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  1. Registered TeamPlayer moving-target's Avatar
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    how many of you actually think it works?

    im thinking about seeing one but to me psychology is a buncha people following a book turned txt book someone wrote a 100 years ago how can a class or a txt book tell you what/how a person thinks and how to i dunno what they do help them think the right things?

    wouldnt pills that just numb everything work out better in the long run?

  2. Registered TeamPlayer TrueKings3's Avatar
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    Re: psychology

    Ok so there are two different types within the medical field that deals with psychology. 1) Psychiatrist diagnose and treat mental illness and 2) psychologist (talking) I forgot which of the two is the one that gives you medicine.. (Note* There are 55 different divisions, I believe, known to the American Psychology Association.) Also there are currently no cure for whatever disorder,mental, you might have (i.e. bi-polar, ADHD, ADD, HIV, whatever it is) The pills will fuck up your system, fry your brain, and also you will not be yourself... Sounds like a cure right? :/

  3. Registered TeamPlayer Talkos's Avatar
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    Re: psychology

    Ahhh moving, as able to incite debate as ever, even if it isn't in the politics forum. Did you just have a bad experience with a shrink or something?

    Anyways, for all the complexity people like to think they have, they're actually pretty simple and fall into similar patterns. One of the most common being that people like to lie to themselves until someone forces them to call themselves on it.

    As the above poster was alluding to, as a rule of thumb psychiatrists dispense drugs. And that's great, since many psychological disorders are caused by chemical imbalances in the brain. Most of them end up having to deal with the happy molecules not getting to the right places in the right amounts.

    On the other hand, there are quite a few mental disorders that have an emotional or historical cause. No amount of happy drugs are going to cure a phobia of spiders without turning someone catatonic. Whereas a good bout of exposure therapy will fix that right up with a little bit of luck. And as alluded to, the various happy drugs if not given for the correct issues, or even if given for the correct issues, aren't exactly dandy for your health.

    I could go into some in depth thing about categorizing types of disorders and how they're treated(PTSD being a good example of how our understanding of it has shifted treatment from an issue that was 'solved' mostly with drugs to one that is now treated known to best be treated heavily with therapy). But the real simple comparison that most of the crowd here will get, is like using the drugs to fix hardware problems and therapy to fix software problems. No matter how many times you replace the graphics card, if you've got a software virus it'll still screw things up(and it'll get really expensive), and if you've got a bad motherboard, running an antivirus isn't going to fix anything.

    Unfortunately, because even people trying to fix your mental disorders are still people, there's a tendency of practitioners of each camp to think that they can fix everything without needing the others. Anyways, there's enough evidence that it works from the past few generations that I think it has proven itself. Just don't go to a programmer when what you need is a replacement power supply.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer ATEXANnHISGUN's Avatar
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    Re: psychology

    I had a psychologist as a an early teen.

    I had been through some physical and sexual abuse at the hands of my step mother around the ages of 8 to 10 years old. ( hid it from my family but never forgot any off it).

    Some deviant ( even by my standards =P ) behavioral patterns started to manifest , some things happened , and off to the shrink I went.

    I credit my family's support, my faith and my therapist in "fixing" me. I know with out even an iota of doubt had I not had professional help I would be either a predator or an abuser of those weaker then myself.

    The first few sessions were hard, very awkward and I was ashamed to no end for many reasons. But my Dr. was patient with me built the necessary trust and eventually everything that had happened came out. Through both dialogue and education with my therapist, I was able to come to terms with what happened and eventually able to heal those emotional wounds. two years later we shook hands good bye for the last time. I was a happy and well adjusted person and to some extent it gave me an edge in life. Being armed with both the knowledge and skills to analyze what I was feeling , why i was feeling that way and whether it was healthy has let me control my emotional state and make better choices. not that i always did.

    perhaps the only real scar left over from the abuse is a compulsive demand for loyalty, having been betrayed by my step mother, both for me to give it and receive it.. If I feel my loyalty has been betrayed or if some one who I believe to be loyal to me betrays me I can not in any way control my wrath I completely berserk. In my late teens and early to mid 20 this meant lots of violence as it stands to date it is usually only a verbal beating i dish out. I work on this character flaw daily.

    IT takes a lot of balls to say I may need help, and I know it all seems like a bunch of hokum but speaking from experience it can help, I know it changed the course of my life drastically for the better.

