Quote Originally Posted by iravedic View Post
Nothing would serve this country better IMHO then repealing Citizens United, restricting campaign contributions to some very small amount, putting a cap on campaign spending, and prohibiting campaigning outside a small window of time in the lead up to the election.

We spend way too much time an effort on "elections" - give each candidate some free airtime and media, hold an election and force them to get to work without having to bow down to some group or the other to ensure they have the money to keep their ever running campaign afloat.

If this plan is approved (or anything like it) - the idea of taking $100 out of each individuals taxes doesn't bother me in the least - it would be the best use of my tax money ever!
I would love to see something like this put in place. However, this doesn't really address the role media plays in elections. In this country, we have several national news outlets that are slanted to the left in their reporting, and one slated to the right. Granted, there would be a sharp drop in spending for commercials (thankfully), but I think we'd see an increase in "specials" about a particular candidate in the months leading up to the election.

News outlets would still make huge bank with commercial spots, while serving up softball questions for candidates they endorse themselves. And obviously, we can't restrict their free speech. So... how do we over come that? It sounds like a great idea for Democrats since there is already a media bias in a Democratic Candidates favor. But for Republicans, their voice is now reduced even further.

I would love to see all that you mentioned happen, but I'm not sure it "levels the playing field".