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Thread: Videos people should watch

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Videos people should watch


    I can appreciate that you didn't like it when I referred to the comedian as your hero. How do you think some of our forum readers feel about you calling them delusional? Or are your feelings more important than anyone elses' feelings at TTP? I'm not trying to be a dick - the question is an invitation for you to exercise your empathetic might.

    With regard to whether I believe or know that the video is viral advertising I will say that I already answered your question. It's god-damn fucking frustrating to write stuff and have someone make little to no effort to comprehend it. Thanks for showing me that you like italics. I had the courtesy to read your stuff. Will you return the favor?

    With regard to the original movie, I have not seen it. Contrary to what you claim to know, I did not quote the original movie. I quoted that cheesy video. If you want "everyone", and more particularly "all Americans", to watch the video then it might be helpful to let them know that watching the original movie is prerequisite. Otherwise how are they to seperate the comedian's words from the screenplay. Remember that the the screenplay is based on America in WWII, which is often referred to as the last good war (or, in the context of this thread, the last "just" war). The comedian's words are based on a war that is hotly contested as unjust. So despite your conclusory statement that the portions of the screenplay are relevent today, I say bring proof. I don't need much - a respectable internet link will do for me today, even Wikipedia.

    I could agree that Americans should "spend less time in the [expletive] chat rooms", but only if the extra time went to something that provided at least as much value. For example, chat rooms ( and forums such as this) are convenient places to learn that people are generally the same no matter where they live. As for the comedian's notion that "this generation is so [expletive] spoiled and lazy, they wouldn't know a real threat to their freedom until it interrupted the power to their Xbox.", I think he's full of shit. As I look around I see Americans voting out the Republican Party and looking for alternatives. Perhaps more telling is that Republicans are distancing themselves from the President. Heck, even the President's staff distanced themselves from him, and they are not even elected officials. So, from my perspective, most Americans are doing a great job and identifying threats to our security. They also have the fortitude to point the finger at themselves and say we are part of the threat to our own security and we can fix it - by voting out the Republican Party to give them an attitidue adjustment.

    Your statement that Americans worry too much about political correctness is laughable. You still haven't mustered up the courage to say who your delusional Americans are. Be careful where you point your finger because Americans are discussing the people of Iraq fighting for their country and standing up to terrorists, the Iranian leader talking about killing Jews and harming Americans,the concept that "preemptive strike" is a necessary tactic given that we live in a world full of nuclear weapons. Where is your voice in those debates? Is it all represented by a parody on YouTube?

    It's good that you talked to some troops. They are great guys and I don't know of a rational American that doesn't support them. Just because none of them complained to you about lack of armor or supplies does not mean one or both of those are not issues. Think Nyquist sampling theorem.

    As for you understanding why we are fighting and your certainty that Iraq is a "just war"- would you care to share? America is still looking for a believable answer. Do that patriotism thing and show the light. Many political scholars are still scratching their heads and would love to hear from you.

    Also, what do you mean by "no one's informed opinion or list of facts is going to change my mind otherwise (f.y.i. just so no one tries)." Thank God that the aeronautical engineers of yesterday weren't as closed-minded. They wouldn't have broke the sound barrier if they refused to learn from each mistake. Then again, they weren't distracted by X-boxes. Maybe X-boxes really are the problem instead of closed-mindedness. Damn comedians.

    I'm not going to answer your question regarding Iran nukes. You misquoted me in a material way and that shows that you aren't reading. If you really care to know the answer then do over, do your own research, and then get back to me. I'm not your crutch so get off me and do some research.

    With regard to your statement, "I become very angry and then quickly very sad at the state that America is in" I ask one question: Which part of the problem can you fix during your days? Joel Osteen is focused, TTP is focused, Warren Buffet is focused, and they are all successful at what they do. Where is your focus? Is it airplanes? Then good - I'll trust your opinions on airplanes. How about you take a rest and let me trust the opinions of political scholars and our government as a whole when it comes to politics and war? Would you trust just any politician's advice on how to design an airplane? I would guess not. Why should anyone trust you to be an expert, or even an armchair expert, on politics and war? Why should they trust your diagnosis that Americans are delusional?

