting screen and the Inventory of when the Set Quantity window would be displayed. The Set Quantity pop up will now always display both in the Inventory and Fitting screen when dropping more drones or items than can be placed in its respective bay.
    • Fixed a spacing issue in the "Activate Modular Ship?" message for Tech 3 ships.
    • Using the lock target keyboard shortcut on the watch list will now continue to work even when the keybind is changed to something other than Ctrl.
    • Tweaked the warzone control bars so that the animation will now occasionally run along the entire bar, from the middle outwards.
    • Long character names will no longer flow out from the recruiter boxes in the Corporation adverts.
    • Fixed an issue where the capacity bar for custom offices was being overlapped by the drop down menu and the words "Planetary Customs Office".
    • Fixed the contrast and color of text in the assets window for personal and corporation assets to make them more readable.
    • The Training Queue window will now remember its position, size and divider as set by the player.
    • You will now have the option to Warp Squad to other distances for bookmarks.
    • Fixed an issue where the "Select Item Type" window when linking an item would break if other similar windows were stacked.
    • Fixed an issue where the window focus frame was overlapped by icons and their quantity while scrolling.
    • Fixed an issue where individual corporate hangar division windows would not remember their positions in station after a session change.
    • Fixed an issue where the capacity bar would not update when changing modules that affect capacity either by fitting them, putting them online or offline.
    • Fixed an issue where aligned windows would all minimize if shift click was used on the icon on the Neocom bar.
    • There is now a minimum height for the SELLING and BUYING sections within the Orders tab of My Wallet, to prevent breaking the window.
    • Attempting to open another fleet members Corporation hangars or Ship maintenance bay, that has not been enabled for fleet member usage, will no longer add a non-functional closable location in the Inventory index tree.
    • Fixed an issue where the office management buttons on the Station Services panel would flicker when resizing the window.
    • Fixed an issue where double clicking deliveries within the Market Deliveries / Returns would cause the Inventory focus to jump to your ship&rsquo;s cargo hold.
    • Removed the Open Container option from deliveries within the Market Deliveries / Returns folder, as the option was non-functional.
    • Fixed a problem where it was possible to nest Item hangar and Ship hangar into a custom folder in the Neocom and delete the custom folder, removing the inventory icons and making them inaccessible again.
    • A typo in the description for the &#39;Women&#39;s Excursion Pants (Black/Red/Gold)&#39; has been fixed.
    • The fleet composition window now remembers its previous position, size and pinned status when closed and reopened.
    • Fixed a problem that occurred when wrecks were being set to viewed while looting that caused repeated unnecessary disk access resulting in reduction in frame rate.
    • Fixed an issue where the green background of the active ship in the Inventory could be duplicated onto other ships.
    • Fixed incorrect mention to Control Bunker instead of Infrastructure Hub in vulnerability notification.
    • Removed "Control Bunker" from invulnerability notification and unified "infrastructure hub" to capitalized "Infrastructure Hub" to all notification messages, including 0.0 sovereignty notifications.


    • Resolved graphical corruption for Windows XP users when opening the fitting window.
    • The timing of a doomsday has been improved so there is no delay between the effect completing and the ship&#39;s explosion.
    • Fixed an issue with no trails for missed target blaster fire.
    • Missile trail effect no longer extend further than targeted small ships.

    Localized Clients

    • English text is no longer doubled in some cases when using the Input Method Editor.
    • In the german client, the translation of "capacitor" has been changed to "Energiespeicher" for consistency reasons.
    • In the German client, the description of the skill "Turret Destabilization" now refers to the correct bonus.
    • On the German client, the description of the Visibility skill now refers to the game mechanics correctly.
    • To distinguish assets from the new inventory, we have renamed assets to "Besitz" on the German client.
    • On the German client, the translation of "power grid" has been unified to "Stromnetz".
    • In the German client, the translation of the term "Ticker" has been unified to "K&uuml;rzel" for consistency reasons.
    • Various improvements to the translations and fixes have been made throughout the client for all languages.


