so i got an email today from an old friend whos doing one of those breast cancer walks i couldn help her out cause well i'm broke as hell but i thought i'd post her letter here just incase of course if this breaks any rules or seems like spam just delete the thread

Dear Friends and Family,
I have big news that will blow your socks off! I have accepted the challenge and am participating in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in May. I've committed to walking 40 miles in just 2 days and a fundraiser requirement of $1,800 but I'm hoping to raise much more to put an end to breast cancer. Many of my own family members and friends have suffered from cancer during my lifetime and they were the inspiration and motivation for me to do something like this. I felt that it was time for me to put myself side and do something big to support others who are suffering.

I have already started with my physical training, walking several miles in a day and eating a low carb diet with lots of protein, but I am also eager to get started with my fundraising and I need your support! Your contribution will help to support medical research into the possible causes of and cure for breast cancer, education and early detection programs, and clinical care and support services for women with breast cancer in communities across the country. There is a special focus on helping medically undeserved women, the poor, minorities, the elderly, or those with inadequate health insurance. And much of the money granted by the Foundation goes back to the communities where it was raised, supporting everything from local grassroots programs to national organizations.

It is faster and easier than ever to support this great cause - you can make a donation online by simply clicking on the link. If you're uncomfortable with an online donation, let me know. I can help you make other arrangements for your donation. Whatever you can give will help! I truly appreciate your support and will keep you posted on my progress.

You can visit my personal walk page and donate by clicking here:

Thank you for your support. Together, we can all make a difference. Be in it to end it!

Katie Collins