So the Win8 preview came out, and I decided to check it out. And it's...neat. There's still a desktop, but it's not the front page. Screen starts off showing you something similar to the Xbox/wp7 home screens. It's got live tiles and a pretty blocky look to it. If you like the look of the WP7 then this will look neat to you. The reason it's like this is so you have the same level of social integration as you do on the phone. And if I was that integrated to it I'd love the way it was. However, I don't use FB or twitter so I'm missing some of the coolness of it.

Everything is now an "app" on this strat page, and right now most of the third party programs don't have "app" support. So when you run say steam, it opens up your Desktop "app" and opens steam like you normally would. I'm assuming stuff like that will eventually get integrated into Win8. Basically is like having multiple Desktops.

The actual Desktop(meaning the "app") looks and works basically exactly the same and Win7. At first my resolution went down(meaning I couldn't reach my Max res like I used to), but it's now working as it should. If you move your mouse to the upper left of your screen, it pop opens your last used "app", and if you hold it there a side bar will open that shows your "apps" that are opened in the background. That hasn't been a big issue, but I'll occasionally kick that on trying to hit the back button on chrome.

Having a wp7, I'm hoping that there's some kind of integration here with win8. Maybe being able to look at my txt or stream my screen on my monitor, or at the very least sync. Right now I can't tell if it even recognizes my phone. So I'm a bit disappointed with that, but i'll keep trying.

First impressions are still that it's kinda neat. I'll start syncing my windows live stuff, and see what happens. I plan on keeping this for a couple weeks at least cause I have to re-install Win7 to get it back to normal...shoulda read about that before doing this...