    • Fixed a case where incorrect contraband penalties were sometimes being applied in systems below the appropriate security-status threshold.
    • Increased the width of Loyalty Points Cost column in the LP Store to avoid truncated text.
    • Certain offensive T3 subsystems no longer display unexplained numbers in their attribute info.
    • Warping away while an advanced camera parent location is selected no longer locks the users view.
    • Fixed name of an NPC logo from &ldquo;Imperial Constructions&rdquo; to &ldquo;Amarr Constructions&rdquo;


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    Patch Notes for Inferno 1.2

    Patch notes for EVE Online: Inferno 1.2
    To be released on Wednesday, August 8, 2012.

    Character Creator and New Player Experience

    • New character selection
      • Full screen interaction and mouseover.
      • "Choose race" map if fully interactive
      • "Choose bloodline" avatars are fully interactive

    • Aura Enhancements:
      • Clear instructions on what you need to learn at each stage.
      • Streamlined and more to the point.
      • Less painful experience for new EVE players - get your friends involved quicker!

    • Aura Directions
      • Aura UI pointers now look better.
      • Aura points out items in space and in the UI related to the current instructions.

    • Split icon for tutorials and help
      • Aura tutorial is its own neocom icon.
      • Keeps track of your current location in the series.

    • Market Search Results
      • Sorted and categorized for your convenience

    • Module mouseover enhancement
      • Show the range and type without needing to use showinfo.

    • Mission Overlay
      • See the bookmarks for your current mission in an easy to access panel.
      • Interact with mission sites, set destination, warp to etc.

    • Skill Unlocks
      • See what modules and ships are unlocked by various skills.


    • All ships belonging to the Angel Cartel have been updated as part of the V3 program.

    Science and Industry

    • As the first step in a revamp of the Tech Two production chains, nine more Alchemy reactions have been added to the game. Alchemy allows capsuleers to bypass the use of certain rare minerals in the production of Tech Two components, through less efficient reactions that use more common minerals. Details on the Alchemy system can be found at this Dev Blog, and the new reactions are covered at this Dev Blog.

    • The reactions have been adjusted since the publishing of the dev blog; the details of the new reactions are:
      • 100 Titanium + 100 Vanadium -> 1 Unrefined Vanadium Hafnite -> 20 Vanadium Hafnite + 90 Vanadium
      • 100 Cobalt + 100 Platinum -> 1 Unrefined Platinum Technite -> 20 Platinum Technite + 90 Platinum
      • 100 Scandium + 100 Chromium -> 1 Unrefined Solerium -> 20 Solerium + 90 Chromium
      • 100 Scandium + 100 Cadmium -> 1 Unrefined Caesarium Cadmide -> 20 Caesarium Cadmide + 90 Cadmium
      • 100 Evaporite Deposits + 100 Atmospheric Gases -> 1 Unrefined Hexite -> 20 Hexite
      • 100 Atmospheric Gases + 100 Tungsten -> 1 Unrefined Rolled Tungsten Alloy -> 20 Rolled Tungsten Alloy + 90 Tungsten
      • 100 Evaporite Deposits + 100 Titanium -> 1 Unrefined Titanium Chromide -> 20 Titanium Chromide + 90 Titanium
      • 100 Hydrocarbons + 100 Scandium -> 1 Unrefined Fernite Alloy-> 20 Fernite Alloy + 90 Scandium
      • 100 Silicates + 100 Cobalt -> 1 Unrefined Crystallite Alloy -> 20 Crystallite Alloy + 90 Cobalt


    • Added the Medium Ice Harvester Accelerator I
      • 12% reduction to the duration of ice harvester cycles.
      • Calibration cost: 250

    • Added the Medium Mercoxit Mining Crystal Optimization I
      • 16% increase to the yield modifier of those modules using Mercoxit mining crystals.
      • Calibration cost: 250


    Unified Inventory

    • Added a Settings tab into all Inventory windows that allows players to make all secondary Inventory windows open up in a new window as the default behavior, making it unnecessary to hold the Shift key.
    • Removed Right-click option for Drone bay on ships without drone bays.
    • Fixed an issue where Open Ship Maintenance Bay and Open Corporation Hangars was missing in the Right-click Menu in stations.

    Ship Balancing

    • The next step in the ongoing removal of ship Tiers (as described in this Dev Blog) affects the Attack Frigates: the Executioner, Condor, Atron and Slasher.

    Attack Frigates are designed as high speed damage dealing and tackling vessels.

