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  1. Australian.
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    Left 4 Dead Picture of the Day/Week

    Left 4 Dead Forums
    Picture of the Day/Week

    Welcome to the Left 4 Dead Forums Picture of the Day/Week. I've endeavoured to answer any questions that should arise below, but if I have missed anything feel free to PM myself, Lady Pwnage or Dead Prodigy or simply post your question here and we'll do our best to answer it.

    What is PotD/W?
    Picture of the Day/Week is a feature of Left 4 Dead Forums wherein members submit Left 4 Dead images from which the best will be chosen and posted for the community to see, comment on, and rate.

    How do I submit an image?
    Images are submitted to the Left 4 Dead Forums Image Gallery. Specifically to the Left 4 Dead Forums POTD category.

    What type of images should I submit?
    Whatever you want, essentially. Generally images selected are funny, epic, bad-ass or otherwise noteworthy; if you think your peers will like it, or even if you just love it, submit it!
    Any image that breaches the forum rules will be deleted and the member reprimanded accordingly.

    How is the 'winner' selected?
    The PotD/W Staff (Lady Pwnage and Dead Prodigy) will be in charge of selecting an image each day, or week, and posting it. The choice is in their hands and is final - if they do not select your image in the first post after you submit it, it may be selected further down the track; but don't hold your breath.

    Why is it Picture of the "Day/Week"?
    Essentially this is due to the L4DF Staff's lack of telepathic foresight. We don't want to say we'll choose a picture each day only to find we aren't getting enough submissions to do so. Whether a picture is chosen daily or weekly will depend on the number of submissions - so if you want more images selected; submit more!

    -added by lp-

    When will I find out the winner?
    Winners will be chosen on the friday of every week and the picture will be posted in the potd/w thread either that night or saturday morning (est/gmt)
    Dead Prodigy and myself will most likely be rotating who posts the winner.

    Its saturday, and a picture isnt up yet.
    We are only human here, not bots. Chances are something came up where neither of us could make time to pick one or we have not gotten around to it yet.
    Be patient We will get one up as soon as we can.

    I only play on xbox. Does this mean I am not eligible?
    Certainly not! The only difference is you would have to upload a picture youve taken with a digital camera or phone. It is understood that the quality of a PC screen shot will be better than a picture of a tv taken with a camera. Quality isnt a main factor in the judging (however, it is a small factor nonetheless. i.e. dont send in a picture with crappy quality. make sure the image is at least intelligible). Make sure to keep your camera near you when you play l4d, you never know what you could come across
    100% Fanboy free since 1804.

  2. A Banhammer With Rainbows
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    I intend to start sorting through pics this week,
    So get shootin' people

    jdog_pwnd_you: I worship you.

  3. A Banhammer With Rainbows
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    *"friendly bump" post that will be deleted eventually*

    I know someone has at least one to submit.

    c'mon people ! !

    jdog_pwnd_you: I worship you.

  4. Call me Pingwin
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    Can I submit something that has already made potw, but got lost in transition to a new server?

  5. A Banhammer With Rainbows
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    ...SURE, why the hell not

    jdog_pwnd_you: I worship you.

  6. On the way to greater things
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    Can I edit the photo i took from Left 4 Dead?

  7. Banned
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    Okay, I am thinking of bringing this back, but with some changes. I am volenteering my free time for this, as I think it will be a smart move and encourage more people to use the Gallery.
    1. This will definately be Picture of the WEEK. Decisions will be made on SATURDAY. If it is submitted on Saturday, it will be put in the next weeks draw.
    2. There will a Picture of the Month and Year as well, the Month and Week will be decided by me and my chosen jury. The Year will not only be chosen by us, but by the public as well, putting together all the month's winners.
    4. If your picture does not make the cut this week, DO NOT KEEP SPAMMING IT. Try and think of some other pictures to use. In other words, unlike the above rules, you will have to submit a different picture each time you want to take part. It will be weekly pictures only however, unless we feel that this picture deserves a place on the month/year competitions.
    5. Editing photos is allowed, but should not be done in the extreme.
    6. The first post generally covers everything else.

    If the staff are happy with me doing this, feel free to give me a PM, because I really want to see what the L4DF community are capable of. I am welcome to any changes to these rules.

    Make sure you label your picture as POTW, and your description the picture's title.

  8. Banned
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    If this gets acceped, there should be themes. For instance, a rail forum I am on has themes, such as BR rail pics, certain traction, etc.

    Examples for this could be: hunter skeets, boomer fails, funny infected deaths, etc. That way it makes it more fun and more "vote able" rather than just submitted random pictures and decided which one is "best".
    [s]L4D - PC & Xbox 360[/s]
    ~no aim... no goal... no guiding light that can take control~

  9. Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zoeyyyy View Post
    If this gets acceped, there should be themes. For instance, a rail forum I am on has themes, such as BR rail pics, certain traction, etc.

    Examples for this could be: hunter skeets, boomer fails, funny infected deaths, etc. That way it makes it more fun and more "vote able" rather than just submitted random pictures and decided which one is "best".
    That's a good idea, but since this is for every week, it is going to be difficult to find 52 themes for L4D1 and 2. I'll try my best, but it may work or not. I'll have to see what other people think.

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