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Thread: Is nuclear power the way to go?

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    Is nuclear power the way to go? Is nuclear power the way to go? Is nuclear power the way to go? Is nuclear power the way to go?

    Re: Is nuclear power the way to go?

    Quote Originally Posted by SlytherN View Post
    For those who understand this subject better than I, I would like to know the proven dangers and body counts of nuclear power vs lets say oil. Do we also include military action to either conquer or protect the energy source. On a side note from what I understand the containment wall at Fukushima was nowhere near as capable of containing radioactivity as most plants in the US.(Double walled) On top of that Japan was aware of this danger. There are risk involved with nuclear power but is it really more dangerous. Kinda like flying as a mode a travel. Many are fearful of flying but flying has proven to be the safest mode of transportation.
    Thats almost an impossible set of numbers to come up with. It would take a LONG time to come up with all the deaths from coal mining and oil drilling and so forth. Nuclear mishaps however are rarely public viewing occasions. The only thing you will be able to find power plant issues and nuclear weapon deaths. Every other nuclear power source ie military in use to the best of my knowledge is classified when they have a problem/death.
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    Re: Is nuclear power the way to go?

    Plus it is uncertain what ramifications radioactive disasters have caused on deformities and diseases in later generations after the ones directly affected from the exposure.

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    Re: Is nuclear power the way to go?

    Quote Originally Posted by Xavsnipe View Post
    We would all melt if we went outside. That´s how dangerous it is. The sun would extinguish as well.

    6 billion people have died from nuclear radioactivity.
    Quote Originally Posted by Xavsnipe View Post
    Yes...there are roughly 1 billion human beings on the planet left now.
    Quote Originally Posted by deathgodusmc View Post
    I've been saying that for years.
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    Re: Is nuclear power the way to go?

    Quote Originally Posted by Xavsnipe View Post
    Plus it is uncertain what ramifications radioactive disasters have caused on deformities and diseases in later generations after the ones directly affected from the exposure.
    Very true. Japan still has deformations from when we dropped the bombs.

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    Re: Is nuclear power the way to go?

    And Chernobyl children as well.

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    Re: Is nuclear power the way to go?

    Quote Originally Posted by deathgodusmc View Post
    I've been saying that for years.

    And you're not alone.

    Lots of people have a strong preference for having private business - not government - be responsible for these things. I don't think that's crazy (usually). But a lot of them want to legislate away the costs of that business in a haphazard way and still claim that it's better because it's a "market solution", and that IS crazy (or stupid).

    So I find that it's good to make that distinction early. It saves some of us from having a long discussion only to find at the end that neither one knew where the other was coming from.

    ... and when I say "some of us" I mean "me."


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    Re: Is nuclear power the way to go?

    Quote Originally Posted by WickedTribe View Post
    I am absolutely not saying that. I haven't said anything about fish. I am saying that this unsourced claim by you is incorrect.
    Well I mentioned FISH as well as other food products, didn't I? In response to my comment, you said:
    Quote Originally Posted by WickedTribe View Post
    Yeah, um... wrong.
    And then you linked to this: USGS Measures Fallout from Fukushima in US NADP Precipitation Samples which is about fallout numbers and has not a fucking thing to do with what I've been saying. Then later, you went on to say:

    Quote Originally Posted by WickedTribe View Post
    I am absolutely not saying that. I haven't said anything about fish. I am saying that this unsourced claim by you,

    Originally Posted by -Lazarus-
    Radioactive isotopes have been measured at hundreds of times higher than the safe limits all over the west coast of the United States.

    is incorrect.
    So first you took my statement on measurements and tried to use the fallout measurements as your example, without asking for clarification of what I meant which was the food supply. This is the most common way radioactive isotopes generated by humans are consumed by people. Then later you didn't even address my later posts which made my comments even more clear for you. Granted, I suppose I could have been more clear in my first post but a layman with an hour of research on GOOGLE could understand that. Add that to your purposefully ignoring my later comments to continue to try and argue... And well, that equals trollish behavior.

    You asked for a source...

    There are many, many other sources of this information but here is one: Fukushima Radiation On US West Coast - Mainstream Media Coverup -

    Here is a quote:
    After the North American governments refused to fund testing, oceanographer Ken Buesseler, a senior scientist at the non-profit Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Woods Hole, Mass, along with Nicholas Fisher, a marine sciences professor at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, and other concerned scientists, managed to secure private funding for a Pacific research voyage. The results?Cesium levels in the Pacific had initially gone up an astonishing 45 million times above pre-accident levels. The levels then declined rapidly for a while, but after that, they unexpectedly levelled off.
    In July, cesium levels stopped declining and remained stuck at 10,000 times above pre-accident levels.
    This means the ocean isn’t diluting the radiation as expected. If it had been, cesium levels would have kept falling.
    The finding suggests that radiation is still being released into the ocean long after the accident in March, 2011.
    Well DAMN. Looks like the Fukushima tragedy will indeed kill people for generations.

    Quote Originally Posted by WickedTribe View Post
    I can take it, I just like to argue based on the merits of my argument, not though insults.
    And yes, by all means, show me where I've insulted you by using my own quotes.
    I'll get to that later tonight. And I wasn't just referring to you trolling when it comes to me. I was talking about your posts in general. It's going to take a while to compile.

    And another thing:

    You said:

    Quote Originally Posted by WickedTribe View Post
    Did you even read the article? They didn't measure people for radiation exposure, they measured radiation directly, and found it to be well below the danger level. It directly contradicts your unsupported statement from the previous post.
    This was in reference to this post by you:

    Quote Originally Posted by WickedTribe View Post
    Re: Is nuclear power the way to go?

