I'm a Phillies fan but I live in DC. DC fans looked pretty sad about the Nats losing, but IMO they will be stronger for having seen their team choke in the playoffs. It's one of the trials of fanhood. The Philles lost in the first round to the Rockies before winning in 2008!

A few clarifications:

1) Teddy Roosevelt winning the race was not the cause of this. It kicked ass.
2) Why would the coach use a pitcher 3 days in a row in a way he hadn't done all year? 2 runs up = put a damn reliever in.
3) If you ignore item 2 and your exhausted closer gives up 2 runs, put a damn reliever in.
4) Anyone remember Davy Lopes? Best first base coach ever. When he left is when the Phillies stopped winning world series and basically no other reason.