Documents show cops making up the rules on mobile surveillance

The documents were revealed by an ambitious ACLU project to use open-records laws to obtain a deeper understanding of police department practices with regard to cell phone surveillance around the country. ACLU affiliates submitted information requests to dozens of law enforcement agencies; while many refused to provide documents, the ACLU was able to assemble more than 5,500 pages of documents from numerous state and local agencies.

The documents paint a picture of a surveillance free-for-all. While departments seem to have avoided warrantless access to phone calls themselves—which would likely run afoul of wiretapping laws—police departments have sought access to a wide variety of other user information.
Arizona of all places.
Verizon -
Request an electronic tower dump for the location where the phone was used, for
the date and time frame we want searched. Ask for subscriber information too.
There Is no charge for this service with Verizon. A systems engineer has to extract this
information so the turn around time maybe be a little longer than normal requests.