  2. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Videos people should watch

    I think your post is "laughable" given that the majority of Americans do not represent any of the things you mentioned. In your fourth paragraph you describe elections as a way that Americans are in fact identifying threats to their freedom. Unfortunately, anyone can cast a ballot but I have serious doubts that many people truly understand the issues or have researched the candidate they're choosing and vote with an intelligent mindset.

    To answer your question in paragraph five(though I thought it was obvious, maybe you should comprehend people's writing other than your own more effectively), I believe that a majority of Americans are more concerned with American Idol than with the fate of our Nation let alone the world (i.e. they are the delusional ones). My voice is in my ballot, but I don't believe that everyone is voicing an intelligent sentiment when they cast their vote.

    The fact that you dismissed what is a primary source of information about the war (Iraq War veterans) shows me that you're more intent on winning a debate than an honest discussion. You simply dismissed every argument I made by saying that my information is statistically biased. Perhaps you could give a hypothetical argument pretending that the information I received was correct.

    Paragraph eight is pure slander. I find it surprising you would resort to that low. Besides that fact, you took what I said completely out of context. I have made an informed and logical decision based on the facts and inferences I've made whilst following the conflict. Unless some amazing new information was introduced into the equation I have made up my mind. I've heard rhetoric from both the right and the left and I've listened to some very reasoned arguments from both sides as well and I've made my decision. "Closed-minded" couldn't be further from the truth. Maybe "disagreeable" is a better choice of words.

    The ninth paragraph is not a response to my argument at all. It's flat denial that what I said caries any weight which is not a valid debating point. What I said is not misquoted and is my interpretation of what you were saying based on my understanding, I was paraphrasing your argument instead of directly quoting it. If you felt I didn't properly comprehend your message instead of bitching and calling me incompetent maybe you should have elaborated more instead of flat out refusing to give any more explanation or argument to promote your point.

    Why should I trust political scholars? In a field that is constantly evolving and never the same how can anyone claim to be an expert? I adamantly believe that these political aficionados are misguided, misinterpreted, or can be flat wrong. I don't take what they say to be the 100% truth because it's impossible to be factually correct in a field like political science, I personally analyze their arguments and decide what seems logical. They can only give an opinion based on experience of what has happened in the past. Clearly though, the general argument of "history repeats" is not valid to you so I don't understand why you trust the scholars any more than the video I've posted. Perhaps you can do your own research instead of looking to me to provide it all for you. Compiling evidence in a logically sound manner without bias would take hours or even days of time which I don't have to spend. That is why you have the news media. I'll tell you what I do: I watch CNN, Fox News, and C-SPAN, listen to the radio, and read the newspaper and then sift through the information to determine what is real facts and what is just biased reporting.

    My personal experience has nothing to do with a post like this. It is an opinion (there's those damn italics again, oh wait, they're just meant to emphasize a word? Who knew?) meant to inspire people. My claim that Americans are delusional(perhaps, misinformed is a better word, but I used delusional as a method of drawing attention and as a hyperbole) will hopefully make people think, "Am I misinformed? Do I understand the biases inherent in many news sources that we expect to be 100% legitimate? Is my current viewpoint regarding world politics misguided or illogical?" That is what a post of this nature is meant for, it is not meant to be a method of scholarly argument and any attempt to degrade me for it is wholly lost. A person could write wholly independent articles on every one of the 10+ topics mentioned in my post and I do not have the time nor energy to do so.

    As a rule, posting a number of slanderous comments and rhetorical questions does not make you the winner of the debate. Maybe legitimate arguments are in order for your next response. Maybe you could elaborate instead of just saying that I didn't take the time to read or comprehend your work. That would be a good common courtesy for you to work on. I think I've returned the favor to you more than was appropriate already.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Videos people should watch

    Yawn. OK, so you talked to a couple of buddies and made up your mind as to how the world works. To each his own. You have your opinions and I have mine. I guess my fifteen years of living on U.S. military installations, maintaining contact with soldiers for almost thirty years since then, being fluent in two languages, several degrees, and volunteering my time to the U.S. Government to provide defense contracting insight means nothing. Instead I should have talked to your buddies. Well fuck me. I really screwed up.

    A true irony out of this whole thread is that you expect people to agree with you, your buddies, and your YouTube parody. That despite the fact that you admit to refusing, or being disagreeable to, with what anyone else says and that they should not try to change your mind. Congrats, you've mastered the Dr. Evil preemptive shush. What an achievement.

