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Thread: The Public School System

  1. Left 4 Dead
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    "you don't have any worries about parents or family."
    i assume you meant friends and family?

    -i would use my attic/upstairs (mostly attic, but may jump into my upper part of the house if needed)
    -get everything i want from downstairs(outside or stores to if i had time)
    -collapse my stairs (or barricade them if i cant collapse them)
    -board up my windows, and barricade them.
    -make my roof accessible, so a can scout the area and travel on neighboring roofs for escape and scavenging.

    cant think of what else, but im sure theres more.

    FYI, this is the internet, because you said you didnt want immature answers, you are my friend are going to get some.

  2. Junior Member
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    Haha,yeah I know,I've watched some really stupid comments on youtube where people think they are Rambo and go like "I will get two machine-guns and then i will chop all those zombies with my sword etc."

    You know...the typical childish stuff.

    As for me if I had some time and money I'd go buy more supplies fast:
    -Canned food: Tuna,smoked salmon,luncheon meat,ready to make food,lots of chips and bottled water.Then I'd also rely on what's already in the house.
    -I already got candles and lots of matches in the house so no need for that.
    -The door is ok and heavy,but I'd have to keep the apartment's windows shut all the time(not to attract the zombies),unless I was in our cottage because all windows there have iron bars.
    -Lots of batteries.For the radio,for the flashlights etc.
    -Gather water in buckets and empty bottles just in case the water is cut after a while.
    -I have a katana,a wakizashi,a baseball and since my mom's a practical shooting champion(female category in my country)a Glock 17.Well since we're talking about a zombie apocalypse maybe I would try to get that too.
    (I believe most americans have guns or hunting rifles in their houses right?)
    -Some Coca-cola and candy as morale boosters

    Well that's all for now.

    Then I'd send you a message and say "I've secured the house,I've got water and weapons,meet me there".Lol!:P

    I don't have a medi-kit though...
    I've secured the house,boarded up all windows.I got weapons and food,meet me there-Jim

  3. Hi, my name is...
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    Fortunately, there is a basement under my house. Here is how I would prepare my saferoom.

    -The basement is not accesible from the house and it already has iron doors. I would just barricade them from inside. It only has one small window that can be barricaded.
    -Lots of canned food (tuna, fruit, corn, pre-cooked food), bottled water, chips and of course biscuits. Also a smaller cooker that works with gas and some dried food that lasts long. And I wouldn't forgot cola in my haste.
    -Like Foinikas said, I would take some small water tanks I have in case the water is cut.
    -A radio, my mobile phone and its charger. I guess that the mobile phone won't have any signal but you never know.
    -There are some electricity plugs but I will also get batteries that can be charged, a charger and normal batteries in case the electricity is cut.
    -Any medicine I would find in my house and my car. And of course pills. I don's have adrenaline shots nor a defib kit, sorry.
    -Place a ladder near the basement's entrance and make the roof accesible.
    -Maybe park my car next to the second entrance so I won't have to worry about 2 doors.
    -There is a big tank filled with oil (for the heating system) so I can get some empty gas cans and fill them if I need oil.
    -Write with a spray that can be seen in the night on a wall near my house: <Safehouse here>
    -Take flashlights and a small light that works with batteries.
    -I don't have any guns not even a handarm. But I have a freaking axe and something like a machete. I wouldnt forgot them.

    All I can think for now

    P.S. I would also take my spare miniguns and chainsaw and go for zombie hunting every night :P.... just kidding

  4. Junior Member
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    Edit: Are you Greek? :P
    I've secured the house,boarded up all windows.I got weapons and food,meet me there-Jim

  5. Hi, my name is...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Foinikas View Post

    Edit: Are you Greek? :P
    I guess you are, like me.

  6. Junior Member
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    I've secured the house,boarded up all windows.I got weapons and food,meet me there-Jim

  7. Banned
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    Well, I'm into urbex, and there's a power station near me that I'd probably go into and hide out. The power is still on, and it is already quite difficult to get in - there's no way a zombie would manage to find their way in quickly, plus there would be umpteen doors I'd be able to close and barricade behind me.

    I'd have to take supplies in bit by bit on my back, but once I was set up I think it would be a great place to hide out. I would barricade myself in the central control room which is right at the very centre of the giant building. There is open access to the roof, so i would be able to retreat up there for sunlight and to check out the situation on the ground around me.

    I would have to keep myself healthy both physically and psychologically. As well as getting my share of sunlight via the roof, I'd have to exercise, and there's plenty of space to do that. I'd probably try and get myself into board games, and bring along some sort of music player so I could listen to my favourite tracks. Keeping in contact with the outside world with at least a telephone would be good.

    Put it this way, if the zombie apocalypse got so bad that I wasn't safe in the power station, I'd not be safe anywhere.
    [s]L4D - PC & Xbox 360[/s]
    ~no aim... no goal... no guiding light that can take control~

  8. Junior Member
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    ...Not to mention all the lunatic survivors going rampage stealing stuff from other peoples hide outs...

  9. I've done my time
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    I think a mall, Walmart, or Target would be OK to wall yourself up in. It's got plenty of clothes (can rip those clothes for quick bandages and you can fight in style), stores with refurnishable foods, tool stores, and heck even a bathroom. The only problem comes when you run out of electricity and toilet paper. Heck if it's possible pick away at the ground until you get some dirt so you can plant some crops and have some fresh vegetables/fruits to eat when hungry. If there's an aquarium it might be a little nasty but you can probably keep the fish there alive and eat them when they're fatten enough. There would be mattresses, sleeping bags anything you can find to sleep in, maybe use the janitor lounges as your sleeping rooms.

    Not only that this might sound wrong but I think you should grab any stray cat or dog, and cook them up when you're desperate. Yes, it's barbaric but I doubt the human body can go on eating just canned foods. Hardest ordeal would be clearing the mall and then setting up traps all over the place.

  10. Junior Member
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    The only place I could think of is my own apartment, either that or one of the abandoned buildings in my city. Some of them are really tall and basically unused. I would get everything I need and get padlocks and barricade every window on my way up to the roof. Or if I stayed in my apartment, I'd again, barricade the windows and doors and attach additional locks to which id have the keys around my neck (and copies in a drawer) at all times.

    As for supplies I'd get as much canned food as possible. Vegetables, protein, etc. Chips, bottled water and any drink that won't spoil. Batteries for radios and flashlights (or if I can find it, those shakeable recharging flashlights. Lots of candles, matches, lighters, clothing of course. As well as as much uh...female sanitary items as I can carry, bandages, first aid kits of course. A hot plate of some sort, or a portable cooker, my cell phone (just in case, if there's even service).

    As for weapons, I guess I might be able to use some of the big knives in my kitchen for run ins on the way to my hideout getting resources, maybe a bat and of course some firearms if that's at all possible.

    I'm probably forgetting a million things but that's what I can think of for now.
    Punk island! :zombie09:

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