Quote Originally Posted by Kanati8869 View Post
It's weird because I've HAD deja vu before. Everyone has and I understand that phenomenon. It's kind of a vague thought that you've done "this" before or saw "that" before. That you've done something before. Like you are repeating movements, thoughts, feelings, etc. This was something more. It wasn't a vague sense that I had seen (in this case) the obituary before and thought that possibly that person had died before. This was VERY clear and vivid recollection of DIFFERENT actions, thoughts, feelings, etc. But just as real as the ones I was currently feeling. I VIVIDLY remembered seeing the obit. I remember reading the details. I remembered talking with a co-worker about it (OH!! That person ALSO remembered me talking with them about it but wasn't sure about details or even who it was.) I remembered it as something that had happened. Not as a vague "deja vu" moment.

Twilight zone material, I know.
I sense a subtle use of The Force, here...