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Thread: D&D Stories of Epicness

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    D&D Stories of Epicness

    Anyone play and have some epic tales to tell?

    I was chatting with Civil and a couple of mine came to mind....

    I had a character named Lathis. Always had a backup plan.

    Introduced to the rest of the group as a cleric. He was actually a thief that killed a cleric and stole his shit to try to fleece the townsfolk of their money. Well he got caught up in things and joined the party as a cleric... with no clerical abilities... So he bluffed his way through such things as being unable to heal people because he had already used his spells for the day and whatnot or that they should use the few healing potions he had stashed instead of him using his spells.

    At first opportunity he learned level 1 cleric spells to perpetuate the myth... They never DID find out (through six months of game play) until the end of the campaign when I told them that he wasn't even a cleric when they first met up.

    So move forward in time a bit and the party went to a small hamlet and was told that there were kobolds outside of town harrassing them. Ok. We can handle that. In the meantime it was night and we needed to party at the local inn. Through no fault of my own of course... I kind of got the townsfolk riled up and they ran me out of town. Upon which I immediately got captured by about 50 kobolds. Damn. So through some creative use of my level 1 or 2 cleric spells and some rather impressive bluffing I managed to convince them that I was the kobold god come to lead them to glorious victory against the humans in the village.

    Therewith I partied with kobolds. Which is kinda nasty, but hey... one can't be picky when one was moments before being looked at as lunch.

    The next morning I led the kobolds to a nice hidden location and told them to stay put while I went to scout the town and make sure it was going to be safe to attack. I get to town and am like "look... sorry about last night. I was drunk and well... shit got real for a minute there." They are almost ready to believe me and I start to tell them that a kobold army is waiting just over the hill to attack. So I manage to screw up my dice rolls and they don't believe me and in fact become incensed that I was lying to them about a kobold army and it's last night all over again. They are chasing me with pitchforks and hoes and shit... so I run back towards the kobolds and proceed to yell "ATTAAAAACK!!!! KILL THE HUMANS!!!!"

    Thus began the first Kobold / Humans War.

    And then there was the other time.......

    I had a character that was evil (dark elf) but trying very hard to be good. And I had told the gamemaster in the beginning that I would be able to take it if someone screwed me over once... but twice in a row and things were gonna get ugly. That happened.

    I just happened to have an "instant death" dagger and a limited wish spell (the gamemaster was a bit loose with the loot)...

    We were discussing how to confront the evil big-bad nasty villain of the campaign... and I got screwed twice... So I broke out the dagger... stabbed our ranger in the back with it killing her instantly, and used my limited wish to wish myself to the bad guy villain dude where I swore my allegiance to him and told him all about the party's intentions. All of this occurred in the timespan of about 30 seconds... Shit went from calm and contemplative to 60mph in a heartbeat.

    we had a female reverend (real life that is) in our gaming group at that point... You know you've done something EPIC when you can get a reverend to yell... repeatedly... WHAT THE FUCK!? WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?

    Moral of both stories... Always have an out.

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    Re: D&D Stories of Epicness

    I've been playing in my current group for about 5 years now. Current character is a halfling monk. In one game my group was in an extra dimensional space based on the sin of wrath. So we had been running from room to room and encountering fighters left and right. This last room had us short on spells and potions. The cleric and fighter in our group get into and deep conversation to plan out our assault. While they are talking, the gnome beguiler leans over to me and says lets handle this while the tall ones talk (she's very impulsive). So one greater invisibilty and haste later I enter the room alone. Well, the fighter and cleric finally get the plan settled but realize my guy is not with them. They have a oh crap moment and rush the room. They find my halfling sitting on the table in the room with all of the fighters unconscious.

    One other time this same group of characters had come across an ancient white dragon in it's cave. The group jist could not hurt this thing. Spells bounced off of it, weapons were not doing enough damage. The dragon charged me so I took the necklace of fireballs I had and blindly chucked it above me. Suffice to say being small has it's advantages. The dragon took the brunt of the cave in while shielding me. DM just shook his head.

    sent from the dark side of the Moon.
    “Honor has not to be won; it must only not be lost.” - Schopenhauer

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    Re: D&D Stories of Epicness

    Just started to play with my new group.

    We go into a building and end up fighting a group of about 6 people. After it's all over, we spy a door off to the right. Even though the DM asked us multiple times "Are you sure you want to go in there?" we charge right in, and all but one of us promptly get entangled in spider webs. The one Polearm dude sees the Giant Spider and engages. My halfling, with no Strength modifiers to his name, manages to break free (Needed a strength roll of 18 to break) just as the polearm guy scores a super critical hit for 30 points of damage. Still doesn't kill the spider, so my halfling pulls out his hand axe and throws it, not only missing all the webs in the way, but scoring a critical hit for 10 damage, killing the Giant Spider. We were all like, level two when we did this. Paid off nicely too. We walked out of there super rich because of it.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer WileECyte's Avatar
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    Steam ID: wileecyte WileECyte's Originid: WileECyte

    Re: D&D Stories of Epicness

    My proudest geekdad moment is that my son has started playing in a D&D group with friends from school. On Sunday, we hosted the group and it was interesting listening to a group of 12-13 year olds play. The DM is an older brother of one of his friends and he had his hands full trying to reel this group of 6 kids in and keep them moving. It brought back memories of my early days of playing the D&D Blue & Red sets as a young teen.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer Gumby's Avatar
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    Re: D&D Stories of Epicness

    Quote Originally Posted by WileECyte View Post
    My proudest geekdad moment is that my son has started playing in a D&D group with friends from school. On Sunday, we hosted the group and it was interesting listening to a group of 12-13 year olds play. The DM is an older brother of one of his friends and he had his hands full trying to reel this group of 6 kids in and keep them moving. It brought back memories of my early days of playing the D&D Blue & Red sets as a young teen.
    Ditto, my most epic D&D moment has been watching my son get into something that was such a big part of my life at his age.

    But I do have a pretty epic in game moment. I had played with the same group for about five years. Our characters had all reached mid teen levels and we had managed to have as a group a perfect combat record. We got to bragging one session about how we had never lost or retreated from a fight. So the DM planned a fight we would lose for sure. We opened a door in a dungeon only to encounter a pissed off deep dragon. We fought a few rounds but it was obvious we were going to have to retreat into the dungeon. I was a cleric and I was the last one out the door. As a parting shot I cast Slay Living before leaving the door. The dragon fails both his high magic resistance and his low saving throw and drops dead, thus keeping our record spotless. The look on the DM's face was priceless.

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