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Thread: Hollywood Fruit loops - gotta love em.....but not really

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    Hollywood Fruit loops - gotta love em.....but not really

    Roseanne Barr: Behead Bankers, Rich Who Won't Give Up Wealth | RealClearPolitics

    Janeane Garofalo: Racist Republicans Support Herman Cain | RealClearPolitics

    Sigh - and too think that some actually listen to these wastes of skin.....

    I knew Roseanne was crazy for years. It appears that the Botox has finally gotten to Garafalo and caused brain damage.

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    Re: Hollywood Fruit loops - gotta love em.....but not really

    And if they are unable to live on that amount of that amount then they should, you know, go to the reeducation camps and if that doesn't help, then being beheaded," Barr said with a straight face.
    Really.........? :/

  3. Registered TeamPlayer dex71's Avatar
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    Hollywood Fruit loops - gotta love em.....but not really Hollywood Fruit loops - gotta love em.....but not really Hollywood Fruit loops - gotta love em.....but not really Hollywood Fruit loops - gotta love em.....but not really Hollywood Fruit loops - gotta love em.....but not really Hollywood Fruit loops - gotta love em.....but not really
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    Re: Hollywood Fruit loops - gotta love em.....but not really

    And remember kids, fire doesn't melt steel.

    Notice that Roseann never mentions giving her money away......just the coin of evil bankers. Lord knows entertaining housefraus a decade ago was back-breaking work. Nice too that she came up with a cap SHE could live with ($100 mil).

    Just two idiots who's talents obviously aren't enough to keep them relevant.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer [CoFR]SirMoo's Avatar
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    Hollywood Fruit loops - gotta love em.....but not really Hollywood Fruit loops - gotta love em.....but not really Hollywood Fruit loops - gotta love em.....but not really Hollywood Fruit loops - gotta love em.....but not really
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    Re: Hollywood Fruit loops - gotta love em.....but not really

    Quote Originally Posted by Alundil View Post
    Roseanne Barr: Behead Bankers, Rich Who Won't Give Up Wealth | RealClearPolitics

    Janeane Garofalo: Racist Republicans Support Herman Cain | RealClearPolitics

    Sigh - and too think that some actually listen to these wastes of skin.....

    I knew Roseanne was crazy for years. It appears that the Botox has finally gotten to Garafalo and caused brain damage.
    Then again look at who Roseanne is talking to, it's RT, the Russian equivalent of Fox News (but in that neocommunist way).

    Garafalo is responding to the whole Herman Cain criticizing Rick Perry about his "negro"town camp sign name. Everybody knows Cain is basically representing token black guy in the Republican party today. At least Alan Keyes finally figured it out and went his own way.
    Last edited by [CoFR]SirMoo; 10-03-11 at 05:43 AM.

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    Re: Hollywood Fruit loops - gotta love em.....but not really

    Quote Originally Posted by [CoFR]SirMoo View Post
    Everybody knows Cain is basically representing token black guy in the Republican party today. At least Alan Keyes finally figured it out and went his own way.
    Moo, the cake is a lie. You've bought into the Garofalo crap? You had much botox recently? It's sad to me that Garofalo, and you apparently, feel that a single political party can fully represent all the desires and hopes and aspirations of every possible minority group in the country. Yet when some of those minorities stand up and denounce, or openly differ with, the views of that one political party they are immediately labelled 'traitors, uncle toms, victims of (or suffering from) Stockholm Syndrome, or being paid off to pretend'. All these whacked out assumptions, instead of simply realizing that, given Occam's Razor and its "simplicity requirement," it's far more likely that some people just don't agree with the positions espoused in the Democratic Party.

    You'd further "double down" and then claim, by logical extension of your argument, that bodies such as the "Black Conservative" movement is not really real and is just a construct put together by people either in denial or paid as a front group. Conspiracy much?

    As for Keyes, yes he left the Republican Party. People leave political parties all the time for a variety of reasons, many of which aren't always publicized. Are you claiming that he left the party because of Racism? I'm not a member of the Republican Party. Does that mean I think they are racist? You see Moo, if you've already made up your mind about a topic, then you can fit literally any data/fact/evidence into that preconceived structure and twist it to fit your POV. Keyes left the party, I am guessing, for a couple reasons; among them the fact that the Republican Party is "milk-toast" on a lot of things. Too concerned with not offending because they've been beaten about the head and neck too many times. They also contain a large group of 'Rino' people who aren't conservative at all. And possibly more than anything else, he left because he realized that he was not going to be the Republican Party nominee, possibly because he was not well known enough, or electable as president in the eyes of the people calling the shots at the top. Oh, and there are people calling shots at the top of all parties, you shocked yet?

