Smokers' demand outpaces Denver's pot supply - The Denver Post

“None of us could really prepare for what was going to hit us,” High Country Healing's owner, Nick Brown, said on Tuesday. “I think we all thought we would see huge demand and lines. But I don't think any of us expected what was happened over the last six days.”

More than 10,000 people bought marijuana at Colorado's recreational pot shops on Jan. 1, according to industry estimates and tallies provided by the stores. And, while that initial surge was expected, the sustained interest was not. Brown and several other store owners said they saw only a slight drop-off in sales in the days after Jan. 1.

“It's been staying very, very steady,” said Lauren Hoover, the manager of the Breckenridge Cannabis Club.

Hoover said the store served 1,500 customers on Jan. 1. A typical day for medical-marijuana sales last year was 20 to 40 customers, she said.