
The prospect that Shi’ites might have killed the leader of the state’s Sunni Muslim community has prompted grave concern.

Last week in Beirut, the United Nations Special Tribunal charged with investigating and prosecuting the killers of former Lebanese premier Rafik Hariri brought several members of Hizbullah in for questioning. The tribunal’s decision to interview Hizbullah in connection with the 2005 murder appears to confirm a 2009 report in Der Spiegel – corroborated more recently by Le Monde – implicating the Shi’ite militia in the conspiracy. A shift in the short-term focus of the investigation from Syria to Hizbullah will have a profound impact on domestic politics in Lebanon, and potentially on US-Lebanese relations.

Since the February 2005 assassination of Hariri and the establishment of the UN-mandated inquiry into the killing, the primary public focus of the investigation has been on Damascus. Indeed, the first report of the International Independent Investigation Commission (IIIC) in October 2005 “conclud[ed] that... many leads point directly towards the involvement of Syrian security officials with the assassination.”

Although no mention was made of Hizbullah in the commission’s quarterly reports through 2009, the organization – allied historically with Damascus – expressed strong opposition to the formation of the IIIC and bolted from the cabinet in protest of the government’s decision to support its establishment.

Then, in May 2009 Der Spiegel published an article that reported in great detail on how Hizbullah operatives participated in the murder, and how the IIIC had discovered the connection. The revelations contained in the Der Spiegel article sent shock waves through Beirut.
I think it is ridiculous that an investigation in the Hariri murder/assasination takes over 5 years and who knows how much money has actually been spent on this..... Just to prove that Syria and Hizbullah are responsible. I thought everybody knew that, so why the dog and pony show. What it going to happen when it is proven? Maybe a Sunni-Shiite war? What's the purpose?