[QUOTE=Acermors;366294]I don't know if one exists... you could just try trial and error. I think it's this, however:


I know machete/fireaxe/crowbar work, but the others I haven't tried.

That I'm also not sure of. I believe it's been packaged in one of the pak files, and the only way to find them is to extract them using a program. I think the program is GCFscape, but I don't have any experience using it.

For the very basic, you just need a regular skybox, textured on all sides with the toolsskybox texture. You change the skybox name under Map --> Map Properties. The developer wiki should have the names of the available skyboxes. If you need the skybox to light up the map, you need a light_environment entity, which should also be documented in the wiki.

#4. why does some places get a transparent triangel on the floor so ya can see through to the void?QUOTE]
I've never encountered this, but it sounds like you have a leak. Look in your compile log for an error like this:

entity [whatever] leaked!

If that shows up, your map isn't properly sealed. Look under the drop menus for "Load Pointfile" and follow the red line to find where something's leaking. Make sure all your skybox walls touch each other. Once you're sure the map is sealed, unload the Pointfile and recompile without running the map, to see if the error disappears.
ty for all urs answers, but about Q number 4, the whole map is sealed, i dident mean like that... i meant like in editor its fully closed on the floor but when i start a bit of it gets transparent... and compling thingy dosent say anything like it, i try contact steamsupport but they say they can answer to things about HAMMER...