Our own government has been against us the whole time. The founders new it would come about eventually, but just did their best to not perpetuate the syndrom. Unfortunately it's all catching up to us, fueled by conflicts that are in turn perverting our outlook on our own way of life.

I do find it ironic that, in my opinion, we seem to making the mistakes others have already and are already suffering from: A swing towards socialism / communism / etc., prolonged military action on foreign soil, election of officials who want to continue either of the aforementioned in a half-assed attempt to "fix the issues." We seem to be behind the curve of fucked up, but our "freedoms" bought us that leeway before we dived into the realm of the messed up. It's time for us to step up and make our mistakes. I just hope we don't fail to learn from them, like some petulant child throwing a tempertantrum to only end up getting "medicated" in the end instead of addressing the actual issue.