Quote Originally Posted by -Sauso-
Illegal immigration is illegal immigration. Why should it be any different for people from different countries?

Who said anything about Mexico? I sure didn't.
Not to say either of us are stupid but im pretty sure your trying to go with conversations in the past on the topic.

I have to disagree illegal immagration is not just illegal immagration no more than a thief is a thief. I have issues with people that illegally immagrate and never fill out paper work to become legal. Of which is just a drain on the government and systems set in place for those that are legal. Then you have the other side of the coin which is people running for there lives in order to survive.

They are not the same any more than a person who steals a loaf of bread knowing full well he has a job and money in his pocket verses someone who has no home no job and needs that bread just to survive another day. Yes in the end the same crime is commited but what led to the crime is completely different.