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  1. Junior Senior Member
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    8v8 is shit

  2. Chicago Ted
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    Quote Originally Posted by Z00M View Post
    8v8 is shit
    Thanks for the unnecessary comment like always, Z00M.

    I have never played 8v8 (I don't own a PC), so I can't be the best of help. Though looking from a metaphorical point of view I can say I agree with your post 100%, Coyote.
    Quote Originally Posted by David Lynch
    It's such a sadness that you think you've seen a film on your fucking telephone. Get real.

  3. Hi, my name is...
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    8vs8? Sounds awesome...too bad Xbox doesn't get that.

  4. Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheCrazyKracker View Post
    8vs8? Sounds awesome...too bad Xbox doesn't get that.
    I TOTALLY wish that it did.
    "We're cops! Open up!" "...Why?" "Well, I'm Francis, that's Grandpa Bill and...there's zombies out here! Open the goddammed door!"

  5. Chicago Ted
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    Quote Originally Posted by moonbeamc1458 View Post
    I TOTALLY wish that it did.
    I know what you mean, but it's not made by Valve so it won't happen.
    Quote Originally Posted by David Lynch
    It's such a sadness that you think you've seen a film on your fucking telephone. Get real.

  6. Senior Member
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    Yeah, it's a hoot. I've always loved playing on custom servers where the teamsizes are much larger than originally intended (UT2k4 32-player custom Assault maps FTW)


    Played a halfway decent game of BH tonight. We weren't that coordinated on infected so we let the other team get into the saferoom twice (we got in once) but we did succeed in getting further on most maps than the other team mainly due to staying together. It was pretty gratifying. We had lots of communication and tried our hardest never to leave anyone behind. Of course, if they were AFK, we had to euthanize them in the saferoom first...

  7. Hi, my name is...
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    Ah. I should've realized it was a mod. Oh well, 4v4 for me then.

  8. Senior Member
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    Oh yeah. HEAVILY modded. Here are a few of them that are regularly used...

    -Survivors can crawl when incapped
    -Everyone gets a supply menu from which they can choose any T1 or T2 weapon. This also include a limited number of grenades and health packs.
    -Weapons have effectively unlimited ammo (1000)

    -Smokers have infinitely long tongues
    -Hunters can jump off a pounced person whenever they want and pounce another person before the first is dead
    -Smoker and boomer recharge times are waaaaay lower
    -All infected can control their own gravity settings
    -In ghost mode the infected can fly by pushing the reload button

    As insane as it sounds, it balances things out pretty well for the 8v8.

  9. Zombie Rat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coyote View Post
    Okay, take your average 8v8 server. You can pretty much determine which team will get owned by the infected if you look at the average intra-team apathy towards teammates.

    Or put another way, if you start leaving your teammates behind then you will FAIL. Simple as that.

    In these games, it's very easy to take the attitude of "Well, one guy lagging behind doesn't count. There's still 7 of us." But it doesn't stop there. Once the 7th guy in the line gets pounced, the attitude is still "Well, there's six of us left, so keep going!" Etc... The standard rules for surviving as a team still apply to 8v8. There's simply NO way that a team of 4 survivors is going to hold off 8 SI... you've got to go back and help EVERYONE. Even the bots. Ultimately, you're going to need every gun when trying to get into the saferoom.

    Someone had a great comment last night which was that the survivors should move like a school of fish. Everyone stay close and keep an eye out so that all directions are covered. If something attacks, we all move in unison to counter. If a player in the back is stopped, we all go back and save them. When a tank comes, provide a WALL of gunfire to take the big palooka down.

    If someone needs help, two folks go back. One to help and the other to cover that guy. Then 2 or 3 guys cover those two and the rest cover the other direction.
    A-frickin'-men! It seems like half the time I join 8v8 I wind up on the team that doesn't do this, whereas the opposite team covers all their bases. It makes it pretty frustrating on both Infected and Survivor rounds.

  10. Hi, my name is...
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    You guys nailed it.. 8v8 SOUNDS awesome.

    Its not.

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