    Then, as the topper of all toppers, you point to frivolous lawsuits as one of America's problems but cry "slander" when your avatar gets banged up on the internet. How do you think those frivolous lawsuits get started? Lawyers? Or clients? Maybe even clients like you.

    So, back to the beginning. Who are these delusional Americans that you speak of? No, wait. I don't want to know your answer. I already know that I don't know everything. Instead of reading another floundeirng post I will return to a more efficient way of learning - by listening to various learned people and digesting what they had to say.

    I'm out.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Videos people should watch

    Yet again you missed that the entire point was to spark people's interest and make them question why they believe what they do. The difference between me and a lawyer is that I won't try to take your money for calling me bad names, I'll just tell you its not a valid argument and move on because I'm not so weak as to succumb to someone's name calling.

    I also think its cool how you twist my words to work for you. I seem to remember another thread where you mentioned that you're a lawyer yourself. If I'm wrong about that, you should be. Perhaps that's the reason you take such offense to my comments and fail to come up with a legitimate argument beyond "I'm a better person than you and therefore I'm correct and you are not."

    In any case, please lock this thread. I'd rather not exchange anymore heated words. Time to go back to posting people hitting themselves with rakes on YouTube. I should have known posting something worth talking about on the internet was a bad idea.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Videos people should watch

    Wurzz this should help clarify your question on Iran

    Now back to the other topics you discussed:

    Bottom Line, Saddam had to be taken out....plain and simple, George Bush Sr. didn't do it in the first Gulf War due to the rising Iranian influence that would have completely undermined US efforts, but it had to be done, it happened after 9/11 and so did the invasion of Afghanistan which has made a lot of progress. Saddam's Idol was Hitler, he used Chemical weapons against the Kurds in an act of genocide, and at one point yes he did have nuclear weapons, we might not see it in 5 years but i can tell you in the long run having America and Britain intervene in Iraq was the right choice.

    This isn't another Vietnam war, saying that most of America isn't in tune with what is going on is most likely not correct, i don't have facts and figures but I haven't seen any from you. Yes we live in a world where reality TV has influences and where youtube is king, but that is life, we also have someone who won the Nobel peace prize for global warming, while his air conditioning bills in a home he rarely uses costs over 2 grand a month.

    Soldiers are realists, there is no question about that, but as wildsrv has in his Sig, if you don't stand behind them, please feel free to stand in front of them.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Videos people should watch

    Quote Originally Posted by Wurzzzz
    In any case, please lock this thread.
    Negative. You asked for a discussion and you got it. Carry on.

  7. On the way to greater things
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    I hope my thread title isn't supposed to be cool...

    Hello, fellow zombie hunters. My name is A 26 Pounce. I do not have a real name until further notice. I love L4D, as you may have guessed. I enjoy deathracing, laughing, and generally having a good time . I joined because there is no other L4D site to compare with this one. I hope to help this site as best I can and make friends along the way. My gamertag is FriedBac0n if anyone is interested in meeting me and playing a game. I own both L4Ds of course, but I mainly play L4D1. Thanks and hope to be blasting some zombie brain matter with you soon .

  8. Junior Member
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    Ohai there! Nice to meet ya, fellow L4D guy.

    Quick Side Note: FINALLY!! Someone who prodominately plays L4D1. xDD

    Gamertag: HaRdCoReHeRoEs

    Add me so we can spread zombie grey matter all over walls and such. ^^;;

  9. Left 4 Dead
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    Quote Originally Posted by A 26 Pounce View Post
    I joined because there is no other L4D site to compare with this one.
    So true,

    Welcome to the forums >.<

  10. Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by A 26 Pounce View Post
    Hello, fellow zombie hunters. My name is A 26 Pounce. I do not have a real name until further notice. I love L4D, as you may have guessed. I enjoy deathracing, laughing, and generally having a good time . I joined because there is no other L4D site to compare with this one. I hope to help this site as best I can and make friends along the way. My gamertag is FriedBac0n if anyone is interested in meeting me and playing a game. I own both L4Ds of course, but I mainly play L4D1. Thanks and hope to be blasting some zombie brain matter with you soon .
    Dude, Add ChicagoTed1. Me and Meto741 are always looking for dependable people to play the original. We are sick of the dumb pubs that join, and then jump off and quit. (We predominetly play NM, but we can change sometimes.)

    Whats good? Welcome to the forums.

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