    I don't talk about this much it isn't a fun topic for me even all these years later and though i know people mean well i dislike the comments of encouragement or in the case of real assholes the admonishments that I'm some sort of freak.

    But if your in a place where your even considering psychological help, then I want you to know your not alone, I have been there, I would urge you to seek it out. Find a good doctor that you are comfortable with and give it a couple of sessions. be willing to have your preconceived ideas challenged and even painful issues brought up, with a good doctor they will face those issues WITH you in a way that family members and friends simply can not do.
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    Re: psychology

    Therapy certainly works. Meds can help, but you want to keep track of how you feel so you don't get numbed out. Try and find reviews online of therapists/psychiatrists to find one who's good. Also, avoid religious oriented therapists/psychiatrists like the plague; high recidivism rate and what not with them (which in simpler terms means they give a temporary at best fix that doesn't last long at all).

    From what I've read of your posts, you may have PTSD. In that case, therapy will really help. Of course, not being around your mom will really help, too. She seems to be a big stressor in your life.
    enf-Jesus its been like 12 minutes and you're already worried about stats?! :-P
    Sweet home Alabama you are an idiot.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer moving-target's Avatar
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    Re: psychology

    yeah thats pretty much the big issue stress im kinda at the point where i could ethier put my head or someone elses thru a glass window to say the least i gota get back to seeing a doctor then see what they recommend finding the time is the hard part

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    Re: psychology

    Quote Originally Posted by moving-target View Post
    yeah thats pretty much the big issue stress im kinda at the point where i could ethier put my head or someone elses thru a glass window to say the least i gota get back to seeing a doctor then see what they recommend finding the time is the hard part
    That's an excuse we all use. If you took the time to acknowledge you need help why would you know follow through? You've done the hard part and that's accepting it. If you truly need help you owe to yourself and others in your life to get help.

    Just remember psychiatrist cure through medicine and psychologist cure through talking. If you choose a psychiatrist don't be surprised to walk in and walk out with a prescription. With all the drugs available these days it's really a trial and error deal. You might find something that works for you right away or you may go trough several prescriptions before you find the one. Also if you're going to be taking prescriptions make sure your eating, sleeping, and exercising in addition to. You don't just take pills and become normal, it must be an all around change.

    Best of luck

  8. Registered TeamPlayer deathgodusmc's Avatar
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    Nope its a load of shit. Meds can help as others suggested but over all you tell them about yourself and they come to a conclusion after a very brief period. The only real help your getting at one is talking some shit out. Get a friend and save 150 an hour for some jerk off to tell you that yours excessively violent. I should of smacked that stupid shit. Fuckin dumb ass my school record said that shit but it at least showed i bottle it until provoked.

    Stress can be a bitch though. You have to learn to deal with it. My choice has always been my heavy bag but its been down the last few years so i moved to just telling people they're a fuckin idiot with some manual labor shortly after. That seems to work pretty good for me and my blood pressure is back to normal. My conclusion is people want to be told they're retarded and a bit of occasional violence is good for the soul. It also helps to find something you enjoy enough to get away from people to do. One of mine is just thinking of stupid shit like why do cooks have to wear a hair net and surgeons just wear a stupid hat? Just how many hairs have been sewn up into people? Another is just researching dumb shit like the difference between white and brown eggs. See fucking stupid but it works for me. The point being is you have to get your mind off the average shit that stresses you out and that 9 times out of 10 you aren't going to learn anything from a doctor you already didnt know. You just have to be willing to see it.

  9. Registered TeamPlayer Warflagon's Avatar
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    Re: psychology

    Consult a professional doctor, nurse, mental health professional or a social worker and get real advice. They go to school for a degree for a reason. Everyone is different, need different things, react differently to different things or even medications, etc.
    Stop asking for help from yahoos on the internet and ask a professional.
    Make the time.
    "The bravery of idiots is bravery none the less."
    Staal the Undefeated

  10. Registered TeamPlayer Nuckle's Avatar
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    Re: psychology

    Quote Originally Posted by Warflagon View Post
    Consult a professional doctor, nurse, mental health professional or a social worker and get real advice. They go to school for a degree for a reason. Everyone is different, need different things, react differently to different things or even medications, etc.
    Stop asking for help from yahoos on the internet and ask a professional.
    Make the time.
    ^^^This times 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000^ ^^

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