    Originally Posted by -Lazarus-
    I say of course nuclear should be the obvious choice. I do have a problem with a statement made at the very beginning of the article though... It says:

    This is an incredibly ignorant and irresponsible statement to make. Radioactive isotopes have been measured at hundreds of times higher than the safe limits all over the west coast of the United States. I can only imagine what they are in Japan. Meanwhile the reactors continue to spew radioactive isotopes into the air. The US EPA's response has been to simply raise what is considered the safe limit for these isotopes and to change their reporting from weekly to quarterly to hide the numbers. In Japan there is a complete media blackout on the subject combined with a lot of propaganda designed to make Japanese people feel safe when they are not safe. There can be no question that Fukushima is killing and will continue to shorten the lifespans of people worldwide.

    To blame the nuclear technology itself for this problem is equally ignorant in my opinion. Solid regulations regarding quality and protection of nuclear facilities are what is needed to keep more Fukushimas from happening.

    Yeah, um... wrong. USGS Measures Fallout from Fukushima in US NADP Precipitation Samples

    Fallout amounts measured in precipitation by NADP were similar to amounts measured by other organizations, which were determined to be well below any level of public health concern.

    Radiation levels in Fukushima are lower than predicted - health - 16 November 2011 - New Scientist

    Radiology researcher Ikuo Kashiwakura of Hirosaki University, Japan, and colleagues responded immediately to the disaster, travelling south to Fukushima prefecture to measure radiation levels in more than 5000 people there between 15 March and 20 June.

    They found just 10 people with unusually high levels of radiation, but those levels were still below the threshold at which acute radiation syndrome sets in and destroys the gastrointestinal tract. Geiger-counter readings categorised all others in the area at a "no contamination level".

    Anyway, I'm surprised that you believe in radiation. You know that the atomic theory is just a theory, right? Maybe what those Geiger counters are reading is just angel kisses. I guess we'll never know.
    Your own excerpt from your own fucking link TALKS ABOUT MEASURING RADIATION EXPOSURE TO PEOPLE. "Acute Radiation Syndrome" is radiation sickness! Here's a link since you'll probably fucking ask me for one: CDC Radiation Emergencies | Acute Radiation Syndrome So in response I have to ask, did you even read your own post? How about your comment at the end? That'll be in my post regarding your trolling and insults as well...

    Do some reading on Chernobyl and apply what you learn to what is happening with Fukushima. We've seen the impact of these kinds of disasters before.

    Quote Originally Posted by WickedTribe View Post
    Finally, you said:

    For example, all it would take is one particle inhaled into the lungs to cause cancer years later.

    Wrong. Neither of the two particle-based forms of radiation are likely to have any health effects from one inhaled particle.

    How old are you anyway? At this point you sound like some kind of twenty-something trolling punk searching for an argument who has no clue about some things he pretends to know.

    Again with the personal insults. Tisk, tisk. I'm not the one making claims without sources, I'm not the one twisting the other's words, and I'm not the one resorting to personal attacks.
    You just made a claim without citing your source right there! AND you twisted my words and attacked me personally all in this one thread! You know what? It's just insulting to my intelligence to even have to respond to this crap. Seriously. This is like arguing with one of my teenage kids. The only difference is, I don't love you.

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    Re: Is nuclear power the way to go?

    Quote Originally Posted by -Lazarus- View Post
    Well I mentioned FISH as well as other food products, didn't I? In response to my comment, you said: And then you linked to this: USGS Measures Fallout from Fukushima in US NADP Precipitation Samples which is about fallout numbers and has not a fucking thing to do with what I've been saying. Then later, you went on to say:
    Completely wrong. Go back and re-read. You brought up fish in response to my statement that you were wrong:

    Quote Originally Posted by WickedTribe View Post
    Yeah, um... wrong.
    Quote Originally Posted by -Lazarus- View Post
    LOL... Also, natural food products including fish in the area have hundreds or thousands of times what was previously considered safe levels of radioactive isotopes in them.
    Go back, and click on those two quotes, and tell me what order they come in.

    I was responding to this claim:
    Quote Originally Posted by -Lazarus- View Post
    Radioactive isotopes have been measured at hundreds of times higher than the safe limits all over the west coast of the United States.
    which had nothing to do with fish, and was completely false. I'm not sure if you're being intentionally dishonest or if you're just having a hard time following the linear timeline of these posts, but please be more careful.

    You asked for a source...

    There are many, many other sources of this information but here is one: Fukushima Radiation On US West Coast - Mainstream Media Coverup -
    That isn't a source. See how I sourced a scientific study? That's a source. This is ignorant hype.

    Your article is outright dishonest. It claims to use this paper by Ken Buesseler as a source, Fukushima-derived radionuclides in the ocean and biota off Japan, but a cursory glance at the abstract reveals this gem:

    We address risks to public health and marine biota by showing that though Cs isotopes are elevated 10–1,000× over prior levels in waters off Japan, radiation risks due to these radionuclides are below those generally considered harmful to marine animals and human consumers, and even below those from naturally occurring radionuclides.

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    Is nuclear power the way to go?

    So you are saying that the food products are safe then?

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    Re: Is nuclear power the way to go?

    Quote Originally Posted by -Lazarus- View Post
    So you are saying that the food products are safe then?
    No, I never said anything like that, and I'm not saying that now. Why do you insist on inventing statements and attributing them to me? Is that your idea of an honest discussion?

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