I posted this in another thread, so I'll repeat it here.

Quote Originally Posted by Dallow View Post
Name: Unholy War
Tagline: "It'll send you straight to Hell!"
Location: Anywhere really

1. The Cemetery (Outdoor - night)
Starting at the gates, our four heroes have to make their way through a vast cemetery. Areas to change the scenery would be the groundsman's storage and a car park (beware of alarms), before finishing the level inside the entranceway of a church hall which acts as a safehouse.

2. The Church (Indoor and outdoor - night)
Stained glass windows, candlelit altar, and zombies leaping from the balcony as an out-of-tune organ soundtrack plays. A crucifix can be taken from the altar and used as a melee weapon. There's a chapel of rest, mortuary, crematorium, and out the back entrance is a second, but much smaller, church which appears to be in the middle of restoration. Inside is the second safehouse.

3. The Undercroft (Indoor)
Stairs lead down into a dusty cobwebbed undercroft, which does not look like a friendly place to be. Very special infected heavy. Lit by torches on the walls (that can be taken and used as weapons), this map is the first time you see common infected wearing robes and other garments. It is a three-level map and ends with an open hatch leading down into the safehouse, which is wooden and filled with rotting coffins.

4. The Catacombs (Indoor)
What it says on the tin. Full of decaying bodies stacked up in coffins in a level that can only be described as a medieval maze. Some infected break out of upright coffins and sometimes the floor. Safehouse is at the end of the maze, dangerously close to a nasty and well disguised booby trap that triggers a splash of petrol from above, complete with burning rope (and ten seconds to GTFO) that ignites the puddle.

5. The Final Salvation (Indoor and outdoor - dawn)
A very dark straight tunnel goes up and up with a point of light eventually becoming an open cave mouth. Back on the outside, it is a forested area with cabins, tents and an office. Robed dead bodies lying on the beds, along with a tannoy recording that plays: "The world is over, the undead have taken over, don't be afraid, take yourselves", indicate it was a camp for a religious cult who committed a mass suicide. Once a flare is fired from a nearby device, the four survivors have to defend themselves from a five minute onslaught. When the evac chopper arrives, the campaign is over. As the chopper rises and leaves, the Left 4 Dead theme plays but is sung by a choir.
Also, I mentioned in yet another thread that I would like to see L4D3 have three female survivors and one male survivor, perhaps setting it in Russia. Here's some additional thoughts on that.

Age: 42
Profession: Pimp
Ethnicity: White
Height: 6' 1"
Apparel: Tacky orange tracksuit with "USSR" printed across the front of the jacket.

Age: 32
Profession: Hooker
Ethnicity: Black
Height: 5' 8"
Apparel: Leather jacket, black top and jeans.

Age: 27
Profession: Hooker
Ethnicity: White
Height: 5' 5"
Apparel: Skimpy low cut top and mini-skirt.

Age: 11
Profession: Natasha's daughter
Ethnicity: White
Height: 4' 7
Apparel: Beige t-shirt with 'Aria' logo (Russian heavy metal band) and combats