    • Frigate skill bonuses: -10% to small energy turret capacitor need and +5% small energy turret damage per level
    • Role bonus: 80% reduction in Propulsion Jamming systems activation cost
    • Slot layout: 4 H, 3 M, 3 L, 3 turrets, 0 launchers
    • Fittings: 45 PWG, 140 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 250 / 400 / 350
    • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 360 / 180 s / 2
    • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 410 / 2.85 / 1090000 / 2.91s
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 0 / 0
    • Targeting (max targeting range / scan resolution / max locked targets): 27.5km / 920 / 4
    • Sensor strength: 8 Radar
    • Signature radius: 31
    • Cargo capacity: 115


    • Frigate skill bonuses: +10% to light missile and rocket kinetic damage per level
    • Role bonus: 80% reduction in Propulsion Jamming systems activation cost
    • Slot layout: 4 H, 4 M, 2 L, 0 turrets, 3 launchers
    • Fittings: 35 PWG, 185 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 400 / 250 / 250
    • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 300 / 150 s / 2
    • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 400 / 2.9 / 1100000 / 2.99s
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 0 / 0
    • Targeting (max targeting range / scan resolution / max locked targets): 30km / 880 / 4
    • Sensor strength: 9 Gravimetric
    • Signature radius: 33
    • Cargo capacity: 130


    • Frigate skill bonuses: +5% to small hybrid turret damage and +10% to small hybrid turret falloff per level
    • Role bonus: 80% reduction in Propulsion Jamming systems activation cost
    • Slot layout: 4 H, 3 M, 3 L, 3 turrets, 0 launchers
    • Fittings: 37 PWG, 147 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 300 / 350 / 400
    • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 330 / 165 s / 2
    • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 420 / 2.8 / 1050000 / 2.75s
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 0 / 0
    • Targeting (max targeting range / scan resolution / max locked targets): 25km / 900 / 4
    • Sensor strength: 8 Magnetometric
    • Signature radius: 35
    • Cargo capacity: 145


    • Frigate skill bonuses: +5% to small projectile turret damage and +7.5% to small projectile turret tracking per level
    • Role bonus: 80% reduction in Propulsion Jamming systems activation cost
    • Slot layout: 4 H, 4 M, 2 L, 3 turrets, 0 launchers
    • Fittings: 34 PWG, 135 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 350 / 300 / 300
    • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 240 / 120 s / 2
    • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 430 / 2.83 / 1075000 / 2.85s
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 0 / 0
    • Targeting (max targeting range / scan resolution / max locked targets): 22.5km / 940 / 4
    • Sensor strength: 7 Ladar
    • Signature radius: 30
    • Cargo capacity: 120

    Rookie frigates have been redesigned to give new players an improved experience in their first days and a taste of the combat tactics that their chosen race excels in.
    The bonuses on these Rookie Frigates are static and do not increase with skill levels.

    • Static Role bonuses:
      • 20% bonus to Small Energy Turret capacitor use
      • 10% bonus to Small Energy Turret damage
      • 10% bonus to Tracking Disruptor effectiveness
      • 10% bonus to armor resistances

    • Slot layout: 2 H, 2 M, 2 L, 2 turrets, 1 launchers
    • Fittings: 24 PWG, 95 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 125 / 200 / 200
    • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 140 / 70s / 2
    • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 300 / 3.24 / 1148000 / 3.48s
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 5 / 5
    • Targeting (max targeting range / scan resolution / max locked targets): 25.5km / 485 / 3
    • Sensor strength: 6 Radar
    • Signature radius: 50
    • Cargo capacity: 115


    • Static Role bonuses:
      • 20% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret optimal range
      • 10% bonus to missile kinetic damage
      • 30% bonus to ECM Target Jammer strength
      • 10% bonus to shield resistances

    • Slot layout: 2 H, 2 M, 2 L, 2 turrets, 2 launchers
    • Fittings: 22 PWG, 110 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 200 / 125 / 175
    • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 130 / 65s / 2
    • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 295 / 3.12 / 1163000 / 3.40s
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 5 / 5
    • Targeting (max targeting range / scan resolution / max locked targets): 27km / 475 / 3
    • Sensor strength: 6 Gravimetric
    • Signature radius: 52
    • Cargo capacity: 125


    • Static Role bonuses:
      • 10% bonus to hybrid turret damage
      • 20% bonus to drone hitpoints, damage and mining yield
      • 10% bonus to Remote Sensor Dampener effectiveness
      • 15% bonus to Armor Repairer effectiveness

