Quote Originally Posted by Kraker Jak View Post
So what is the tasers purpose? When should cops use them? When should a police officer go hands on? When should we tase someone?

Ps, I have been a leo for over 2 years now, you can say I'm a rookie all you want, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm completely trained in my duties, have already received a life saving award and medal of valor. I've been shot at, got my ass kicked, kicked some ass, found lost children, ate some doughnuts, given plenty of warning tickets, worked out family disputes, talk to teenagers and kids trying to be a good role model, all while raising my own family. So, next time you want to call my creditability into check, you might want to think twice. I have no idea, not do I care what you did in the military, but believe me when I say I respect the fact that you know more than me when it comes to that. I would ask that you do the same.

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As to when you should use them in the state of indiana please refer to the web site i supplied you with earlier. Your state has clearly defined when and how they are to be used. To be honest going from memory of what i read it depends on the situation. If the person is unarmed and not a threat to others then it does not get used and it doesn't matter if they are running away or not. If a person is combative to you or a threat to others fire away. I know its not that simplistic but i have no desire to reread those regs again.

Being completely trained in your duties does not mean you are capable of flawlessly performing those duties. Every ordnancemen sent to 29 stumps and yuma for the yearly war games were all properly trained but that didn't stop fuse pins from being pulled before arming wires were inserted.

Im not calling your credibility into check. I'm calling your practical knowledge for taser usage in your own state. Of which you clearly are wrong.

Now as for respect i dont give a damn what uniform or badge a person has. One thing the military has right is you respect the rank not the person. Personal respect has to be earned. So i respect the fact you were willing to put on that badge and place yourself in a position between lawfull and unlawfull persons. However i do not know you well enough for you to have earned personal respect and i have to assume that goes both ways.

One last however though. Congrats on the awards. Most definitely a job well done.