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Thread: SHIT!!

  1. Zombie Cat
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    I generally play 3-4 hours a day. It depends if there is any thing on TV or if somebody else is watching it. I play longer now because last week my parents cancelled HBO which was a package and it also cancelled G4. Which sucks horribly becuase it has my favorite show too AOTS. I miss it so much.

  2. Banned
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    AOTS was a lot cooler when it was called The Screen Savers.

    G4 is a horrible network that ruined a great network (TechTV...or for you long time fans out there ZDtv). I'm still pissed about the whole G4/TechTV merger.

  3. Zombie Cat
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    I love G4! And AOTS is ausome! Ive only been watching it since 07-o8 but I love the chanel and the show! Maybe compared it is pretty bad i'll give you that b/c I have know idea. But still dont insult my fav show.

    I read the wiki thing and its a diff show. Why dont you watch that Tekzilla or whatever. It did look like it was a cool show(from what I read) but AOTS still does a lot of that and much more. Funny vids along with the tech stuff. You cant deeny its ausomeness or Karma Charger will get you.

  4. Survivor117's Avatar
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    Gamertag: Z0MB13S0ldier Survivor117's Originid: AGKryptex
    How can they call G4 Gamer TV, when all they show is old re-runs of Cops, and that one show about people Cheating on their wives/girlfriends. They also replaced that cool guy from Cheat with that dumb bitch, and X-Play is just /fail now.

    G4TV, You have lost the game.

    You might wanna look behind you.

  5. Zombie Cat
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    I will admit that the reruns of cops and cheaters are pretty crappy but all of there original stuff(which they are coming out with more and more) is cool. Just watch some of these, sure there not all focused on gaming more of geeks and nerds but who cares. :It's Effin Science, Human Wrecking Balls, Attack of the Show, X-play, INternatioal ladies show( for purves), and I think thats about it.

    And dont call morgan a Dumb B( for all I now she could be) but you and I dont know. And from what I have seen she is a true gamer. ANd X-play isnt that bad. I dont predominantly watch it unless there is a game I'm interested in that they are talking about. ANd most importantly G4TV isnt Fail, You are. I hope Karma Charger gets you!

  6. Smoker
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    I usually play one map and then I'm done. Getting a little bored of it so.....HURRY UP L4D3!

  7. Chicago Ted
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    I play a little more than 3 hours a day. I take a 45 minute break every Versus or 2 campaign games I play, so I can get myself together for whatever else I need to do. Like today, I was on from 2-3, took a break, then 5-6. Back for 1 more hour and now I am done for the night.
    Mincegamer: Crimson is a goldmine of funny quotes.
    KillerJay: I just realized what Creamy is to everyone; everyone loves him and nobody hates him.

  8. Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by theruss007 View Post
    I will admit that the reruns of cops and cheaters are pretty crappy but all of there original stuff(which they are coming out with more and more) is cool. Just watch some of these, sure there not all focused on gaming more of geeks and nerds but who cares. :It's Effin Science, Human Wrecking Balls, Attack of the Show, X-play, INternatioal ladies show( for purves), and I think thats about it.

    And dont call morgan a Dumb B( for all I now she could be) but you and I dont know. And from what I have seen she is a true gamer. ANd X-play isnt that bad. I dont predominantly watch it unless there is a game I'm interested in that they are talking about. ANd most importantly G4TV isnt Fail, You are. I hope Karma Charger gets you!
    Meh, no offense but I've always felt the network was targeted towards pre-teen boys with half a brain. Not calling you an idiot...I just feel like that's the type of audience they go for.

    I gave the network a chance when they took over TechTV and found it to be horrible. I skim past it every now and again and imo the best thing they show on there now is Cops...

    X-play was originally a TechTV show and it was much better back in the day. Once G4 took over it went down hill a long with the rest of the network.

    The main difference between TechTV and G4 is this:

    TechTV: Focused on technology and how it applies to the real world. Had hosts who knew what they were talking about and knew how to teach people who were not in the know. Encouraged viewers to get out their and create things on their own. Was always on the ball with the latest news in the technology industry. In short it was a network for computer geeks and it never insulted the audience with gimmicks.

    G4: Focused at pre-teens who think begin a gamer is cool. Pulls in their audience by hiring hosts with huge boobs. Airs commercials for condoms 24/7. Pissed away all their good talent when they merged with TechTV (with few exceptions, and most of those people left within a year). Doesn't even air shows dealing with gaming half of the time, and when they do they are slim on content. Most of the hosts don't even play video games, they are just there to look pretty.

    G4 insults my intelligence every time I watch it. -,-

    I guess we're going to have to agree to disagree on this one. Just know that I'm not the only one who was pissed off about the whole thing:

  9. Survivor117's Avatar
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    Gamertag: Z0MB13S0ldier Survivor117's Originid: AGKryptex
    Did you ever watch X-Play before the G4 Takeover of TechTV? It had so much more.. IDK, Substance to it. I never said Morgan is dumb bitch. If you read carefully, I said that girl they use to host what's left of Cheat! is a dumb bitch, and that they need to bring back the guy that used to host the show.

    Also, They got rid of CinemaTech. That constitutes a /fail on it's own.

    You might wanna look behind you.

  10. Zombie Cat
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    Maybe Tech Tv was better than G4. FROM THE WAY YOU GUYS PICTURE IT, it sounded pretty cool. BUt I dont know so im not gona judge. My bad on paraphrasing of what5 you said. The girl whodes that cheat section probaly has no idea on whats she is saying and just reads the teleprompter. I agree with you there. I real dont care for X-play except when they show a game Im interested in. And they dont go in depth as they should. My main show is AOTS. So dont maoke to many comments about it is all Im asking. BTW whats Cinema Tech.

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