    • Slot layout: 2 H, 2 M, 2 L, 2 turrets, 1 launchers
    • Fittings: 23 PWG, 100 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 150 / 175 / 225
    • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 135 / 67.5s / 2
    • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 305 / 2.91 / 1148000 / 3.13s
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 10 / 10
    • Targeting (max targeting range / scan resolution / max locked targets): 23.5km / 480 / 3
    • Sensor strength: 6 Magnetometric
    • Signature radius: 54
    • Cargo capacity: 135


    • Static Role bonuses:
      • 10% bonus to velocity
      • 10% bonus to Small Projectile Turret damage
      • 10% bonus to Target Painter effectiveness
      • 15% bonus to Shield Boost Amount

    • Slot layout: 2 H, 2 M, 2 L, 2 turrets, 2 launchers
    • Fittings: 21 PWG, 105 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 175 / 150 / 150
    • Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 125 / 62.5s / 2
    • Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 310 / 3.03 / 1157000 / 3.28s
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 5 / 5
    • Targeting (max targeting range / scan resolution / max locked targets): 22km / 490 / 3
    • Sensor strength: 6 Ladar
    • Signature radius: 48
    • Cargo capacity: 120

    Mining Barges and Exhumers are getting the "tiericide" treatment where roles within a ship class are favored over linear progression.
    Warning: due to the reduction of traditional cargo bays in Mining Barges and Exhumers, if you are in space with an overloaded cargohold on release day, you will need to jettison some cargo in order to warp your ship. If you are overloaded with ore or ice, you can move it to the new ore hold instead.

    • Role is now mining barge with superior defenses

    • Mining Barge skill bonus per level: 5% bonus to shield hit points
    • Special bonus allows its 1 mining turret to have the mining output of 3 mining turrets
    • Slot layout: 1 High, 4 Mid, 2 Low
    • Fittings: 45 PWG, 250 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 6000 / 5000 / 5500
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 25 / 25
    • Signature radius: 200
    • Ore hold capacity: 12000
    • Cargo capacity: 350


    • Role is now mining barge with superior ore hold capacity

    • Mining Barge skill bonus per level: 5% bonus to ore hold capacity
    • Special bonus allows its 2 mining turrets to have the output of 3 mining turrets
    • Slot layout: 2 High, 1 Mid, 3 Low
    • Fittings: 35 PWG, 235 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 2300 / 1700 / 2000
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 25 / 25
    • Signature radius: 250
    • Ore hold capacity: 22000
    • Cargo capacity: 450


    • Role is now a mining barge with superior mining output

    • Mining Barge skill bonus per level: 4% bonus to Strip Miner yield, 3% reduction in Ice Harvester duration
    • Slot layout: 3 High, 1 Mid, 2 Low
    • Fittings: 35 PWG, 255 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 1700 / 1300 / 1500
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 50 / 50
    • Signature radius: 150
    • Ore hold capacity: 7000
    • Cargo capacity: 350


    • Role is now exhumer with superior defenses

    • Mining Barge skill bonus per level: 5% bonus to shield hit points, 5% bonus to all shield resistances
    • Exhumer skill bonus per level: 1% bonus to Strip Miner yield, 1% reduction in Ice Harvester duration
    • Special bonus allows its 1 mining turret to have the mining output of 3 mining turrets
    • Slot layout: 1 High, 5 Mid, 2 Low
    • Fittings: 50 PWG, 270 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 6500 / 5500 / 6000
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 50 / 50
    • Signature radius: 200
    • Ore hold capacity: 15000
    • Cargo capacity: 350


    • Role is now exhumer with superior ore hold capacity

    • Mining Barge skill bonus per level: 5% bonus to ore hold capacity, 5% bonus to all shield resistances
    • Exhumer skill bonus per level: 1% bonus to Strip Miner yield, 1% reduction in Ice Harvester duration
    • Special bonus allows its 2 mining turrets to have the output of 3 mining turrets
    • Slot layout: 2 High, 4 Mid, 3 Low
    • Fittings: 35 PWG, 270 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 3000 / 2300 / 2700
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 50 / 50
    • Signature radius: 250
    • Ore hold capacity: 28000Cargo capacity: 450


