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Thread: DFW 2142 Players - Off the Server 'Happy Hour' Inquiry

  1. Rob Zombie
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    I used to do that yes, I figured out that you didn't need to real quick.
    Khorne Flakes! They're Heretically Delicious.

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    Quote Originally Posted by francishatesme View Post
    I know this is kind of off the original topic but when you first started playing did anyone keep pulling the trigger while attacking with the smoker and the hunter thinking you needed to in order to keep hitting them? Just snickering thinking about my noob moments.
    My thing was I kept tapping right trigger, thinking I'd do more damage the faster I'd press the trigger

  3. Zombie Dog
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    As smoker I used to hold down my left mouse button thinking that if I let go, the person would get away...
    Let them hate me, so long as they fear me...

  4. Hi, my name is...
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    Y'know what would be a cool addition/change?

    If they didnt have the drag damage do as much damage and allowed the player to invoke a timed "Choke". The timer takes 5,seconds for a failed pull, 15 for a successful, using the same timer perhaps you could press fire every 15seconds after the initial recharge to do some visible damage, knock off say 5/10hp a "choke" BUT the Choke could only be fired off while dragging the victim.

    This would mean that Smokers would be more likely go for the really long grabs, and it would mean the Survivors couldn't just make a martyr of the Smoked victim so nonchalantly.

  5. Rob Zombie
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    Could you clarify that statement, your wording confuses me.
    Khorne Flakes! They're Heretically Delicious.

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    The problem about higher hunter pounces is this, how would you feel if, just because someone was LUCKY enough to get a high damage pounce, your team would be instantly ruined? The reason hunter pounces only go up to 25 is so that winning with the infected requies coordination rather than just blind luck. Would smokers and boomers really be necessary if two hunters pouncing after one another killed someone?

    In the end, it would no longer require strategy, skill, or teamwork. It would only turn into a game of blind rushing.

    And as for the smoker problem, the point of the infected is to *Key word* coordinate. If a smoker could detach his tongue, a team of idiots could be killed by a single infected. The hunters and boomers need to attack with the smoker to succeed. And imagine the following scenario...

    No mercy 3: The surviviors have activated the lift, and are running across the roof. suddenly, the smoker snags one down, detaches his tongue, and snags another. then, two hunters pounce on the guys on the roof.

    and *Poof* just like that, the team on the roof has no chance to win, and are dead. Did they lack skill? No, they were just cheaped out.

  7. Junior Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Danomeon View Post

    No mercy 3: The surviviors have activated the lift, and are running across the rof. suddenly, the smoker snags one down, detaches his tongue, and snags another. then, two hunters pounce on the guys on the roof.
    Good scenario to show how unbalanced the idea is. The OP should read it and consider balance over "fun" because my friends Balance = Fun

  8. On the way to greater things
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    Quote Originally Posted by francishatesme View Post
    Good scenario to show how unbalanced the idea is. The OP should read it and consider balance over "fun" because my friends Balance = Fun

    Or before you go up the lift, clear out the parking lot before you go across the roof...simple. Heres another solution, stay really tight together and gun butt the tongue before somebody is pulled down. Theres ways around this, but I understand the point your trying to make. If your palying a team of idiots, they usually dont make it 10% into the level.

    Like Ive said before, the smoker dosnt do enough damage, theres several times ive pulled a survivor back and had my way with them for what seems like forever just strangling the hell out of them...always seems like they get released right before they are incapped...even though I had them tied up for what seems like 10+ seconds. So instead of just making him stronger, give him the ability to release his tongue...not regenerate it instantly, that would it wouldnt be too unbalanced. Or another Idea, what about progressive damage, he is constricting them, the longer he has you tied up the more damage is done.

    these are just ideas, nothing more. Im sure they have been sugested before

  9. Community Staff
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    I don't believe the smokers job is to inflict heavy damage. He is support. He is not the soldier, that job belongs to the Hunter.

    And the heavy artillery belongs to the Tank.

    The Smoker fills in his niche by pulling people apart, not by dishing out large amounts of damage.

    On NM3 - everytime I smoke someone down, I always have a hunter pounce my catch, so I can recharge when they try to go back again.

  10. On the way to greater things
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    Thats pretty much what we do...that way we at least incap them to slow them down

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