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Thread: Obama announces initiatives for middle class

  1. Exiled
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    Re: Obama announces initiatives for middle class

    Quote Originally Posted by Muqtar SGT_Clintok
    Quote Originally Posted by hawgballs
    Please explain to me how he veered off from trying to help the "middle class"?
    Then why the "Middle Class task force", with the cameras and the teleprompters? I'll tell you why, he is back to campaigning. Back to marketing himself.

    Quote Originally Posted by Muqtar SGT_Clintok
    This is going to be interesting, although the results, depending on their outcome should not be viewed as a referendum on Obama.
    I put a visual prompt in there to help you find the sarcasm. Shall I revert to smile faces to avoid the confusion in the future?
    He forms a "Middle Class task force", and that is proof that he turned his back on the middle class how?
    No, there is no confusion, you are a hypocrite.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer Toad's Avatar
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    Obama announces initiatives for middle class

    Re: Obama announces initiatives for middle class

    Quote Originally Posted by Muqtar SGT_Clintok

    Then why the "Middle Class task force", with the cameras and the teleprompters? I'll tell you why, he is back to campaigning. Back to marketing himself.
    The Republican party and their news outlets of choice are doing everything in their power to stymie his efforts to get things done as president. They're not fulfilling their duty to the American people to run this country as their elected representatives. If they were, they'd be working with him to determine a compromise instead of doing whatever they can to break the machinery of government so that nothing at all gets done. They turn every issue into a disinformation-filled sideshow. One of the things that I liked about Obama is that he got down to the business of running the country and when he spoke to an interviewer asking questions for the American people, he tried to speak to the American people as if they were adults. Meanwhile, his opposition spewed misinformation that was easily disproved or found to be ingenuous by anyone who spent more than 5 minutes researching it. Surprise surprise, a lot of the big far right talking points and sound bytes are junk data, and when they're regurgitated here and elsewhere, consist of poorly-researched half-truths ingested whole without checking for crap content. Speaking to the American people like adults did not work. Now Obama is going back to speaking to you like children. Don't complain about being sent back to the kid's table... you asked for it.

    This is the state of political discourse in America now. The left is going back to fighting using the right's methods (I like to hope it's mainly the far right but who ever knows anymore). It won Obama the election, after all. But when someone on the right accuses Obama of propaganda or clouding the truth with slogans and buzzwords, just be thankful that irony is not in fact lethal.

    Edit: You seem like a really nice guy, Muqtar, and this is not directed solely at you. It is annoying, however, dealing with the constant stream of bile from people who get news from places that would have painted a bad picture of Obama no matter how well or poorly he did in his first year, and a Republican minority in the house and senate who appear to be only concerned with 2010 re-elections and not with running the country. It's been one long campaign from the right this past year... why do you begrudge Obama some campaigning of his own?

    Endless, never-ending succession wars (i.e. the constant re-election campaign cycle that is becoming more and more prevalent) ... behind the death of so many of mankind's past great empires. The right is clearly not calling their politicians on it, and now the left won't either. Stuck in a mire of steadily decreasing political thought and corruption (hell, we just gave any corrupt bastard/organization, American or no, the perfect way to dump untraceable -to them at least- money into any politician's campaign with this SCOTUS ruling). This country is continuing its slide and we all need to work together to fight it.

  3. Unconfirmed User Muqtar SGT_Clintok's Avatar
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    Re: Obama announces initiatives for middle class

    It isn't just the media and the right interfering with Obama's agenda, its also the centrist democrats who are not on board with the agenda this man is pushing. The failure to get things done can be laid at the feet of Mr Emanual who was the architect of getting centrist democrats elected in conservative districts. It brought a majority, but not the kind that can get a far left agenda accomplished. I am only hoping that the left follows through on Rachael Madow's threat to bring more liberal democrats in this november to replace those blue dogs. We'll have to see how that goes.

    The Republican party is doing exactly what the democratic party just finished doing for the better part of the past six years, which is fighting an agenda that they dont agree with. As previously stated, they aren't there to suck up the democratic agenda if they dont agree with it.

    What I think about Obama going back into campaign mode is irrelevant. I am simply making a prediction that he will revert to campaign mode, and that the outcome isn't going to be the same this time, because now we have something to actually judge him by. In addition, George Bush is no longer in the office, although that hasn't stopped the revival of the campaign against him. I think it was a day after the election in MA last week (I could be wrong) that Triggerhappy threw up a new picture of George Bush as his avatar, similar to the one he kept during the election of McCain hugging Bush. As I said, drag out the boogeyman, it worked last time.

    As I also stated previously, if Obama comes back to earth and moves towards the center, he has a chance at following in Bill Clinton's footsteps and doing a good job overall. I highly doubt he will preside over a bubble like the one we saw in the mid-late 90's, but he is smart enough to make something out of this. If he persists in following the same course he has been on, I suspect that November will be unkind, and he doesn't know gridlock's address yet, but will learn all about it.

    And BTW - I dont take it personal Toad. I am a network engineer, not running for office. Spectating on politics is like going out and playing catch.


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