Person A drives 25 miles to a business for an interview, then drives back, same distance.
Person A drives 25 miles to a business for an interview, then drives back, same distance.
Person A drives 6 miles to a business to see if HR person is there to talk about an application. They aren't there, then drives back 6 miles.
Person A drives 6 miles to same buisness to see if HR person is there to talk about an application. They aren't there, then drives back 6 miles.
Person A calls business to see if HR person is there, before driving. They arne't. Person A stays home.
Person A calls business to see if HR person is there, before driving. They aren't. Person A stays home.
Person A calls business to see if HR person is there. They are, Person A informes them a another location from the same business is offering a job 6 miles beyond where HR's location is. Would like to meet HR person to show they don't have "loser" tattooed to their forehead, and to see if HR's location would like to consider employing person A.

Person A tells person B. Person B wants to know why didn't they driver to HR person?

Is this worthy of a shouting match?