    • Role is now exhumer with superior mining output

    • Mining Barge skill bonus per level: 3% bonus to Strip Miner yield, 5% bonus to all shield resistances
    • Exhumer skill bonus per level: 3% bonus to Strip Miner yield, 4% reduction in Ice Harvester duration
    • Slot layout: 3 High, 4 Mid, 2 Low
    • Fittings: 35 PWG, 300 CPU
    • Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 2200 / 1800 / 2000
    • Drones (bandwidth / bay): 50 / 50
    • Signature radius: 150
    • Ore hold capacity: 8500
    • Cargo capacity: 350


    • Ships that self-destruct will now drop loot in their wreck. This follows the regular chance based loot drop mechanics for items fitted to the ship and carried in the cargo hold.
    • Ships that self-destruct whilst under aggression will now generate a regular kill-report. In order for this to happen, the ship must have been recently aggressed, and there must be at least one of the aggressors in space in the system at the time of death. The final blow will be awarded to the eligible attacker who inflicted the most damage.
    • The Tormentor has received an additional turret hardpoint, giving it a total of three.


    • Ethnic Relations skill changed into Diplomatic Relations and the old effect is replaced by a new one that decreases cost to hire allies in war.


    • The &#39;Rampart&#39; Kinetic Plating I has been renamed to Experimental Explosive Plating I, and now gives an explosive bonus; previously the &#39;Rampart&#39; plating had identical stats to the Experimental Kinetic Plating I, and there was no corresponding Explosive plating with the same bonus.
    • T2 armor plates now have better HP that the Meta 4 plates. Previously there was no advantage in using the T2 plates.
    • Improved Centii A, B, C-Type Small Remote Armor Repair System attributes. Increased repair amount, reduced capacitor usage and extended range.
    • Improved Coreli A, B, C-Type Small Remote Armor Repair System attributes. Increased repair amount, reduced capacitor usage and extended range.
    • Improved Centum A, B, C-Type Medium Remote Armor Repair System attributes. Increased repair amount and reduced capacitor usage.
    • Improved Corelum A, B, C-Type Medium Remote Armor Repair System attributes. Increased repair amount, reduced capacitor usage and extended range.
    • Improved Pithi A, B, C-Type Small Shield Transporters. Increased shield transported amount, reduced capacitor usage and extended range.
    • Improved Gistii A, B, C-Type Small Shield Transporters. Increased shield transported amount, reduced capacitor usage and extended range.
    • Improved Pithum C A, B, C-Type Medium Shield Transporters. Increased shield transported amount and reduced capacitor usage.
      Improved Gistum A, B, C-Type Medium Shield Transporters. Increased shield transported amount, reduced capacitor usage and extended range.
    • "Synthetic Hull Conversion Inertia Stabilizers I" signature radius penalty has been reduced to be more in line with other "Synthetic Hull Conversion" modules. (CCP Tallest says hello).
    • All "Micro" shield extenders have had their skill requirement changed from Engineering I to Shield Upgrades I and are now affected by the Shield Upgrades skill bonus.
    • Changed Ionic Field Projector and Targeting System Subcontroller rigs to ensure that they correctly receive stacking penalties when used alongside modules that affect the same attribute. Remote Sensor Boosters are already stacking penalized with local Sensor Boosters; we triple checked.

    Weapons & Ammunition

    • The following missing Missiles have been added to the Guristas Loyalty Points store; "Guristas Inferno Heavy Assault Missile", "Guristas Mjolnir Heavy Assault Missile", "Guristas Nova Heavy Assault Missile", "Guristas Scourge Heavy Assault Missile".
    • Updated FOF missile names to match their category name of Auto-Targeting missiles.
    • Renamed Assault Missiles to Heavy Assault Missiles to match the launcher they are used in.
    • See for more details on the above two changes.
    • Hybrid Charges will now be consistently referred to as "Charges" rather than "Ammo" throughout the game.

    Market and Contracts

    • Added Pirate faction implants to the market.
    • Reorganized hardwiring implants on the market so that players are better able to find implants they want.

    Science and Industry

    • Factional Weapon upgrade blueprints have had their Manufacturing requirements brought in line with their Tech 1 variants. The affected blueprints are the:
    • Ammatar Navy Heat Sink Blueprint
    • Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System Blueprint
    • Federation Navy Magnetic Field Stabilizer Blueprint
    • Federation Navy Tracking Computer Blueprint
    • Federation Navy Tracking Link Blueprint
    • Imperial Navy Heat Sink Blueprint
    • Khanid Navy Ballistic Control System Blueprint
    • Republic Fleet Ballistic Control System Blueprint.

