WHAT UP TTPERS!!!! I haven't been here in a long time, I still see majority of you on my friends list hopping into games and just the other night Bigtymer sent me an invite which instantly brought me back to older times. For those who remember me I hope you all are doing well! I am so glad to see this community still exists as this was the backbone to my beginning days as a CSS/GO gamer. I still have the TTP mouse pad and T-shirt from one of the tourneys with everyone's clan names on it!! Such a large community at the time.

I just recently got back into gaming heavily and I may even start streaming on twitch soon as well with the Teamplayer gaming ideals in mind. I want to bring that aspect back of coaching players in game to play better even though im not even that great myself anymore after such a long break from gaming lol.

I mainly play COD now and sprinkle in other games here and there like Rocket League, Borderlands etc...I also have been playing in a band for the last 6yrs with moderate success in the philly area, Life has been quite a rollercoaster ride and I figured after all this time id stop back in and say hello!

On a random side note, I am still a mod for the website, Obviously im not going to do anything nor have I, but if you guys/gals feel the need to remove that status from my account you can, I don't want to disrupt anything.

Well I hope to see some old faces out there in the warzone or hop into a game with yall, but that game will not be CS:GO unfortunately, that time in my gaming life is done lol.

Much love and respect to the community!
