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Thread: New England Patriots Blow

  1. Left 4 Dead
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meto741 View Post
    Alright, I played L4D2 and heres what I found wrong with it. The meele counter is in campaign, making it a LOT harder to do,.
    Its not melee, its supposed to be a shove. People just used to abuse it L4D1 to get past zombie hordes as easy as possbile. They only "real" way to play is use bullets and cover your team or your own ass. Or just use a melee weapon.
    !!!WiCkEd VOooOdooooO TerRrroRR!!!

  2. Junior Member
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    Let's just break down this wall of text brick by brick, shall we?

    Quote Originally Posted by Meto741 View Post
    The meele counter is in campaign, making it a LOT harder to do, I mean seriously? in campaign?
    That was the whole idea. The overuse of the melee spam in L4D meant that the horde became less of a threat, easily defeated by sitting in a corner and pushing them away for ten minutes. The addition of the melee counter, and the Spitter, mean that such tactics are no longer an option, forcing players to play the game another way.

    and with all the alarms and parts where you can't use your weapon (cola).
    Variety, mon ami. Alarms require you to be less trigger happy and more careful with shooting for fear of the horde and the object retrieval is so that teams have to work closer together, protecting the person carrying the precious cargo.

    The hunters pounce is different which I don't like.
    Opinion on a trivial matter.

    The charger can get couaght on invisable walls and can only charge in a streight line, I mean at least let you move a little bit to the side, like if a Survivor moves AT ALL you miss.
    That's the whole point. When it hits, the charger can do quite a bit of damage and carry the survivor a fair distance. It balances it out by having it move only in a straight line whilst charging. Beside, catch the survivor off guard, and you won’t need to move to the side.

    All the alarms and shit make me angry, the first 3 campaigns are nothing but running away from alarms to turn them off. I mean I like the idea, but to put so many of them in there.
    It beats all the “wait it out” scenarios of the first game, which could be beaten by spamming melee in a corner. Again, it’s a bit of variety.

    And the fact that the survivors know eachother in the cut scene but not in the first leval? I like the idea of the survivors introducing themselves and the game continuing off the cutscene but come on.
    The intro also shows the smokers tongue staying on Ellis after it is killed and a shotgun being knocked out his hands. The intro movie in L4D showed the survivors with stage 2 weapons, yet they start with stage 1 in the game. Not to mention there is no Tank corpse at the bottom of the collapsed fire escape.

    Point is, the intro move conatins things that will be different in the game. Plus, it contains scenes from other campaigns. From those scenes that take place before the first chapter of Dead Center, none of the survivors call each other by their names, apart from Nick with the chocolate helicopter comment. Who's to say that "Coach" isn't just a spur of the moment nickname that Nick gave, upon seeing that he is a high school coach? The rest then introduce themselves once in the safety of the lift.

    And some of the uncommon common infected are just plane useless and do virtually nothing ( hazmat suit zombies,mudmen, and construction workers).
    Hazmat = Immune to fire
    Mudmen = Crawl on all 4's, put mud on screen
    Construction Worker = Not attracted to pipe bombs and slightly harder to take down.

    That sure doesn't sound like useless or doing virtually nothing.

    Meele weapons are innacurate as shit and the skin for the baseball bat doesn't look like anything.
    How are they inaccurate? You just swing away, and if the infected are in the range area, they get hit. Any inaccuracies are coming from you as a player not being in range.

    And from what I've seen of the baseball bat, it looks like...well...a baseball bat. If it was completely invisible then you’d have a point.

    also the Avatar awards are shit, the depache mode Tee is gay and the Bull shifters shirt is retarded, and your guy does nothing the the health pack.
    Ah, the whiney internet child. See how they resort to using words like "gay" and "retarded" when they don't like something, but lack the capacity to describe why. They're Avatar Awards, ffs! What were you expecting? They don't give your Avatar special powers or anything. They are just extra items that you can get. Don't like them? Then don't bother unlocking them then.

    You also get more incoming attacks then ever in these campaigns.
    And that is a bad thing how?

    To sum up: Most of your “rants” are just nitpicks about the game, or trivial things that you as a person find wrong with it. For example, the depeche mode shirt is not “gay”. YOU just think it is, not everyone else. If you’re going to rant off, at least do it properly. Like mentioning the AI of the team-mates that seem oblivious to you being chargered less than 5 feet away. That is the only thing I have discovered that is wrong with the game so far. Maybe when I play it more, I'll discover other things, but chances are they will actually be serious and not completely trivial.

