So a bunch of us have started playing on the free to play server.

It is a sandbox game like Minecraft but has the familiar RPG skill quality with a dash of the complexity or games like Eve and Dwarf Fortress.

If you liked the sandbox feel of Minecraft but desired more of a goal type system and skills. This game has it. There are established towns, castles and markets. There are, in most cases, established highways and roads connecting them.

You can travel by foot, mount, cart pulled by an animal, boat. To go by boat you can take advantage of numerous canal systems to travel the world.

You can choose to dig a great cave and tunnel system into a mountain. Or clear cut a forrest to supply a shipyard. Develop a farm or ranch for food and sale. Create a small village with friends (1 person must pay for premium 10 Euro for 2 months) and develop the land as a trade hub. Or if you do not want to put down roots travel the land as a nomadic hunter and fur trader. Setup a small hut and become a doctor selling medical supplies after you forage for the nuts and berries to make them.

If you are interested in playing with us post up here we can get you to where we've begun our own little settlement. I'll post a link to a map once on the pc.

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