    Fittings and Saved Fittings

    • Rigs in saved fitting will get fitted (if you choose to have them fit).
    • Charges in cargo will get saved with saved fittings.
    • Ice Products like Liquid Ozone in cargo will get saved in saved fittings and added when you fit.
    • When fitting a ship from a saved fitting, it will no longer abort if you are unable to fit one module/rig. Instead, it will fit everything but what you cannot use.

    Agents & Missions

    • Mission objectives for the mission "Beizan Picholen (1 of 6)" have been made more clear.
    • Removed Mara NPCs from Override Transfer Array Incursion sites.
    • Moved the Logistics Control Array closer to the entrance in Override Transfer Array Incursion sites.
    • Reduced the number of NPCs from Override Transfer Array Incursion sites to reduce the total hitpoints present.

    User Interface

    • In the Standing Transactions window, "Show Details" is no longer available as the functionality was removed long ago.
    • Changed the opacity and border in the fitting screen of slots that cannot be used.
    • The LP font in the incursion global report window has been reduced in size so that six digits will now display correctly.
    • The Drone Settings window has now been changed to a much sleeker utility menu. This will give you much faster access to change drone settings on the fly.
    • Module tooltips now display more useful information such as ranges, estimated DPS, crystal damage etc.
    • A new Mission HUD will allow instant access to mission-related information and actions.
    • Overview is now sorted by distance by default, rather than by icon.
    • Customs Offices will no longer appear on the "General" overview default.
    • The agents list in a station now includes &lsquo;Talk to&rsquo; buttons, so a player does not have to right-click or double-click unnecessarily.
    • Market searches will now use a folder view to group results if they are spread across multiple categories.
    • Sorting of chat memberlist will now freeze on mouse-over, in the same way as the overview, to allow easier interaction in highly populated chat channels.

    Character Creation & New Player Experience

    • You can now move the camera further away from your character during portrait creation to see more of your clothing and pose.
    • There is now an option in the Escape Menu under the Miscellaneous section called: &lsquo;Enable Green screen Portrait Background&rsquo; which allows you apply a green screen background while in character creation or re-customization. When in the Portrait screen, the green background can be found at the far left of the Backgrounds menu. Also, when the green screen background option is enabled, it appears in the 3D avatar preview window as well.
    • At the race-selection screen regions of the map will highlight during mouse-over and can be clicked to select a race.


    • NPCs in the Group "Deadspace Rogue Drone Swarm" have bounties.

    Exploration & Deadspace

    • Noctis can now enter Sansha/Blood Raider/Angle/Serpentis Base complex. Previously they could only enter the Guristas Base.
    • Some DED 3/10 sites allowed battleships to enter, now they cannot

    EVE Voice, Mail & Chat

    • The &#39;Constellation&#39; chat channel is no longer opened by default for all new clients/characters.


    • Fixed a delay experienced when attempting to deploy probes or bombs directly after coming out of warp.


    Character Creation and New Player Experience

    • The text in the "Guns and Ammo" tutorial no longer assumes that your gun does not require ammunition.
    • An issue with missing body parts on avatars within the captain&#39;s quarters has been fixed.
    • An issue regarding avatars hair disappearing within the captain&#39;s quarters has been fixed.
    • A graphical corruption issue on player characters due to the way shaders are loaded has been fixed.
    • A lighting issue that occurred on characters when viewed in full body mode has been fixed.


    • Minor typo errors in the Huginn description have been cleaned up.
    • Corrected the description for the Raven, Raven Navy Issue and Raven State Issue which incorrectly mentioned a bonus to Siege launchers instead of Torpedo launchers.
    • Fixed an issue where T3 ships with the interdiction Nullifier subsystem fitted were landing outside POS shields rather than inside after a login e-warp.


    • Fixed an issue where delegated fighter drones were scattering to the edge of the system when the owner got disconnected from them. They will now end up in a reasonable position somewhere between the two ships.


    • When viewing the info of a skill, the attribute "Level" now has a capital L.