  3. Hi, my name is...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meto741 View Post
    Alright, I played L4D2 and heres what I found wrong with it. The meele counter is in campaign, making it a LOT harder to do, I mean seriously? in campaign? and with all the alarms and parts where you can't use your weapon (cola). The hunters pounce is different which I don't like. The charger can get couaght on invisable walls and can only charge in a streight line, I mean at least let you move a little bit to the side, like if a Survivor moves AT ALL you miss. All the alarms and shit make me angry, the first 3 campaigns are nothing but running away from alarms to turn them off. I mean I like the idea, but to put so many of them in there. And the fact that the survivors know eachother in the cut scene but not in the first leval? I like the idea of the survivors introducing themselves and the game continuing off the cutscene but come on. And some of the uncommon common infected are just plane useless and do virtually nothing ( hazmat suit zombies,mudmen, and construction workers). Meele weapons are innacurate as shit and the skin for the baseball bat doesn't look like anything. also the Avatar awards are shit, the depache mode Tee is gay and the Bull shifters shirt is retarded, and your guy does nothing the the health pack. You also get more incoming attacks then ever in these campaigns. This is all that I found wrong with L4d2, theres plenty I like ( like scavange:cc but I'm not trying to start a flame war I'm just venting frustration.
    Ever played Left 4 Dead 1 campaign? You WILL spam melee, because there is no cooldown. The only problem I have with this in L4D2 is when you're mobbed, fatigued, and a Spitter's goo is raping you. The cooldown with Gnome Chompski and cola is pretty teamwork-encouraging, i believe.

    Why dont you like the flying hunter-blur? I love it..
    I have never seen a Charger hit invisible walls, but i have hit tiny, trivial things such as cones, which did kinda annoy me. The idea of the Charger is to go in a straight line, if he could turn, Chargers would ruin any possibility of escape, and overpower him.

    While I like the Rolling Crescendos; adding a neat new concept i wouldn't mind having all the Crescendos like 'em. The only thing i dont like is when you shut it off, but they just keep spawning.

    UCIs arent supposed to change a huge chunk of taking on commons, they just spice it up; the inability to see, the inability to acheive headshots, and rendering fire useless are some pretty different things. while i do agree that the Hazmat Zombies could use a few more buffs...

    What are you talking about?! Melee weapons are PERFECT accuracy, you cant really miss with one, unless you're too far, of course.

    I cant say much on the AAs, I just dont agree with you.

    So in the end, I disagree with near everything you say. But hey, who am I to say your opinion is wrong? There may be others that are disliking the same things, and i may be wrong. Who knows.

    That is all.
    I do believe I'm on fire.

  4. Zombie Dog
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    The hunter pounce is wierd becuse they seemed to have alligned their hitboxes better with the avitar(I have yet to test this, but from what I have seen it looks like they have). So pretty much throw out any timing you had with l4d1.

    Thats the only new thing I have to say, everything else I disagree with you on for reasons already explained.
    Let them hate me, so long as they fear me...

  5. Senior-Senior Member
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    personly the hunter pounce is just more accurate and if you were good at the L4D hunter pounce then you have to adjust.
    My dog

  6. Feet under the table
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    Quote Originally Posted by [GF]<Mr.G> View Post
    The hunter pounce is wierd becuse they seemed to have alligned their hitboxes better with the avitar(I have yet to test this, but from what I have seen it looks like they have). So pretty much throw out any timing you had with l4d1.

    Thats the only new thing I have to say, everything else I disagree with you on for reasons already explained.
    THAT explains why I get my ass handed to me when I try smacking hunters on my onesy!

    "I hear a hunter, Rorhag get back."
    "It's ok, I got it!"
    *mayhem ensues*
    "...Do you guys have a defib?"

  7. Left 4 Dead
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meto741 View Post
    Alright, I played L4D2 and heres what I found wrong with it. The meele counter is in campaign, making it a LOT harder to do, I mean seriously? in campaign? and with all the alarms and parts where you can't use your weapon (cola). The hunters pounce is different which I don't like. The charger can get couaght on invisable walls and can only charge in a streight line, I mean at least let you move a little bit to the side, like if a Survivor moves AT ALL you miss. All the alarms and shit make me angry, the first 3 campaigns are nothing but running away from alarms to turn them off. I mean I like the idea, but to put so many of them in there. And the fact that the survivors know eachother in the cut scene but not in the first leval? I like the idea of the survivors introducing themselves and the game continuing off the cutscene but come on. And some of the uncommon common infected are just plane useless and do virtually nothing ( hazmat suit zombies,mudmen, and construction workers). Meele weapons are innacurate as shit and the skin for the baseball bat doesn't look like anything. also the Avatar awards are shit, the depache mode Tee is gay and the Bull shifters shirt is retarded, and your guy does nothing the the health pack. You also get more incoming attacks then ever in these campaigns. This is all that I found wrong with L4d2, theres plenty I like ( like scavange:cc but I'm not trying to start a flame war I'm just venting frustration.
    gonna narrow these down
    1. the melee cooldown may be inconvient, but it means that you cant push away any horde that comes your way (no rhyming intended) and the cola is just for teamwork

