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Thread: I was casually browsing the forums...

  1. Registered TeamPlayer Allane's Avatar
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    I was casually browsing the forums... I was casually browsing the forums... I was casually browsing the forums... I was casually browsing the forums... I was casually browsing the forums... I was casually browsing the forums...
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    Steam ID: Allane176

    I was casually browsing the forums...

    When I came across this...

    I thought it was pretty ironic that an ad like this would appear on the TTP site, considering we just got finished with these guys. Are the sponsor ads just random like that? Or do we choose which ads we see?
    "In matters of style, swim with the currents... in matters of principle, stand like a rock."
    -Thomas Jefferson

  2. Registered TeamPlayer Nuckle's Avatar
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    I was casually browsing the forums... I was casually browsing the forums... I was casually browsing the forums... I was casually browsing the forums...
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    Steam ID: Nuckle

    Re: I was casually browsing the forums...

    Google decides the ads for the most part.


  3. Registered TeamPlayer IronStomach's Avatar
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    Re: I was casually browsing the forums...

    Plus, every time they show one of those targeted ads, they have to pay money for it, and since I doubt anyone here's actually going to spend money on their servers, I have no problem with taking their cash!

  4. Registered TeamPlayer QuickLightning's Avatar
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    Re: I was casually browsing the forums...

    I prefer it over seeing another TTP add and getting nothing for it. AWOC is helping support us financially now. That's okay with me.

  5. Feet under the table
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    "Do you still think about me?"

    These words echo in my head as I lay here, brooding in a state of rebarbative sleeplessness. I don't know how long it's been since I last slept. Three days? Four? In this bitter cold winter I lose my daylight so quickly. The clock at the other end of the room is just about visible in the darkness:

    I try to close my eyes but the beating of my heart gets louder and louder. If it's not my heart beating, it's them. They're everywhere. Moaning in unison, almost a rhythmic hum like running your finger along the edge of a wine glass.

    I've stopped resting with the gun on my lap. I do need protection close at hand but if I fall asleep with my finger on the trigger I might just blow my damn balls off and startle one of those things. I really don't know what I'm going to do. Maybe I should just take my life now so I don't have to deal with this shit no more.

    Now, now, Brett. Be positive.

    At present, sleep deprivation has taken a permanent hold of me. It claws at my brain like one of those cackling midgets outside. The thoughts I have are enough to have me locked away in the funny farm licking my eyelids; this whole situation, suicide, not knowing if my father and brother are still alive. And Nathalie. Oh God, my Nathalie...

    "Do you still think about me?"

    I almost slap my face until I realise the consequences.

    Rising to my feet, I soundlessly creep to the window and part the curtain. The street lamps are out, so I don't see much, but I think there's more than the last time I looked. Just faint shapes staggering through the oppressive black. I do see the corpse of the Hunter I took out when I arrived here. And my car, which is out of gas. Another ten minutes and I might've made it to the rescue station in town.

    What's that light?

    I immediately close the curtain and take a step back. Spitter. I still got the burns on my legs from the last time I encountered one of those wretched creatures. Why is this happening? Why aren't the government helping? Why do I even care anymore? Then her voice calls out again. It implodes like a thousand windows shatterring in the silence, morphing into a trickle like wax dripping from a candle.

    "Do you still think about me?"

    The last time I spoke to her it was ugly. To blame her for everything that went wrong in our relationship is nothing short of a cop out, but I have feelings too, and it hurts just as much when somebody tramples all over them. We still cared about each other though, and I will never forget the time she cared for my mother when I was working away from home. Upon my return I got down on bended knee... and then she dropped the big one. Pregnant by some retarded jackass whose name I can't bring myself to utter. Throw in a screaming baby amid the grievances and you have the tried and tested formula for a destructive relationship.

    You bitch! You might still be alive if you hadn't left me. I would never have left you, or Mikey. Argh, God, I'm fucking up! Whenever I see that smile it tests my sanity. Stop looking at me! I visualise striking her pretty mocking face with my fist, "Take that, you filthy whore!" Ten seconds later I dream of her holding me; twirling my hair between her fingers, the wind sighing on our skin, her soft warm breasts caressing my chest as she kisses me, her sweet voice whispering caramel lullabies, promising me she never fucked anybody and that everything was going to be okay again.

    Get a grip, man!

    When this epidemic began, the first thing I did was go to her without even thinking about the rest of my family. Why did I do that? I took the six mile drive out to Hollow Falls and found her mutilated body on the porch, along with little Mikey, who was cradled in her arms. No sign of the scum she had shacked up with. I swear if I ever find that asshole I'm going to give him a goddamn headache he wont ever recover from. Please God let me live through this long enough to pop one in his skull, I beg of you.

    Only a week or so ago she came sniffing around for cash and I told her to get lost. Her tears were not compensation enough for what she put me through. I suppose this could be classed as compensation, but no. As turned my back on her that day, she called out to me in desperation:

    "Do you still think about me?"

    I put them both in the trunk where their remains still reside. I couldn't leave them on the ground at the mercy of those predators. My emotions diminished, I left Hollow Falls and drew strength from the only thing that I had left to live for - my father and brother. I know they took off for the rescue station in Sunnydale, which is under control by the military and local defense groups. All I can do is wait and try to figure a way out of this. How far can you get with four shells and a fragile mind? Maybe somebody with more ammuniton will come passing by to help. One can only hope, right?

    God, I'm thirsty...
    Exorcising demons with a creative touch

  6. Junior Member
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    Very, very good. I could easily visualize all of it.
    Plus, I was listening to Sleep Apnea by Chevelle the whole time, which set the mood just perfectly.

    Eagerly awaiting the next portion.

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