    • Created the missing module Ammatar Navy Armor Thermic Hardener and added into the Ammatar LP stores.
    • The Civilian Thermic Dissipation Field module is now named correctly.
    • Experimental Explosive Plating I is now correctly listed as a variant of Explosive Plating I rather than Kinetic Plating I.

    Boosters and Implants

    • Implant names and descriptions have been updated to be more consistent and informative.
    • The Implant Akemon&#39;s Modified &#39;Noble&#39; ZET5000 has been correctly renamed to Inherent Implants &#39;Noble&#39; Hull Upgrades HG-1008.
    • All variations of the Crash Booster now properly affect Citadel Cruise Missiles and Citadel Torpedoes.

    Weapons & Ammunition

    • Resolved an issue where Raw Materials were duplicated on the manufacturing quote window for the following items: Concussion Bomb, Scorch Bomb, Shrapnel Bomb, Lockbreaker Bomb, and Void Bomb.
    • Frigate-sized kinetic missiles no longer do zero damage in Wolf-Rayet C5 wormholes.


    • The Small Processor Overclocking Unit II will now be sorted with the other rigs alphabetically in the market.

    Science and Industry

    • Removed erroneous reference to Augmented Stem Cells in the production tab of Autotrophs.
    • A few errant T2 blueprints are now correctly listed as T2.

    Market & Contracts

    • The number of items available on the Market will now be displayed as an integer (123) rather than a decimal (123.00).
    • Unaccepted private courier contracts now appear properly in the journal and outstanding contracts list.
    • The Tracking Link I Blueprint has been moved from the Sensor Subsystem to the Weapon Upgrades category in the Blueprint section of the Market to be more consistent with its manufactured module location.

    Starbases, Outposts and Stations

    • Fixed an issue with manually controlled starbase turrets where the targeting countdown would sometimes continue to display after the target has been locked.
    • X-Large ship assembly array now gives correct error message when too many people are trying to use it.
    • Fixed an error that caused broken formatting in the "Not enough space" warning dialog for Customs Offices.

    Agents & Missions

    • Fixed the incursion &#39;Nation Rebirth Facility&#39; completion pop-up which was triggering before completion.
    • The "Balancing the Books" career mission series no longer rewards the same skill twice.
    • Acceleration gate in Research Outpost room, in the Worlds Collide mission is now locked until the NPCs have been cleared.
    • Fixed some spelling mistakes in the message displayed on completing "After The Seven (5 of 5) mission".
    • Career type Agents no longer only appear as Distribution division. They now appear correctly as Career type and in their respective divisions.

    Exploration & Deadspace

    • The second and third wave of the Class 6 Cosmic Anomaly "Core Citadel" has been fixed. Previously the frigates had not been spawning.
    • Fixed an issue where the wrong amount of dungeons were spawning in the drone regions in relation to pirate detection arrays.
    • Removed Republic Gleedas and their target painters from the Minmatar Minor Compound to ensure that all Factional Warfare complexes remain free of NPC electronic warfare.
    • Cloaked Ships will no longer be uncloaked by invisible Cosmic Signature and Cosmic Anomaly beacons

    Corporation & Alliance

    • Fixed cases where Corporation members tree view list with thousands of entries will be extremely slow. If number of members goes above 50, we now group them alphabetically. Opening up member hangars, enumerating list of members and checking content of members hangars will now be instant.
    • Resolved a minor typo for the message "(Ally X) has offered its assistance".

    EVE Voice, Mail & Chat

    • CONCORD Bounty payment EVE Mails now refer to the appropriate gender of the pilot killed.


    • Missiles launched at a Drone Particle Accelerator now fly in the correct direction.
    • Rendering of Gas Planets on Mac clients is now working correctly.


    • An issue with the sound effects not playing when mousing over and activating modules has been fixed.
    • A rogue Amarr arms dealer has been slayed ending an issue which caused laser weapons to sound without firing when viewing fittings.
    • Fixed an issue where music was not been triggered at certain acceleration gates.