    2. for the chargers attack. it can be annoying but its to make up for the sheer amount of damage it does. on top of that, it can insta-kill in certain places so the lack of steering is fine. personally, its the hitbox that needs tweaking. as for the hunters pounce, the difference is only skin keep. i mean you still pin survivors if you hit them and rip out their entrails right?

    3. well if you dont run away, its an endless horde so it nullifies the "huddle in a corner" strategy. it also spices up gameplay

    4. its a bit odd but for me its barely something to be mad about. the idea of the survivors introducing themselves during gameplay is pretty cool, but either way. you still kill zombies so it isnt that big a deal

    5. i can see how they seem rather weak but they are still regular infected, all they do is add variety. in versus, its YOUR job as SI to dish out most of the damage or at least stop the survivors from lobbing off zombie heads

    6. melee weapons inaccurate? really? theres nothing wrong with the range. you either have a slightly laggy connection or you have standards that are too high. as for the bat..i dont know how else it supposed to look..

    7. well in all honesty and with due respect. most of the people reading this rant don't give too shits about avatar awards. in fact the avatars themselves are the LAST thing most players worry about

    i can understand frustration with missed charger attacks but other than that. your points seem pretty weak

  8. Been around a bit
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meto741 View Post
    Alright, I played L4D2 and heres what I found wrong with it. The meele counter is in campaign, making it a LOT harder to do, I mean seriously? in campaign? and with all the alarms and parts where you can't use your weapon (cola). The hunters pounce is different which I don't like. The charger can get couaght on invisable walls and can only charge in a streight line, I mean at least let you move a little bit to the side, like if a Survivor moves AT ALL you miss. All the alarms and shit make me angry, the first 3 campaigns are nothing but running away from alarms to turn them off. I mean I like the idea, but to put so many of them in there. And the fact that the survivors know eachother in the cut scene but not in the first leval? I like the idea of the survivors introducing themselves and the game continuing off the cutscene but come on. And some of the uncommon common infected are just plane useless and do virtually nothing ( hazmat suit zombies,mudmen, and construction workers). Meele weapons are innacurate as shit and the skin for the baseball bat doesn't look like anything. also the Avatar awards are shit, the depache mode Tee is gay and the Bull shifters shirt is retarded, and your guy does nothing the the health pack. You also get more incoming attacks then ever in these campaigns. This is all that I found wrong with L4d2, theres plenty I like ( like scavange:cc but I'm not trying to start a flame war I'm just venting frustration.
    Normally I agree at least to some extent with these rants but really? So much complain... Anyway:

    - I really fail to see the complaint of melee counter being in campaign. Its in VS, which has player controlled SIs and so can be very difficult, and people didn't mind it there, so why not in campaign? So you can slaughter the horde with ease? That makes for a fun game.

    - The hunter's pounce is proven to be exactly the same, they have added a blur animation and made its hitboxes more coordinated with the model, not altered the pounce itself. The charger is an all or nothing infected, moving during the charge takes away from this. Admittedly the hitboxes could do with being made a little wider, however.

    - Kindly point out an alarm event in Swamp Fever? And as someone above me said, it beats the monotony of simply crouching in a corner every crescendo.

    - Seriously a cutscene complaint? The intro is like a game trailer, it's not meant to be an exact translation to the game.

    - The uncommon infected might be not particularly effective, but they add variety and after all, they are only CIs, what did expect them to be? Clowns and Hazmat are the only ones that have more minor impacts on the game.

    - You're complaining about swinging a guitar wildly around being inaccurate. It simply takes some getting used to when you attack a single CI which is running. If you have problems with horde clearance with them then I don't even know what to say. And the baseball bat looks like a bat made of wood...

    - Avatar awards being shit is purely opinion. The Depeche Mode shirt is the one Rochelle wears in-game. Don't wear them if you don't like them, I'm sure you didn't buy the game for the awards.

    - Are you complaining about having more zombies to kill?!

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