Quote Originally Posted by Master_Magus View Post
Yea big fan of the Evil Dead series. This remake looks like it will be combining the first two movies (Evil Dead 1 and 2) into this one. I can already see some of the original material and just hope they don't try to stray too far from what it once was. I just hope some how they put Bruce Campbell in this one. I will be watching this no matter what. Also like Loki said about it going from scary to dark comedy route, I just hope they just start with the dark comedy route.

Pff Emily Rose isn't scary hasn't been a real scary movie out in a long time. Maybe because I was watching Hellraiser and It before I was even 10 that it takes a lot to get under my skin.
What I remember from the series, 1 was a serious attempt at horror. When the director saw the responses he remade it (2) but as a dark comedy. The third movie was all dark comedy. This new remake looks like a serious attempt at horror. I think it will be ok but I really liked the originals as they were cult hits. If you look on IMDB I think Bruce Campbell is listed on the cast but it does not specify a role. He probably will have a cameo somewhere.

Sent From The Dark Side Of The Moon.