    Nothing to do with the color of Cain's or Keyes' skin though. Sad that folks continue to pass this tripe along without ever actually analyzing it for detail.


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    Re: Hollywood Fruit loops - gotta love em.....but not really

    Where did you come up with all of this? I don't subscribe to Garofalo at all, I was only stating the reason why she is talking about Herman Cain *now* is due to Herman Cain starting the whole recent Rick Perry controversy. CONTEXT IS EVERYTHING. Also how Herman Cain also came out (pun unintentional) previously about having "shoulda-woulda" said something about the gay soldier being heckled during the last Republican debate. So being a candidate "of refuge" for those conservatives who are against racism and gaybashing appears can be considered an accurate label. I don't know what your repeated references to botox means. What does muscle paralysis have to do with the words coming out of people's mouths?

    Now the interesting about the black vote, which now competes with the hispanic vote for 2nd/3rd largest minority voting bloc in the country is social vs. economic issues. Most black voters, like hispanic voters, are traditionally socially conservative but at the same time are big fans of social programs because they also are usually economically disadvantaged. However, when it comes down reality, Maslow's hierarchy of needs tends to still be followed and many will traditionally vote Democrat. Furthermore, traditional Reagan-era neoconservatives tend to be ok with the stereotype that blacks and hispanics are "welfare queens" or "illegal immigrants" that are parasites on other taxpayers. If that's not a subtle form of racism, I don't know what is.

    I don't believe Cain is in denial or fronting at all, he's a successful businessman who has reaped the benefits of many pro-minority institutions throughout his life and career. However, is he being used by the neocons in order for the rich-white-people's party to appear officially and legitimately diverse (definition of "having a token minority" on your team)? I think Alan Keyes realized that it takes more than just a "family-values" platform to pick up neocon votes.

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    Re: Hollywood Fruit loops - gotta love em.....but not really

    Quote Originally Posted by [CoFR]SirMoo View Post
    However, is he being used by the neocons in order for the rich-white-people's party to appear officially and legitimately diverse (definition of "having a token minority" on your team)?
    Does Obama fill that same niche for the other "rich-white-people's" party. You know the one.

    See, the claim of minorities being used for "guilty" whites can cut both ways (moment of disclosure: I don't think either party is selecting candidates out of guilt - but it sure is fun to watch people claim that "the other side is evil and only doing it for appearance's sake" and that they are as "pure as the driven snow").

    I especially liked this dig at a fairly large (and might I point out diverse) group of people:
    Quote Originally Posted by [CoFR]SirMoo View Post
    ...traditional Reagan-era neoconservatives tend to be ok with the stereotype that blacks and hispanics are "welfare queens" or "illegal immigrants" that are parasites on other taxpayers.
    You need any broader of a brush? Home Depot is down the street (or Lowe's if that is your preference).

    Reagan era conservatives =/= NeoCons. NeoCons predated his presidency by a large amount of time, think decades at least (and oops weren't Republicans to begin with - in fact the bulk of those who started the "movement" identified as Democrats).....hmmmmm. So are you saying that Democrats tend to be ok with the aforementioned stereotypes?

    And the Botox reference is simply a very pointed jab at people who choose to inject toxic substances into their faces (and other parts of their body) purely out of vanity and the explicit denial of reality (that they are aging like everyone else) that is. Those people tend to look strange and the longer they inject themselves with that toxic substance the stranger they appear to be in thought and behavior as well. Is there a link between Botox and brain function? Not sure. But an interesting topic for a different thread.
    Last edited by Alundil; 10-03-11 at 02:01 PM.

  8. Registered TeamPlayer BruceBloodMaster's Avatar
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    Re: Hollywood Fruit loops - gotta love em.....but not really

    Getting to a Lighter Side here ........ like anybody gives a crap what two Malletheads like Barr and Garafalo have to say ! Neither of which has a Functioning Brain Stem between the two of them. Both are products of the 60's and the smell of burned out brain cells is prevelant in both !

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