    User Interface

    • Drones belonging to Militia members will now have the correct symbol applied on the overview and brackets.
    • Fixed a consistency issue between the Fitting screen and the Inventory of when the Set Quantity window would be displayed. The Set Quantity pop up will now always display both in the Inventory and Fitting screen when dropping more drones or items than can be placed in its respective bay.
    • Fixed a spacing issue in the "Activate Modular Ship?" message for Tech 3 ships.
    • Using the lock target keyboard shortcut on the watch list will now continue to work even when the keybind is changed to something other than Ctrl.
    • Tweaked the warzone control bars so that the animation will now occasionally run along the entire bar, from the middle outwards.
    • Long character names will no longer flow out from the recruiter boxes in the Corporation adverts.
    • Fixed an issue where the capacity bar for custom offices was being overlapped by the drop down menu and the words "Planetary Customs Office".
    • Fixed the contrast and color of text in the assets window for personal and corporation assets to make them more readable.
    • The Training Queue window will now remember its position, size and divider as set by the player.
    • You will now have the option to Warp Squad to other distances for bookmarks.
    • Fixed an issue where the "Select Item Type" window when linking an item would break if other similar windows were stacked.
    • Fixed an issue where the window focus frame was overlapped by icons and their quantity while scrolling.
    • Fixed an issue where individual corporate hangar division windows would not remember their positions in station after a session change.
    • Fixed an issue where the capacity bar would not update when changing modules that affect capacity either by fitting them, putting them online or offline.
    • Fixed an issue where aligned windows would all minimize if shift click was used on the icon on the Neocom bar.
    • There is now a minimum height for the SELLING and BUYING sections within the Orders tab of My Wallet, to prevent breaking the window.
    • Attempting to open another fleet members Corporation hangars or Ship maintenance bay, that has not been enabled for fleet member usage, will no longer add a non-functional closable location in the Inventory index tree.
    • Fixed an issue where the office management buttons on the Station Services panel would flicker when resizing the window.
    • Fixed an issue where double clicking deliveries within the Market Deliveries / Returns would cause the Inventory focus to jump to your ship&rsquo;s cargo hold.
    • Removed the Open Container option from deliveries within the Market Deliveries / Returns folder, as the option was non-functional.
    • Fixed a problem where it was possible to nest Item hangar and Ship hangar into a custom folder in the Neocom and delete the custom folder, removing the inventory icons and making them inaccessible again.
    • A typo in the description for the &#39;Women&#39;s Excursion Pants (Black/Red/Gold)&#39; has been fixed.
    • The fleet composition window now remembers its previous position, size and pinned status when closed and reopened.
    • Fixed a problem that occurred when wrecks were being set to viewed while looting that caused repeated unnecessary disk access resulting in reduction in frame rate.
    • Fixed an issue where the green background of the active ship in the Inventory could be duplicated onto other ships.
    • Fixed incorrect mention to Control Bunker instead of Infrastructure Hub in vulnerability notification.
    • Removed "Control Bunker" from invulnerability notification and unified "infrastructure hub" to capitalized "Infrastructure Hub" to all notification messages, including 0.0 sovereignty notifications.


    • Resolved graphical corruption for Windows XP users when opening the fitting window.
    • The timing of a doomsday has been improved so there is no delay between the effect completing and the ship&#39;s explosion.
    • Fixed an issue with no trails for missed target blaster fire.
    • Missile trail effect no longer extend further than targeted small ships.

    Localized Clients

    • English text is no longer doubled in some cases when using the Input Method Editor.
    • In the german client, the translation of "capacitor" has been changed to "Energiespeicher" for consistency reasons.
    • In the German client, the description of the skill "Turret Destabilization" now refers to the correct bonus.
    • On the German client, the description of the Visibility skill now refers to the game mechanics correctly.
    • To distinguish assets from the new inventory, we have renamed assets to "Besitz" on the German client.
    • On the German client, the translation of "power grid" has been unified to "Stromnetz".
    • In the German client, the translation of the term "Ticker" has been unified to "K&uuml;rzel" for consistency reasons.
    • Various improvements to the translations and fixes have been made throughout the client for all languages.


    • Fixed a case where incorrect contraband penalties were sometimes being applied in systems below the appropriate security-status threshold.
    • Increased the width of Loyalty Points Cost column in the LP Store to avoid truncated text.
    • Certain offensive T3 subsystems no longer display unexplained numbers in their attribute info.
    • Warping away while an advanced camera parent location is selected no longer locks the users view.
    • Fixed name of an NPC logo from &ldquo;Imperial Constructions&rdquo; to &ldquo;Amarr Constructions&rdquo;


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